
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Tranh châm biếm
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519 Chs

Chapter 130

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Title: Fifth Dimension


After my meeting with Orochimaru, I had come to one realization I had probably been neglecting... Nearly everyone in this world has a back-sob-story.

By nearly everyone, I mean the people that actually matter. The reason behind Orochimaru's behavior wasn't particularly told to us in the anime so we could comfortably hate the guy... But hearing a part of his life that wasn't shown, really makes me wonder.

What other things weren't shown... As someone who has reached a level beyond even the Fifth Dimension I know that in this vast universe, not everyone is really important.

Yes... We're the main characters of our lives, but that is until we fulfill a certain goal. Whether we want to accept it or not, consciously or unconsciously, we all move in accordance with a higher will.

Most of you may be wondering what the hell I'm talking about... Well, Humans exist in this Four Dimensional Plane of Length, Width, Depth and Time, basically the Trinity of Space and Time.

The fifth dimension is the dimension of energy. All forms of energy come from there and end there. The concept of energy cannot be created nor destroyed is one of the fundamental laws governing the Fifth Dimension.

The Physical energy of the body alone has a lot of energy that can be derived from it. Electrical energy from ion movement in the body, Chemical energy from the many enzymes in the body, thermal energy and Mechanical Energy.

Mental energy too has its own many forms of energy.

A stone lying on the floor has too.

The sun shining has its own.

The moon.

The Trees, the water. Everything that exists and has matter, or even a vector has an energy.

The question now is... Where do all those energies come from?

Yup... That's the fifth dimension for you. And assume someone is there manipulating everything to how he/she sees fit, wouldn't our every thought, and action, be controlled and manipulated by a higher existence?

Anyway, this isn't the time to make people question their existence... Rather, it just proves that everyone has a purpose he/she has to play in this playground called life... No matter how minuscule it is.



Before I could begin to understand what that crack I just heard was or where it was from, I blacked out.


General POV.

Space and Time. The very principles that exist to ensure that Reality has a place to take form. Distance: The total movement of any entity, regardless of direction. Its governing principle, Length: The distance between two points. Width: Distance from one side to another and Height: Measure of Vertical Distance.

These were the Three Trinity of Space itself. And Time being as ethereal as its counterpart has its own principles of measure... Past. Present. Future.

These two were both needed as a vessel to hold its next sibling. Matter, composed of Solid. Liquid. Gas.

These were the three First Laws to ever exist and bring about Reality as we know it.

However, as it is known that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, where did the energy required to manipulate reality come from?

The Answer was simple... The Dimension Outside of the Influence of Time and Space. The Fifth Dimension. And in this dimension lived many beings of untold and unimaginable power.

Beings thought to be figments of one's Imagination, dreams, or even a random thought, all existed in this little but humongous dimension.

At this very moment, one such being was floating aimlessly.

It had a human figure, male to be exact. Its facial figures weren't something that could be described in human terms, but overall, he had flowing red hair with red eyes to match.

He had his hand behind his head as he floated and stared into the still space in boredom. It was unknown whether he was lying on his back or standing.

At this moment, the eye of this being suddenly widened in shock before confusion set it. What seemed like time passed for him but only an instant really did pass before realization dawned on him.

"I see... He's grown this strong in such a short time." He muttered to himself as his eye glowed and took a deeper shade of red before returning to normal. "I see. He's had a rather peculiar experience so far."

He then looked towards a certain direction before smiling. "Better go meet up with him before he assumes the worst." Saying that, his figure disappeared and he was in front of a glowing human figure. "Hello, Young one. We meet again."


"Hmm? Where the hell am I?" Shun thought aloud to himself as he gained back consciousness. Looking around, he found that he was floating in a very dull space.

{A/N: He is a God, or rather, a fragment of one, so he won't panic just from dying and coming to unfamiliar territory. Especially space. Don't use human common sense to judge this scenario.}

He felt this place was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. He has spent a good portion of his time creating his universe so he knew what the Sea of Stars looked like.

Also, although he was only a fragment of the original, he still had a very faint connection to Concepts and Laws.

"Nothing." He murmured as he felt the absence of anything related to reality in this place. However, he felt something he was familiar with. The power of Will.

"Is this what I think it is?" He asked as he tried feeling that familiar energy again, however... "Hello, Young one. We meet again."

At that moment, Shun felt a shiver crawl up his spine. Not because he felt threatened by the presence that came out of nowhere, but because he couldn't feel it appearing. 'The hell?'

As he turned around and saw the owner of the voice, his eyes couldn't help turning into saucers due to the shock... "G-God?!"

"Haha, Young one, I don't think it is okay to refer to me in such a manner any longer." The guy, God, said.

"It's you! How come? I-I thought you..."

