
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · Tranh châm biếm
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116 Chs

Chapter 34 : Jonin Test(6)


sorry it took so long to write this chapter it's around 2,500 word

enjoy .)


Danzo had heard about the duel between Uzumaki Naruto, the Kamikage, against five jonin who were powerful in their own right. Be it taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu, or a mixture of all three, each of the jonin the boy was about to fight were considered specialists.

He had arrived minutes before it started, taking a seat in the Kage box with his old friend and leader.

Willingly putting himself so close to Naruto was a mistake. The Uzumaki could now feel the man's mind.

He had found his traitor.

It momentarily angered him that he couldn't do anything about it yet since he had already decided to have Sasuke help destroy the man who took someone, or in Sasuke's case everyone, away from them.

Danzo really made a terrible call going against the Hokage with the Uchiha affair. He and Naruto were a lot alike, they could have benefited from each other. That was impossible now though. He had already incurred the wrath of God and his warrior angel.

Naruto shook the thoughts of the 'crippled' man from his mind; it was time to show Konoha there was a new top dog amongst the jonin.

Kakashi wasted no time in going for the kill shot. The moment the Hokage had told them to start, he had went through the required hand-seals to create his one original technique. The sound of thousands of chirping birds rang out in the Stadium.

Gai had been disappointed in his longtime rival when he saw the assassination technique come to life. This was a duel against a fellow Konoha shinobi, and a child at that. For Kakashi to be willing to use that much force caused the green-clad jonin to pause. His first mistake.

Naruto smirked. It was time to show his temporary enemies it was bad for their health to hold back. With speed that put Gai to shame, Naruto's foot dug into the spandex wearing man's stomach, blasting him into the arena wall.


Before he had even dropped to the ground, Kakashi had raced after his kohai, aiming his powerful technique at his head. He was met by nothing but air.

A scream from Kakashi's right caused him to turn his head, getting a glimpse at Kurenai receiving a knee to the side. The woman had tried to cast at least three sound-induced genjutsu, but for reasons unknown to her, the boy seemed to be immune. The crashing sound signaled the loss of Kurenai from the battle.


"Alright, soldier boy, let's see you dodge this!" Anko yelled, already forgoing her nervousness for the thrill of a good fight. She brought her right arm up, calling forth one of her special skillsets. "Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)!" From her coat shot the snakes she got her moniker from.

The hissing creatures raced at the blond with commendable speeds. It might have actually worked too, if he wasn't one of the fastest shinobi in the Elemental Nations. He hadn't tested his speed against the infamously fast Raikage, but he was almost certain that the bulky man could not match his pace.

Vanishing from sight, Anko heard Asuma yell, "Above you!" The boy's leg was positioned to slam a powerful axe kick into the snake user, but had to abandon that tactic when his Jiji's son shot a fireball at him. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!" Asuma yelled before he sent the powerful jutsu at his opponent. He was really close in taking out Anko there, and they apparently needed all the manpower they had left. The kid was blindfolded and practically harmless, what the hell was happening here?

The moment the flames stopped leaving his mouth, Naruto was out of sight again.

All he heard was Anko shouting, "Behind you!" before being slammed into a wall, courtesy of Naruto's foot.


Suddenly, the ground lit up in flames when Kakashi called his next jutsu forth. "Katon: Hibashiri (Fire Release: Running Fire)!" Fire encircled the boy, 'trapping' him within its confines. Anko took the opportunity to throw three kunai down on the boy, each having ninja wire attached to them.

Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Tiger

"Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)!" The ninja wire was alit with chakra-laced fire, shooting at the blond inside the circle of flame.

That's when Kakashi remembered his kohai's incredible control over a particular jutsu. "Wait! It's a Kage Bunshin!" He yelled, but the smirk on Naruto's face declared it was too late. The ex-ANBU mouthed 'boom' before the explosive clone detonated, pushing Anko and Kakashi backwards. It didn't do anything but bruise the two jonin, but it still hurt.

