
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Tranh châm biếm
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525 Chs

Chapter 123

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Title: The Night 2


Far away from Konoha, four artificially created hills stood with Fuinjutsu markings drawn all around it, and at the center was a bleeding Kushina.

She was chained with her Hands held up in the air. "Why are you doing this? What do you want?" She asked the masked man.

"I'm going to extract the Kyuubi from you and crush Konoha." The masked man answered.


"Minato Art of Teleportation allows him to transport between locations already marked with his Jutsu Seal. The markings are incorporated into this Fuinjutsu." The masked man continued while pointing at the seal on her stomach. "Minato can protect you at all times, but he is far away now. The Kyuubi seal has weakened due to childbirth. Do you know how long I have waited for this?" He asked and immediately showed his Sharingan.

Kurama, who was struggling due to the Adamantine Sealing Chain, felt something he so much dreaded and was startled. "You!-" he wanted to say but was immediately put under Genjutsu, quietening him down.

Due to Kurama being out under Genjutsu, Kushina too lost all her will to resist and seal posed no obstruction to Kurama who began leaking his chakra through her.

"Now... Come on out, Kyuubi!!" The masked man ordered and... "ROAR!!!"

The Nine Tails manifested in all its full glory at over 800 meters in height. His feet alone dwarfed the entire forest while his Tails generated a massive windstorm destroying the nearby trees.

"Good... To Konoha-gakure." The masked man said.

"Urg... Wait!" Kushina called out while breathing heavily.

"You Uzumaki Shinobi are just amazing... You didn't die right away when the Bijuu was extracted." The masked man said and ordered the Kyuubi to do away with her. "You were his Jinchuriki... I'll let you die by his hands."

Kurama, under the control of the Sharingan raised his palm and slapped down at Kushina, however, he didn't feel the familiar feeling of blood.


Minato appeared, standing on a nearby tree with Kushina in his arms.

"You really are the Flash... But you're too late." The masked man whispered, but in his tone, a hint of admiration could be heard as he muttered. "As always.."

"Minato... Naruto... Is Naruto...all... right?" Kushina forced herself to remain conscious as she asked while looking at him.

Smiling calmly, he replied. "Yeah. He's fine, he's in a safe place with Shun right now."

"Oh... Good... With Shun... he'll surely be safe." She said,


The sound of the Kyuubi growling interrupted their moment and Minato looked back at it with a cold look in his eyes as his ile faded. It would be hard to associate him now with the one who was just assuring Kushina.

"Minato... Stop that man... And Kyuubi... They're planning... To hit Konoha..." Kushina tried to explain the situation to him only earning her a concerned look before... "Fwip! They were gone.

"He flew away..." The masked man said. "That's fine... Now, let's get to Konoha."



Minato appeared once again in the same house he had just left Shun and Naruto. "Why...?" Kushina asked.

"Nii-san. Nee-sama." Shun called out as he approached them.

"Shhh. Just be with Naruto for now." He said as he carried Naruto from Shun and placed him near to her face.

"Huff. Huff. Naruto..." She called out as she pulled him into a weak and protective hug. Naruto who was still whimpering immediately calmed down at the feeling of that touch.

Minato, seeing this sight gritted his teeth in anger but his face was dangerously calm.

"It's going to be alright." Shun touched his clenched fist. "You got this."

Looking down at shun who had removed his blindfold, he saw the confidence exuded from those eyes of his and smiled. "Yeah. I do."

Going to a wardrobe by the side, he opened it and pulled out his Hokage attire and put it on quite fashionably.

"Minato... Thank you... Good luck." Kushina managed to say while struggling.

"Hmm... I'll be right back." He said and disappeared.


In the Uchiha compound, Itachi was sitting outside the veranda as he cradled the little Sasuke. Looking up, he whispered. "I feel something ominous... What is it? It can't be Shun...right?"

"Unnhh." Little Sasuke also groaned at that moment. "You feel it too, right Sasuke?" 'Strange feeling. Of course father and mother have to be out...' "Now now... Don't cry, Sasuke. No matter what happens, your Nii-san will protect you..."

...in the entertainment district in Konoha a group of five 15 year olds could be seen walking around aimlessly.

Kakashi, Yusano, Guy, and two others. Kakashi and Guy were having their usual spat while the other three just shook their heads at them.

"Hmm? Why don't we just do rock paper and scissors again for today?" Kakashi asked the pestering Guy.

"No way! Isn't there something more blood boiling that we could try? And you call yourself my rival?" Guy youthfully cried out.

Stopping at that moment, Kakashi looked up. "Forget all that, Guy, Yusano, don't you feel something weird? A sudden chill in the air?"

"The only thing chilly is you attitude, we're young only once, you know?" Guy shouted but Yusano nodded and said. "I've felt it for quite some time now... I at first thought Shun was up to something but..."

"This is different." They both said at the same time.


In the Hokage office, a group of Jounins were in attendance as they faced Hiruzen seated on the Hokage's chair.

