
Chapter 54: Lectures

The sky was not stormy that day, but the remnants of the rainfall the previous day was evident as an overcast blanket of clouds stretched out over the village. It was warm enough, and while Sakura was still wearing a t-shirt instead of the sleeveless dress, it was relatively pleasant weather.

Sasuke had been released from hospital that very morning as she finished up with the healing procedure, and were now heading to the Uchiha manor, after stopping to her house to pick up the 'volunteers' who were helping by carrying her things.

"Thanks for doing this guys," she said over her shoulders to Kanaye, Naruto and Lee, "It would have taken me forever if I had done it by myself."

"No problem, Sakura-san," Lee piped cheerfully, toting most of the luggage himself.

"Yeah…" Kanaye grunted sarcastically, "No trouble—just a little back pain later on in life, but that's all right; I'll just be stooped over like an old man."

"Oh, quit your whining" Sakura made a face over her shoulder at the comment, "Lee-san isn't complaining, and you're the one who's trying for ANBU. Honestly, if you're this weak, I'm surprised you made it out of the Academy."

Sasuke, who had his arm linked with Sakura, gave crooked smile in amusement.

"Oi, Sakura-chan," Naruto groaned from behind them, Sakura giving him a frown, "Is there anything left at your house? It's almost seems like you're going to be moving in for good."

"Don't be silly, Naruto," she replied curtly, "For someone who wants to be the Hokage one day, you sure are making such a big fuss over something as small as hauling luggage."

"But it's so heavy!" Naruto complained loudly.

"Honestly, Naruto," Sakura rolled her eyes, "You're doing even worse than Kanaye."

Behind her she heard Naruto grumble something indistinctive. She shook her head slightly from side to side; for someone who was so eager to help, he sure did make a big deal out of it. Contrarily, Lee had been very helpful. He had been present when Sakura asked Naruto for help in moving her things, and had happily volunteered to assist them. He had also been a little more sympathetic towards her when she told the both of them the reason she needed her belongings moved.

Like her father, Naruto had exploded at the news of Sakura moving into Sasuke's house, and had made many vehement protests; naturally Sakura had not given him an inch, resulting in Naruto's defeat. But perhaps she should have told him that day, instead of the previous night, because the next morning it seemed like everyone she knew had found out of the accommodation arrangements. Ino had stormed up to the fifth floor and burst into Sasuke's room, just before the healing procedure, absolutely livid. Quietly excusing the both of them, Sakura led Ino to the staffroom next door where an all-out shouting match had ensued. It had eventually gotten so bad that the doctors and nurses on break began to make bets on them. Those who had bet on Sakura walked away with their purses heavier.

But other than the mishaps with her father, Naruto, and Ino, everything had run smoothly. What made the day seem just that much more better was that Sasuke's eyes were completely healed, and it was almost refreshing to see him walking around with the bandage gone from his head. Sakura was glad to see his mesmerizing obsidian eyes visible to the world, even if the rest of the world was not visible to him.

She was leading Sasuke carefully down the road, amazed at how he was doing; not once had he stumbled on the rough pavement. Perhaps it was because he was being extra careful so that Naruto wouldn't laugh—though Sakura seriously doubted that Naruto would laugh if Sasuke lost his footing—or maybe he was just getting better at walking around. Nonetheless, she was proud of him.

"Augh," Kanaye groaned, "Sakura, if I had known that this much work would be required, I wouldn't have agreed."

"Same here," Naruto whined.

"Just think of it as training for D-rank missions, Naruto-kun!" Lee exclaimed optimistically.

"Hm," Naruto paused as he stopped to ponder the concept, "This is how you and your sensei train? Awesome! I won't lose to you Fuzzy Brows!"

"You'll probably collapse before we get there, dobe," Sasuke commented with a smirk, and Sakura laughed lightly.

"Too much ramen lately?" Kanaye teased, "Getting out of shape?"

"Speak for yourself," Sakura shot back as they rounded the corner into the Uchiha neighbourhood, "You and Naruto will probably be going out for ramen every night until your next mission. And quit complaining, we're almost there."

"Oi, Kanaye, Fuzzy Brows! I'll race you the rest of the way!" Naruto exclaimed suddenly, putting on a burst of speed and rushing ahead, "Winner gets treated to ramen!"

"You're on, Naruto!" Kanaye shouted quickening his pace as he ran after the fox-faced boy.

"I shall do my best!" Lee announced as he dashed after the other two ninja ahead of him.

"Don't drop anything!" Sakura hollered after them, then let out hearty sigh, "Sometimes I don't know what do make of them."

Sasuke said nothing to this, but instead changed the topic, "It sounds busy around here—louder than I remember."

"Oh, that's right; only half the neighbourhood was filled when you left," Sakura recalled in a thoughtful tone, "It's only recently that its been filled up again. People have put the disaster that took place here out of their minds and are no longer afraid."

"One day this neighbourhood will be filled with Uchihas again," Sasuke said firmly, "like it should be."

"I believe it," Sakura said confidently, "Regardless of who lives here now, it'll always be an Uchiha place."





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