"What the hell do you mean? His hands are tied behind his back, he can't create Bunshin!" Anko yelled accusingly.

"Naruto has ridiculously advanced control over Bunshin." Kakashi admitted. "He no longer requires hand-seals, he just wills them into existence."

The very thought made Anko's head spin. To be able to use any technique without the help of hand-seals was unheard of, unless they didn't require any in the first place. They helped mold the physical and spiritual energies from within, bringing the jutsu to life in the world.

In the small moment it took her to think about Naruto's prowess, the boy himself had Shunshined (Body Flickered) behind her, kicking her in the back just hard enough to incapacitate her and not do any serious damage.


Before he could focus his attention on his former sensei, Naruto had to bend backwards, missing the Dynamic Entry aimed at his head by centimeters. Maito Gai was almost as powerful as Kakashi; it would take more than a single kick to take him out of the game. Naruto had hoped for that to be true.

"How can he see our moves, Kakashi?" Gai asked, fully serious now that it was only him and his rival left. The unnerving thing about it all was the fact that the boy hadn't even broken a sweat.

"He's the greatest sensor ever born!" Kakashi answered quickly from his position. "Even without his eyes, he sees more than we do."

Jiraiya had said that one's threat perception increased once in Sage Mode, but what his godson was doing, once again, took it into a whole other league. He was capable of seeing the world without the need of sight, and had even said he could see better that way.

"What should we do?" He was now willing to up his game.

"Bring everything you've got down on him." The Copy-nin replied. "We won't even come close to killing him, but we might be able to lose with some dignity." Shinobi 101: if you're going down, take as many bastards as you can with you!

Gai nodded. If Kakashi was positive that they wouldn't hurt him, then there was no need to hold back. Naruto felt several increases in his senpai's rival, announcing that he was opening the Eight Gates within him.

Maito Gai was extremely unconventional and could come off as somewhat slow – in the head – but he wasn't given the title of jonin for his upbeat attitude in everything youthful. He and Hiruzen knew that Gai was the greatest taijutsu master in the nation.

The Hokage had compared him to only one other person, the Raikage. Kumo's leader used chakra flow to create a nintaijutsu, so he was considered more powerful.

"Kaimon: Kai (Gate of Opening)!" Naruto always found it interesting when someone opened the inner gates. He could feel the person's chakra flood their tenketsu, no longer being held back by the human body's limiters.

"Kyumon: Kai (Gate of Healing)!" Ah, the man might just be smarter than he looks.

"Seimon: Kai (Gate of Life)!" Naruto was getting excited now.

"Shomon: Kai (Gate of Pain)!" With that last limiter opened, the green spandex-clad man was officially a few shades redder than any normal person should be, not that Naruto could actually see it, and his presence was the second largest on the field now.

"So you opened a few of the Hachimon (Eight Gates), have you?" Gai was silent, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to begin his assault. "Let's play then. What are you waiting for?"

Naruto knew exactly what he was waiting for. Kakashi may have suppressed his chakra to the absolute miniscule amount it could go but nothing was ever too small for him not to notice. Gai shot off from his spot in the field with speeds most people couldn't keep up with, intent on driving a powerful fist into the boy's head. His fist got so close he felt the blond's breath.

When he thought he had him, Naruto jumped into the air, allowing Kakashi to drive his Raikiri at him. Gai had planned on it missing and was positioned so that he could jump at the boy to meet his rival for a combination attack.

Naruto was impressed, their teamwork was amazing. When no words needed to be spoken, that meant the team was truly powerful. There were a few ways how he could handle this seemingly inescapable position, but decided to give one of his newer, more amusing skills a go.

He had been given a Hyuuga who didn't have a stick up her ass for Team Ro a year ago, and after they became friends, Uma had taught him the Hyuuga way of projecting chakra from various places. After a few hours messing around with the idea, he had come up with one of the coolest things he'd ever created.

