
Naruto: Changing Heart

As the young boy named Naruto faced the crushing weight of yet another rejection from his childhood crush, it felt like a relentless dagger piercing his heart repeatedly. Each previous denial had already chipped away at his spirit, but this hundredth rejection was a breaking point. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within him—pain, sadness, and frustration blended into an overwhelming surge of turmoil. In that pivotal moment, something inside Naruto snapped. His eyes, once filled with hopeful innocence, now burned with an intense determination. It was as if the fiery passion of a thousand suns ignited within him, fueling a transformative fervor. The torrent of emotions that had threatened to drown him now molded into an unwavering resolve. "No more," Naruto whispered to himself, the words carrying a newfound conviction. He refused to let rejection define him or hold him back any longer. This time, he would rise above the pain and emerge stronger. Every setback, every tear, and every ounce of doubt would be woven into the fabric of his journey. The young boy's resolve was now an unyielding force, propelling him forward on an unexpected and thrilling path. With each step he took, he was forging a destiny that would surpass the limitations society and fate had imposed upon him. Naruto vowed to transform his pain into power, using it as a catalyst to chase his dreams with unwavering tenacity. Little did he know that this turning point would mark the beginning of an extraordinary adventure—one that would not only test his strength and courage but also redefine the fate of an entire world. From that moment on, Naruto's life would be a tale of emotions, trials, and triumphs—a thrilling saga that would inspire generations to come.

Nethersteel · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
31 Chs

Chapter | III |

It was dark, empty, and most of all, terrifying. Petrified, I stood still. My mind clouded, the darkness took away my sight. A nightmare! I screamed in my mind. However, deep inside me, I felt as if it was real and indeed, reality.


The creepy and ghastly space around me was lit by several torches in a row. Once it was illuminated by the blazing white fire, I could see well. I felt at ease as the darkness was vanquished by the light, it gave me some sort of peace, I was no longer blind to my surroundings anymore.

I steeled my will to walk forward in the strange place. As I ventured deep inside the unknown place, I saw several large entrances. However, the veil of darkness inside those crept over me, they appeared ominous and depthless, like an ocean with no surface beneath.

I avoided them. The sounds of my footsteps echoed inside the hall, strangely the water did not splash when I took a step forward, as if it was rock solid. What further crept me was that I was walking on it, rather than sinking my foot.

Then, after a couple of meters, two entrances were only left. The straight path had come to an end. I stood still, my gaze going forth between them continuously. The entrance to my left was crimson red, with a swirl of darkness looming over its edges. The one to my right is adorned by a cerulean glow, with strings of golden swirling and creeping off its edges.

Suddenly gazing to my left, I felt a spiritual sort of pull, as if... It was calling me, begging me to walk and embrace the crimson light. I took a step to my left... However...


As a growl resounded through the quiet crimson light, I was terrified. My heart halted for a second, I held my breath as the growl, which seemed so loud and screeching as if from the depths of hell itself entered my ears. My legs shook, and I felt... Absolute fear. With my pupils shrunk to the size of a needle's point, my legs gave out. I kneeled and gasped for breath.

W-What... W-What was that? I asked myself, horrified and frightened. Slowly gazing away from the entrance, I turned to my right. The cerulean glow felt calming and peaceful, the golden strings swirled around me, It helped me stand up... As the strings embraced me, I felt my fear wash away, my mind free of any tension. My legs stopped shaking, and I took a step to my right.

I took one, then another, then again. With the golden strings slowly pulling me, I soon passed through the entrance of the cerulean glow that seemed so peaceful and serene. A light smile crawled up my face as the warm memories in the forest and the small pranks I did resurface in my mind.


A beautiful and soft voice called me deeper into the chamber, my heart pounded, my cheeks turned red as I tried to imagine the picture of the woman's voice, I felt a pool of heat rising from my abdomen.

So... So enchanting. I thought, peering deeper, and deeper. Then suddenly, gazing past the cerulean glow, I caught a glimpse of a small part of an ominous, portentous, and ancient grey string.