
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Tranh châm biếm
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522 Chs

Creating an Island and Finishing Touches

Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie for 50+ chapters including volume 2


Shun raised his right hand and pointed lightly with a finger. A burst of Spiritual energy spread out, and the void slowly rippled like water.

Immediately after, images began taking form from the burst of Spiritual energy in the air. The energy that rose into the sky began condensing into rock, sands and many different forms of earth

Then, the seawater suddenly separated and quickly retreated in all directions.

Another surge of energy poured out from Shun and fused into the images formed by the surging spiritual energy, taking the form of a large island, almost a continent.

Then, the continent slowly descended, completely covering the surging seawater.

The island that had been forcefully formed up rested calmly on the seawater

Of course, this was not the end.

After the island settled, it was merely just a flat land with nothing else to speak of. Just plain ground as far as the eyes can see.

With another surge of chakra, several masses of earth took form in the air and hundreds of mountains floated above their heads.


Hundreds of mountains that were flying in the air slowly descended. They first landed on the ground before sinking into the ground seeming as though it was always there.

As a finishing touch, Shun clapped his hands out of reflex and said, [Wood Style: Nativity of World Tree and Flowers]

Several kinds of trees sprouted from the ground. Of course, they were all familiar with them but the flowers were new.

Shun had taken the images from the Earth of his past life with the effects he thought they had and added them into the mix.

Some flowers were made haphazardly without a care whether they came out right.

One thing Shun made sure of was that they all had useable properties. Of course, some were poisonous, some smelt good, some were just there for the beauty and some were actually flowers for medication.

There were some that Shun made with the hope of being used as a meditational inducer but Shun also knew they could be used for other purposes, (highness).

'I have to pay attention to know who will discover this effect' Shun thought with a weird smile.

Looking down at his creation, Shun smiled.

His family's country had really been formed!

"So? How was the magic?" I asked as I looked back at my family, only to see gaping mouths from the slightly older ones while the younger ones had stars glittering from their eyes.

"Grandpa, again, again," the youngest of my grandchildren, Himeko, cheered as she jumped in the air.

I sweatdropped at the girl's enthusiasm. She probably forgot she was standing on a film I created.

"Sure, but let's check out the island first," I said as I led them down to the island.

Hinami and Ria weren't shocked at all, as this exact scene took place when they too refined their dimension cores.

Subsequently, we went around enjoying the scenery while also fulfilling the wishes of the little ones.

I had to create some insects like butterflies and animals to make the place eco-friendly.

I also created some lakes on land while creating pathways for them to flow into the sea and back.

Later on, we stopped at the centre of the island where I performed another 'Magic' by creating an entire village to accommodate the people who will be coming from Ria's village.

After everything was done, Ria volunteered to go over and bring her people along which I requested. I also asked her to bring along the chakra paper creating plaque I made there in the past.

With the addition of Ria's village people, my grandchildren will have people they would marry in the future. And with the way I trained them up, they would provide proper genes to the clan.

Ria left and came back 3 days later with everyone, old and young alike. The current village chief was Yuu from back then. Nanami died years ago so he took over.

He had 3 children, two boys and a girl, all married and with children all over 10 years of age. He was basically an even older grandpa than I am.

Also, the population of the village actually tripped. Currently, they numbered more than a thousand. Good number.

After everyone settled in, life went on as usual. Everyone knew me as the kind and wise grandpa which even their own grandpa and grandma had to show respect to.

I was currently using a technique I created called, [Divine Transformation Technique] to make myself look old.

This technique was different from the transformation technique of the anime that merely changes your appearance with chakra.

This one changes everything, from bone structure, chakra pathways, veins, and even form if you want.

Basically, I could even transform into a wolf permanently should I feel like it.

I created it to give to the tailed beast when they mature in the future so that they could transform into a desired human form.

Fenrir tried it out but said he felt uncomfortable in human skin, also, he felt weaker in that form. I told him to train in his human form for a bit and even then, he still felt it was lacking.

I surmised that it had something to do with his inherent physique. As an animal transforming into a human is against the natural order of things.

He would still transform into it to look cool sometimes. He almost looked like that werewolf in noblesse with his white hair.

Anyways, currently, Hinami, Ria and I are possibly as old people but not that old though. We were still active but still looked elderly enough to garner respect.

Years continued to pass until Hagoromo called me for a chat.

As I appeared, I saw him lying on his deathbed. I could feel his life force drainage has increased and in less than a year, he'd die.

"Father." I greeted him in a respectful tone. Gotta show him the respect he deserves.

"Hmm? Is that you Shun?" He asked in a dreary voice.

"Of course, who else would it be? Didn't you call me?" I asked.

"No. No. It's not that. It's just, for the first time since I met you, you called me father, I was just happy and a little bit surprised." He laughed and said.

"What? I always called you pops, you know?" I defended in an aggrieved tone.

"Haha. Yes. Yes. But father and pops are two different things. I'm glad." He said as a satisfied smile appeared on his lips. "I like pops because it showed that we were close but anyone could be called pops. Father, however, signified intimacy. Familia intimacy. Thank you,"

I felt sad and guilty hearing that but didn't know what to say so I kept quiet.

"However that's not why I called you here today. Your brother Indra visited me yesternight. He came to let me know that my ideals were wrong and that he'll create a world where his ideals are the only truth. According to him, he'll reincarnate his soul till he achieves this dream. What do you think?" He asked.

