
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Tranh châm biếm
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522 Chs

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Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie for 50+ chapters including volume 2


"Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit." That was the only thing going through my mind throughout this fight.

What the hell is wrong with this people? When I thought I was finally overpowered beyond measure, they bring out their own overpoweredness.

I had to take reference from several novels before I was finally able to create my Fiendgod body but what did they do? They also bring out some shit I never thought possible.

Body transformation is basically one of the most important things all super class beings in the DXD world must have. In several other animes and novels, it is also a normal thing.

Even Otsustsukis have a True form or something. Momoshiki and Urashiki did show it in the series. Kaguya too should have it. Wait, she does have it. In the anime, she was always in her true form after eating the chakra fruit.

Hmm... Guess it wasn't really impressive now that I think about it. But still, how did these two girls manage to fight me on equal ground?

Ria didn't even use her Vector Manipulation like I thought she would, rather she used an illusion+space focused manipulation to fight. And form the looks of things, she's rather trained in that area.

I can see it's uses and prospects of this very fighting style she created.

As for Hinami, I don't know if it's Kaguya's training or her own, but she's become one hell of a heavy hitter. Combining sword play with explosions. She's maximizing her sword play and enhancing it with her explosion breathing style.

What's remaining is for her to actually create forms and I doubt even I can hold my own against her without going all out. Don't get me wrong though, I did go all out in this fight but they still managed to fight me to a draw, but if it was a one on one fight, I'd win 9 out of 10 times. The other one would likely be a draw.

Another intriguing thing was her use of the truth seeking orb. Even I didn't know they could be broken into tiny pieces and used in such manner.

That was one of the deciding factors behind the pressure I felt during the battle.

One has to know that the truth seeking orb is akin to this world's most deadliest weapon. It is similar to the Chaos of this world because they are created by the combination of the five elements and Yin and Yang.

In a way, anyone who can create and orb is already close to omnipotence among your average human. I say humans because I believe all Otsustsukis should be able to create them. Another reason to question this clan's cheat levels.

Hmm... I don't really think all of them can create it though, Momoshiki and Urashiki couldn't. Ishikki could but he created a fighting style of his own with his own version of Vector Manipulation.

By reducing their size to the smallest of atoms, and increasing it to any given mass of choice. Another cheat level character right there.

Sigh... Why can't life be any more normal around here? When I think I'm already at the top, one thing or another comes and knocks me off my pedestal.

Anyways, this goes to show that both Hinami and Ria have grown in both chakra and overall strength. What's left is to explore this universe. I wonder if they'll accept to leave with me.

Nah... Of course they won't. Hinami won't simply leave her children and go travelling while Ria would accept in a blink without even thinking of the consequence.

Welps, it's not like I'm planning on going now anyways. I still plan on checking if my theory about reincarnation in this world is right.

"Well, what do you think, Kaguya?" I asked as we came out of the shattered subspace.

Hinami's and Ria's injuries were already being treated by my will. There was no need though, their regenerative factor was already beyond measure so my healing only aided to hasten the process.

"I think you all are abnormal." Kaguya said as she looked at us with a baffled expression.

"I don't claim to know it all but I doubt the me at my peak could beat any of you. What the hell is with you three? Hinami has my bloodline so it's understandable she could as strong as these but you two.... I'm speechless."

"Hahahaha, Kaguya, you speak as if it's only your clan that has the potential to be strong in this world." I said as I laughed.

"No, it's not that. There are other clan's that were once strong in the past but that's in the past. This here is a new and young world in a desolate part of the universe, so this planet giving birth to beings such as you two should tell you how baffled I should be." Kaguya said with an interesting expression.

I put my hand behind my back and looked up and said. "Well, there is me so every common sense you once had should have been thrown out of the window by now."

Kaguya paused before smiling wryly and said. "How could I forget? It's just that when I think you've shown me enough, you pull out another trick, making feel like there is a whole layer of mystery hidden inside you. I can't wait to unravel all those secrets Shun"

"Haha, then I guess we still have a long journey ahead of us now, don't you think?" I laughed and then turned to Hinami and Ria.

"You both have me a wonderful surprise today. You can't possibly imagine the various emotions I'm feeling right now."

"Oh? Why don't you tell us then." Ria said with a flirtatious look in her eyes.

"Of course. Pride, amazement, joy, happiness, thrilled, sadness, hope, and many more that I haven't even sorted out yet." I said.