An enhanced fist from Gai and a Lightning Cutter from Kakashi were seconds away from impaling the boy when he opened his mouth. Kakashi's Sharingan picked up the small details the rest of the world overlooked, and was able to see his kohai's tongue touching the roof of his mouth. Great, he was going to take the win and their dignity from them with this one…

Naruto clicked his tongue, the pent up natural energy he forced there exploding, causing a powerful blast that sent the two jonin flying into the walls of the Stadium, officially ending the duel.


Naruto had, for the past three years, been creating strange and new ways to use his powers. Many shinobi were forced to retire when they lost a limb, and the blond wanted to have a backup plan just in case he was crippled. Now, three years later, Naruto could kill a man in so many unique and unheard of ways that it was almost freaky.

The blast of natural energy from his tongue just now was on a scaled down level. Used at full strength, it had the ability to both repel attacks and cripple multiple targets, indefinitely. It was his answer to the Hyuuga main branch's Hakke-sho Kaiten (Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven).

Uma was impressed when he showed her the technique, and a little envious that he was able to create a better version of the Hyuuga's self-proclaimed ultimate defense in only a few hours, when it took her three months to learn the original.

The jonin who had showed up to watch stayed silent, unable to understand what they had just seen. The Uzumaki had taken out five of Konoha's most famous jonin, and he did it severely handicapped.

The legend of the Kamikage was no longer just a myth. It was a little scary that he was just as the stories said, invincible, or so it seemed. The ANBU stayed silent as well, but not because they were shocked, but because they knew the outcome before the test even started.

ANBU had undying loyalty and respect for their former captain, and even though he was no longer with the corps, he'd always be able to command them, just like with Inu-taicho. They were the greatest ANBU operatives ever, and they would be shown the proper respect, by all ANBU, future and past.

Once an ANBU, always an ANBU, and Naruto could feel this in them. The entire Black Ops division was forever and always his family.

His bindings were cast aside, and the blindfold taken off. He took in a deep breath before he began.

"My name Is Uzumaki Naruto." The men and women paid close attention. "I've been called the Bringer of Hope, the Kamikage, a hero," here he smirked, "a monster." Some of the shinobi gave a dry chuckle at that one. "But there is no reason to treat me like a demon! I have full control of my Bijuu; it is no longer a threat to Konoha. I know many of you lost loved ones to the Kyuubi, but instead of trying to take your emotional anguish out on me, you all should be helping me use the creature to help Konoha." He knew that the Bijuu were misunderstood, and because of that, were imprisoned, but he needed to play off the emotions of the crowd. Revealing he had made the Kyuubi no Kitsune his friend would be counterproductive.

"I serve the Hokage! I've defended our village from the shadows for eight years!" The blond continued. "I would happily die for our home, as I know all of you would." He could feel the people begin to accept his words. "I will be the first to admit that I am a monster." He brought his arms in the air to emphasize his surroundings. "But I am Konoha's monster!" The people actually liked that idea. "I am a warrior of our God, and I protect our village, our Heaven, with all the strength I have." He smirked again. "And I'm incredibly strong, so for as long as I still breathe, Konoha will never fall!"

His fellow shinobi cheered loudly, the boy's words striking a chord with them. They had initially been reluctant about accepting the village pariah into their ranks, but after seeing a small glimpse of his ability, coupled with his genuine want to protect Konoha and her people, most of them were more than satisfied with the idea.

A personal monster to let loose on any enemy that was foolish enough to attack sounded spectacular. The boy was a patriot, just like everyone else.

"I stand before you all today, giving you my word." Naruto began. "I will be your monster!" That had done it. He was now officially a part of the jonin ranks. Risking a glance at Kazuo, he was thrilled that the man sighed in defeat, smirked, and then nodded his approval. Naruto had convinced him that he, at the very least, deserved a chance.

The Lord Third smiled, his Hokage hat tipped so that his face was hidden from view. He knew his shadow could do it.

He had earned his jonin status.


Reading this while knowing that he's fifteen instead of twelve feels so much better. I'm really glad I bumped the age up by three years.



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