Hmm. So he's already visited, huh? That means he'll call Ashura soon.

What do I think, huh?

"He'll do it. I don't doubt him one bit. Indra that I know wouldn't come here to tell you something he wouldn't be able to do" I answered.

"Hmm. Do you think my ideals were wrong? Letting everyone connect and understand each other through chakra?" He asked again.

"That I do not know. Humans are creatures of great evil and great good. What it takes is a single decision to do good or do harm. This same applies here. With chakra, there will be a possibility for good and bad." I said my honest thought.

If this was a cultivation world, nobody would care whether what he did was good or bad.

"Then what will you do if he reincarnates?" He asked.

"What can I do? I said that I won't bother with them anymore. The same applies to my children and theirs. Mine would never interfere in their conflicts but will always protect theirs from external harm. This I can promise." I answered.

"Hmm. That's good enough then." He said.

We chatted till evening before he asked for me to call Ashura and his family which I did and then left.

The reason I made that promise is that I wouldn't want a situation where both clans are extinct like they were in the anime.

Tsunade as the only Senju and Sasuke as the only Uchiha. Even Naruto being the only Uzumaki. Well, Karin and Nagato were there but still.

This way, there would be a reason for my clan to interfere should any form of harm befalls them after they've made peace.

Seven months later, Ashura sent a message that Hagoromo had died to which I brought the entire village and family for his burial.

The location where he chose to rest was surprisingly Mount Myoboku.

This was my first time visiting the place and wow... The sheer amount of Natural energy here was absurd. Shikkotsu forest has it beat though...

"The place was crowded. Not to mention my village and Ashura's village, people that I have no idea where they came from were also there.

Guess he really touched the hearts of people when he was alive.

Hamura and his family came too. His wife Hanami was already dead while Hokuki was also a grandpa with children and grandchildren.

I felt sad. Immensely so. This was the first time I was losing a father figure in this life. Thankfully, unlike my last life where I went down the drain after losing my mother, this time, I had things and people to live for.

As I watched his corpse, I felt like he was still alive somehow but couldn't put my hands on it. Hmm, maybe he became a spirit body down the line or his soul would get stuck on its way to the Pure world?

I didn't know but I didn't have the faculty to think about that now as the pain from his loss was still there. I had hope though that he would still live, after all, he did appear in his full glory in the fourth shinobi war.

After putting Hagoromo to rest, we had a small family reunion where we reminisced about old times and the like and then we all dispersed.

Before we did, I snuck a little something into Ashura's soul without anyone noticing, I plan on doing the same to Indra when I meet him.

As for what I put in there, that is a secret.

After that, I met up with Indra and he was much worse than before he was almost hysterical but I didn't care about that. I went up to him, gave him a good hug as I knew this would probably be the last time I'll see him till centuries into the future and then snuck the same thing into his soul.

As I left, I gave a sharp glance at Zetsu at the corner of the cave before leaving.


It was finally time for me to stage my death.

On this faithful day, I called my entire family and sat them down and asked about their well-being and all. As we talked, I suddenly said:

"There will be eras where nothing will happen, and there will be an era where eras collide. What has happened before will happen again. What has been done will be done again."

"Destiny has many ways of testing people, either having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once. The traces of all eras will revive again to face the danger coming from outside the planet, but there will be only one victor. The victor will never be an outsider nor will it be the planet's, it will be the one chosen by the one most above!"

I waved my hands and a miniature door came into view. The door was made of wood and was merely 2 feet in both length and width.

On the door were 6 hollowed areas. It looked like it could only fit in something of a polygonal-shaped object.

"Hime-chan, put what I said and will say into writing, and later make sure your children and children's children go through it continuously," I said to my youngest grandchild.

She nodded and made preparations while we sat in silence. When she came back, I continued:

"When the Red clouds declare war on the world, the leader of this family should bring out this door. On that day, 6 leaders would be present and six of them would have a token that will be inserted here."

"One of those tokens would be from the leader of this family as if that token isn't recognised, this door would remain useless. Just a wooden object good for defence and nothing else."

"Now, as it pertains to my brother's families, never, and I repeat, never choose a side and should they attempt to attack you, deal with them without mercy while allowing for their young ones to grow and learn from the older ones' mistakes."

"But know this, should any of them show a sign of becoming extinct, or being eradicated by an outside influence, never hesitate to annihilate that outside party."

"The principles I hope that my descendants would love by are; >"Never impose on others what you do not desire."

>Never fail to do good no matter how petty the deed, and do not engage in evil no matter how trivial the deed."

>"Repay virtue with virtue, and repay grievance with justice. Absolute Justice tempered with mercy." Shun said solemnly.

Everyone looked puzzled hearing everything I said and I don't blame them. I'm basically telling them to do things they don't even know how it's done.

Looking into space with a sagely demeanour, I said. "Don't mind what I've said too much. The future that I see is dark. Immensely so, and I want my descendants to have a light guiding them in that darkness."

After that, there were a lot of questions to which I answered some and referee to the future in some.

After that, I spent the rest of my time with my grandchildren. Hinami and Ria did the same too till under my resoluteness, they faked their deaths.

Hinami was reluctant to leave her grandchildren, and Ria too. The kids took her as their grandma too, but time waited for no man.

They picked the dates and scenarios of their deaths and after a year of their deaths, I 'peacefully passed away' in my sleep.