"Didn't exist in this reality?" He completed the question.

"Yeah. I mean, I know you sent me here, but you did say it wasn't really your world." Shun said as he relaxed a little. "And what do you mean by not calling you God any longer? Aren't you still God?"

"Well, it really isn't my world. By now I believe you should know what the soul is made up of?" God asked and Shun nodded. "Well, most Beings like us don't really pay much attention to a tiny grain of sand entering our territories."

He said with a smirk. Shun couldn't help but be annoyed at being called a grain of sand..which he was back then though. However, he picked up on something intriguing: "Us?"

"Hmm." God nodded and snapped his finger and we were immediately in what I will be assuming to be a first-class lounge on earth based off of movies I had seen.

Getting comfortable, God began. "First off, refer to me as Red, calling me God at this point in time is kinda shameful to myself."

"I see... I don't understand why though." Shun nodded.

"That's what I'm about to explain," Red said. "First off, you probably died due to reaching the same level of existence as the being who created the Naruto Universe."

"Hmm?" Shun hummed in confusion. "I had already reached his level of power..."

"No, not that time... I'm referring to this... New life of yours. This fragment of the original. It is a Mortal vessel powered by a unique soul. Although not Godly, it retains a trace of Godly might." Red explained.

"The moment you had what those guys at the end of this place call enlightenment, your soul reached this stage for a split moment. Not in quantity though... It's still so weak that it can be crushed whenever, but the quality did improve."

"So you're saying the quality has reached a stage similar to my original," Shun concluded.

"Exactly. However, it's still just a bud. Your over-reliance on it has made both your body and soul reach a state of imbalance..."

"Hence my eviction into this place." Shun finished his statement once again.

"Yes. However, that isn't really what I want to tell you." Red said and then smiled embarrassedly. "You see... Your original body has already reached our level so..."

"Oh... No, I know. I already know that." Shun waved his hand at him. "Then why were you still calling me God?" Red asked.

"Well, that's the name you gave me, right?" Shun shrugged. "Back then, I was speaking to a mere mortal who dared intrude into my home." Red scratched his cheeks.

"I get it, but no matter, it wouldn't hurt a layer of skin to call you God once in a while would it?" Shun laughed at the remark dismissively.

"You're rather outgoing for someone who went through what you did." Red finally relaxed and said.

"Ah... You were watching, right? Entertainment and all." Shun said and Red nodded. "Well, I'm not like those guys who will change due to something as petty as pain."

"You did die, bro... An unjust one." Red said.

"And here I am... Alive and kicking. My original is already in a friend's universe chilling. The ones who caused my death, facing their eternal death... What else do you expect from me?"

"You really are an enigma." Red shook his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shun raised an eyebrow to that.

"Your kind... People who transmigrate or reincarnate in one way or form... Are either fulfilling a greater purpose from one of their past lives or are just in it for the thrill." Red explained.

"You know, Harem gathering, world domination, mindless behavior and stupid behavior due to past life, or even wish fulfillment. That thrill... It gets boring quickly. We've seen quite a lot of that. Both from the guys west of us and the guys east of us."

"You, however, just wished for things to enable you to get to where you are now... Honestly, I didn't have much hope for you initially. But I was curious, hence, I didn't actively watch you. When you died, after a good old age of 167, I thought... 'Well, there goes the next person.'"

"Your life was good but pointless... I immediately put you in the Stupid Behavior category and Harem Gathering Category. However, you came back, created a universe and actually became a tad bit superior to even me..."

At the end of his explanation, Red looked both proud and aggrieved at the same time.

"I'm Stronger than you? How do you tell that?" Shun asked, not really feeling the need to act superior to his benefactor.

"You see, most of us here, are what you already know to be imaginations. Masses of energy given Will. Similar to that friend of yours, Veldanava. Luckily for him, he was able to leave here and create his own world."

"You can't leave here?" Shun asked tensely. 'Does this mean my life is over? I can't get back?'

Before his thoughts could spiral, Red spoke up. "No. You can, we can't. There's a difference. Veldanava was able to get a sixth-dimensional being to bring him out. That's the only way to leave this place for us who were born here."

"And me who entered?" Shun asked.

"Oh, you can leave whenever you wish. You just have to be able to Will it." Red said, making Shun breathe out a breath of relief.

"And a six-dimension being?" Shun suddenly asked. What the hell was that concept? There was another Dimension over this dimension? What level of power is that? I don't think even cultivation novels have explored that realm.

"It's the realm of what we've collectively decided to call the Author," Red said.

"The Author? As in one being?" Shun asked.

Red shrugged. "Whether they're one or more, we wouldn't know, we just know that our existence hasn't been made known to them so we're still stuck here."

