

Story of a super naruto fan named Tan Hishaki who is reincarnated into naruto world . This story shows how he uses his knowledge to become a great sage in this world. Warning: I do not own this franchise. All characters belong to the respective owner. Readers must have knowledge of naruto , naruto shippuden . The cover image does not belong to me

Writer77 · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Academy ends; Team 7 is allotted

"From this moment on you are not allowed to use your sigma style in the village even if it is for practice and from this moment on your sigma style is a forbidden jutsu till you become a chunin" Third said.

Now this almost gave me heart attack that why couldn't I use or train this jutsu. Then after giving it a thought a realized that this jutsu was unsafe for the villagers as it covered a huge distance.

Then I left the place and went to my room using flying raijin jutsu and then jumped on my bed kept a hand on my face and slept.

Day of Academy graduation

"Next up Uchiha Sasuke" Iruka said following which Sasuke came inside and did the clone jutsu and make 3 clones and transformed them into Iruka, Mizuki and third hokage "good" Iruka said and Sasuke smirked and left.

"Next Uzumaki Naruto" Iruka shouted and Naruto came and made 20 clones and transformed then into normal civilians while Iruka had his mouth wide open enough for a big jar to fit "ahem ok very good naruto" Iruka said and Naruto smirked and left.

"Next up Tan Saito" Iruka said and made his mind to get ready for the shock which was coming up then I (Tan) entered come inside then Naruto came then Sasuke and then one by one each and every child of the semester came inside "Hey hey hey where are all of you coming" Iruka shouted as all of them lined in front of him


A white smoke appeared and then there stood my clones instead of the other students Iruka understood that it was my transformation jutsu then I dispelled all my clones and looked at Iruka who was in his own thoughts (this kid is unbelievable to make this many clones and also do perfect transformation) he thought.

"Hey sensei aren't you going to give me any remarks" I said

"Excellent" Iruka said.

Then I was given a normal blue headband which I rejected and chose a black headband and put it on my forehead but it was slightly tilted and it pushed my hair a little upwards and I went to the class I was told to go in and went I got in I saw girls looking at me with daze especially Ino was jumped and came near me and said "you look so good. I wish that we both would be on the same team".

"Thanks for the comment but you know what we both will not be in the same team as you will be with Shikamaru and Choji" I said which made him sad so I put a hand on his shoulder and left then went near Sasuke and called him to sit with me and Naruto he agreed but Sakura who was sitting next to him glared at me like she wanted to kill me by looks but I ignored it and Sasuke and I sat near Naruto and I said "We three will be in one team"

"Thought so" both Naruto and Sasuke said.

I didn't said anything but waited for Iruka sensei to come then he came with a list in his hand and started to announce the top rookies with me in the top Naruto in the second and Sasuke in the third then he started to announce the teams and there were not much changes in the teams except-

"Team 7 is a special team which comprises of four members including Tan Saito, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno" Iruka announced.

"YAYYYY" Sakura shouted. While me, Naruto and Sasuke were shocked on the fact that Sakura was also on our team.

Then slowly every team were announced and the teams moved to the rooms allotted to them and we went to our room and we sat while Sasuke and Sakura sitting together and me and Naruto sitting together then an hour passed and our sensei didn't showed up and Sakura started shouting while all three of us were waiting silently then a man with white hair and his leaf headband covering his eye and was wearing a mask and that man was non other than Kakashi Hatake.

"Hello you guys and sorry for being late and meet me on the roof in 5 minutes" he said and body flickered on the roof then we three also body flickered there while Sakura standing there and shock and confusion the he remembered that we were the top three rookies then she started walking towards the roof.

*while on the roof*

Kakashi sensei saw all three of us arriving on the roof on the same time using the body flicker but he wasn't much surprised then we sat down while waiting for Sakura then she came and saw us already sitting there and came and quietly sat in the right corner.

"Ok we will start by introduction so you will tell your name hobbies likes and dislikes and ambitions. But first I will give you an example so my name is Kakashi Hatake and my likes and dislikes I don't wish to tell you and I don't have any ambition" Kakashi said.

"So let's start with you blond one" he said while pointing his finger towards Naruto

"Ok my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I like a lot of stuff but I like my brother Tan the most and I hate when he ignores me and my dream is to become hokage one day" Naruto said

"Ok next you" he said while pointing towards Sasuke

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha I don't like many things and dislikes many things and I don't have any dream but an ambition which is to kill a certain man one day" Sasuke said coldly.

"Ok next" he said while pointing towards me.

"My name is Tan Saito I like the people who are special to me and I don't have any dislikes and my dream is to become strong enough to protect them" I said with a sheer determination and listening to this Kakashi smiled.

"Ok the last one" Kakashi said.

"My name is Sakura Haruno and I like ….-Kun and my dream is to ....-Kun and in dislike to be left behind" she said and Kakashi sighed and the he said "Ok now that the introductions are over, you are all to meet up by 5 am at the training fields, and remember to skip your breakfast. We are going to have survival training. Team 7 Dismissed!" Kakashi said and left the place.

I stood up in front of them and said~

To be continued ~




new chapter hope you like it


power stones




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