"Why the sadness though?" Hinami asked.

"Of course I'm sad. Now I don't have anything to teach you both again. You both already have a path to walk toward while I'm now left to just watch as you both embark on the said path. I may seem all knowing but even I don't know it all. So of course I'd be sad."

Hinami and Ria were startled and looked at eachother before looking back at me and smiling.

"What are you saying Shun, even if there is nothing you can help us with now, that doesn't mean there won't be in the future. As you said, you don't know it all, but if even you who seem to be all knowing doesn't know it all, where does that leave us?" Hinami said and she held my hand in her palm and consoled.

"That's right. This new ability of mine has a lot of prospect and from the manual you gave me, I haven't even touched close to 5 percent of it. This new ability I used is merely a mixture of minor space Manipulation and reality altering. These are things I learnt from the book you gave me. There are still things in there that I don't even know the meaning of, so tell me Shun, do you still think you have nothing to teach us?" Ria said as she too held my other hand.

"Sigh... If you both put it this way then I'd have nothing to say for myself. Alright then. Since that's the case, let's work together to be as strong as possible. We still have a long way ahead of us. Also, we will be having a yearly fight similar to this but it won't be a two in one fight but rather a three way fight. Let's grow together alright?" I said with a smile.

There's no way I'm gonna be left behind by the very students I trained up.

"Kaguya, you too. Let's find a way to create a good enough body for you so you could join us. Although you may not be able to leave this dimension you would still have your full strength if everything goes well." I continued.

I had a plan to create another vessel for Kaguya to possess but I'd need a little amount of chakra from the nine tailed beast. Right now, although they've been split, Hagoromo hasn't released them yet.

From the canon, I know he would release them when he's nearing his old age. It was said he decided to release them after witnessing Ashura ideology toward peace and hoped that the tailed beast would guide the humans too.

What optimistic point of view. From my point of view, I feel like what he's doing is stupid, but that's the opinion of someone that knows what humans of the future are capable of. Maybe he hoped that the peace he brought about would last forever so who am I to judge.

"Hmm, I'll wait for it. I've been sealed for so long I think my dao of patience should already be at the perfection stage," Kaguya said, not forgetting to add a joke right there causing all of us to laugh.

I can possibly see the ice cold Kaguya I saw all those years ago. I guess true companionships really does help in ways we can't imagine.

Well, now that this is settled, we should probably go see the kids progress. The last I heard from my clone, they were stuck in the level four of the fire plan before my clone advised them to try out other planes.

I don't blame them though, the trial after every three levels increases in difficulty. For the fire plane, I put the first three levels to be your normal clone with a physical fire body. For the middle three levels, the fire clones have a corporal body. And for the last thre levels, the clones have a lave body.

If the first level trains them on proper control of chakra, the middle three levels trains on chakra emission, being able to hit a non physical body while the corporal body can hit you, even breaking through your chakra zone. The last three levels trains on combining the two to cause both internal and external damage.

Currently, they were in the lightning and air planes. Izanagi to the lightning plane with Izanami to the Air plane. The two elements they both wanted to learn at first.

Oh well. It's up to them though. The lightning plane would aid in further strengthening the body in terms of strength, ability and perception. The Futher in he goes the more destructive the lightning becomes.

The air plane however would just assault you till you learn to flow with it. Nothing more nothing less. What? You thought there would be some other hidden incentive? Not at all.

The only thing you'd learn from there is greater increase in perception, greater agility and nimbleness, and flexibility.

I use greater there because although lightning does increase these things, it is more destructive and hard to control. Unlike lightning, air is all about change. From a cool breeze to devastating hurricane and back again.

With air, you learn to confirm to the natural order of thing. In terms of perception, air trump's lightning because while lightning can sense the electric current in a living being, said electric currents could be hidden. Air however, can sense the littlest movement no matter how hidden something seems to be.

Except maybe said thing is fast enough to evade the notice of air, which is near impossible except you're as fast or faster than lightning which makes these two elements capable of also restricting each other and also augmenting each other.

So although I love lightning, my final judgement is that air still trumps lightning anytime. Lightning is cool, no doubt about that.

Oh well, time to personally check on their progress do far.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids. Who want to come along?" I asked already knowing what the response would be. And no doubt, they both decided to tag along. After all, their clones have also been giving them updates on the kids development.

"Alright then, let go."