"And you want to leave?" Shun asked and Red nodded. "And you aren't afraid you'll just be used?"

"Isn't that the point of all this? To be used? We're beings capable of creating worlds, Universes, hell, even Multiverses, but we're stuck here because we don't really... Click to those up there." Red said in a frustrated manner.

Shun's POV

"..." I was speechless... If I'm to use all my brain cells to reason this theory then... Aren't Sixth dimension beings just a higher form of actual authors?

Hmm... That's bad... I'm probably going to break the fourth wall and all that stuff so I'd better stop thinking about it.

"Alright Red, I know what you want to ask of me now," I said and patted the guy on the shoulder. "Don't worry, when my main body is back, I'll be sure to find a way to repay the favor you showed me."

Red looked at me with surprise but then smiled and said. "That's good. Even if you can't, just your company is enough. In here, there's no concept of time so we can spend an eternity here and not even a femtosecond would've passed wherever you are."

"Is that right?" I said and stood up. "Alright then, but first, I have to secure my way back home."

"Sure thing," Red said with a smile not fearing I was lying. Not like I was though. At a certain level of both strength and age, giving your word was synonymous with already doing what you promised, so there was indeed no need for falseness in the things I say or do.


Willing myself out of here like Red said showed to be a problem as that would need me to have a Presence commanding enough to make this place heed my Will.

And right now, I was like a firefly stuck inside a lightbulb. Although I was also emanating the same color as it, its light still made me feel as though it wasn't there.

I had the same Soul and Will Frequency as everyone in this place, but I lacked the necessary quantity.

"Hey Red, can you do me a quick favor?" I asked my dear benefactor. I already had an idea of what to do but I needed someone to allow me to use him.

"Yeah, what's up?" He said as he appeared beside me.

"You see..." I then explained my problem and solution to him making him look at me weirdly.

"Not every energy is chakra you know."

"Pshh. As far as it is energy, it can be moved and converted. Just trust me." I waved away his concerns and replied.

"Well, if you say so." He shrugged.

"Yeah. I'm sure, you can even latch on to me with a teeny bit of your consciousness, who knows, maybe I could show you the world in actual 4d." I said but he shook his head.

"That would be detrimental to both of us. There is a reason why rules exist, friend."

"Yeah. To be broken." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Not everything works that way. Mortal ways most often than not are always the answer, but the key point is…"

"Most often than not. I understand. Well, here goes nothing..." I said and merged my little bit of energy into his.

That was when I came to realize the humongous amount of energy lying dormant in this friend of mine, ready to be used to create wonders... But alas, he was stuck here.

Shaking my head, I focused on the task at hand knowing I had to return to my home planet no matter what. I had a new family who'd worry over my death, friends and even enemies who I need to both disappoint and not disappoint.


This sound resonated throughout the area which was weird since the vector of sound wasn't supposed to exist here but who am I to begin researching?

I had things to do and places to be at.

"Bring me Back!" I ordered and an ethereal white light in the form of a line immediately struck me from the void and before I could even turn to tell Red goodbye, I found myself falling face-first into the ground.

Stabilizing myself, I heard. "You okay Shun?"

"Hmm? Itachi? What are you doing here?" I asked in total puzzlement only to see him and the two girls looking at me in annoyance.

"What! You beat us up and then tell us we're going to see baby Naruto and now you're asking what we're doing?" Itachi asked in a fit of anger.

"Whoa. Whoa. Calm down, I was just joking. I suddenly had a migraine so..."

"Shun... You're six. You're not meant to have a migraine at six." Hana said.

"Says who? Any child can get a migraine ." Shun argued back with the conventional knowledge he had

"Yeah... Any normal child. In both Lady Mito and Lady Tsunade's books, ninja children shouldn't have migraines unless they're being affected by overuse of chakra... Which you don't seem to have that much." Hana argued.

"The hell? You've read those books?" Shun couldn't help but ask.

"Of course!" Hana beamed happily. "I aspire to be a veterinarian so I have to get all the knowledge I can get."

"Really? That's cool." Shun also beamed happily. "But really, I did have a migraine. Perhaps it's due to having too much spiritual energy. I really need to train up my body a bit more."

"A bit more?!" Izumi shouted. "You already hit this hard and you still want to train some more?"

"Yup. I hit as hard as a child can. What about an adult? I need to reach that level sooner. You three need to also begin thinking that way too." Shun said.

'I see. This is what he meant by not even a femtosecond would've passed in reality. So I only seemed to stumble as well as the backlash from using Red's Energy, Naruhodo.'

"Anyways, let's go bring little Naruto and go meet little Sasuke," Shun said and hurried them home.


Sorry guys. This chapter just happened to appear in my head today. Don't blame me too much.

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