"You heard my wife's description. Fugaku, anything to say?" He puffed out a mouthful of smoke and asked the Uchiha patriarch.

Seated subserviently in front of him, Fugaku felt all eyes drawn to him but kept his calm under the pressure. He was a seasoned Jounin after all.

"There hasn't been a case of a missing Jounin in the Uchiha clan since the Second Shinobi war. I am sure of that." He said.

"Then are you trying to say this was done by an Uchiha currently inside the Village?" An old man asked as he came out of the shadows. His entire body was covered in bandages safe for his left eye and hand.

"That isn't what I'm saying Lord Danzo." Fugaku calmly answered.

"Danzo, there should be no misinterpretations in what my wife reported, mind your tone." Hiruzen rebuked.

Whatever it is Danzo was trying to do was tantamount to saying that his wife reported falsely which was something he would let slide.

"Humph." Danzo snorted and returned to his shadows.

"Hmm?" Hiruzen immediately looked outside as he immediately felt a chill which everyone in the room seemed to have felt. "It can't be..."

But at that very moment... [Kuchiyose no Jutsu]

Thump-- ROOOAAARRR!!!!

At that moment, everything hurt. Their head hurt, their chest hurt, their feet hurt. For a moment they thought about just giving in to the pain, letting it consume them completely as there seemed to be no way out.

This seemed to be the case for everyone with a weak will, when faced with the tyrannical and bloodthirsty presence that the Nine Tails exuded with its roar.

For the more willful Shinobi, they paused for a moment and took a deep breath. Perhaps if they could shift their focus away from the pain it'd be easier to manage.

It was difficult to focus between the moments of pain and the voices telling them to stop what they're doing, but they pressed onward.

They told themselves it'd be over soon, whether that was true or not was irrelevant as it gave them the necessary strength to deal with it nonetheless.

"Gather everyone Chunin rank and above, evacuate the villagers to the mountain heads. Jounins follow me to confront the Kyuubi." Hiruzen ordered as he directly stripped off his Hokage attire, showing his armor within.

He wasn't particularly ready for this since he gave up office but he had always maintained by one simple rule since he became The Hokage: Always be prepared.

"The Uchihas can't be allowed to take any actions during this battle." Danzo called out but was directly ignored by Hiruzen. "I'm the Hokage." He simply said and dashed out through the window.

Danzo stood dumbstruck at the scene as he felt the gazes leveled at him by the remaining Jounins in the room, however, as thick-skinned as he was, he wouldn't falter under something like this.

"Your Hokage gave an order." He said and turned to leave.

"And where do you think you're going?" A lazy voice asked. "Hmm?" Danzo stopped and looked at the owner of the voice. "Do I answer to you, Jounin commander Nara?"

"No. No. No. Danzo-sama, however, you answer to the Hokage, and the Hokage gave an order." Shikaku Nara pointed out. His voice sounded lazy but his eyes showed otherwise.

He was also a seasoned Shinobi, if the scar on his face was any indication. He had seen his own fair share of blood and still was able to live a normal family life.

Being the intellectual genius he was, how couldn't he understand what Danzo has always been playing at? As a clan head, despite not having any relationship with the Uchiha, he still understood what he was passing through.

Ergo the reason why he used this opportunity to get back at Danzo, even if he knew it would take him nowhere.

"Of course I'm aware. I'll deploy the root to see to the safety of the civilians." Danzo said and walked out of the room.

Fugaku looked at Shikaku and gave him a curt nod which the Nara responded in kind and said. "The Hokage gave an order..." Saying that, he flickered and left the room.


As the Kyuubi rampaged through the village, he couldn't help but notice a tiny figure standing quite a distance from him.

"Noticed me?" Minato asked.

ROAR! The Kyuubi roared and began forming a Bijudama which he aimed at the tiny Minato.

Whether it was because of the significance of the mountain heads or the fact that Minato was standing on his own head, he formed several hand signs and said. "I won't let you destroy this place."


The Bijudama was released as it flew straight towards Minato, destroying everything in its path, both living and nonliving. Old and young, man or woman.

However, as it reached Minato, it stopped and was swallowed into another layer of space. "Flying Thunder God: Third Phase"

'With such a level of power, I've got to choose where I redirect his attacks carefully.' Minato thought.


An explosion of great magnitude was heard kilometers away from the village.

"That Jutsu that deflected Kyuubi's attack... That was the Teleportation Barrier." Choza Akimichi said

"Yeah. It's got to be Minato!" Shikaku, who was already moving his clan members to Safety responded. "He's doing his best."

"Yosh! Let's do our best too." Choza said.

"Alright... Let's all go too." Hiruzen said as he held his adamantine staff.

"Yes sir!!" The Jounin around him all responded in gusto at being led into battle by their ever trusty Hokage.


'I've got to alert Lord Third right away about what's going on...' he thought but immediately felt a new Presence behind him and swerved to stab at the neck with his Kunai only for his hand to pass through without making contact. 'Nani!?'


Grasping Minato's hand, the masked man said. "I'm your opponent... And you're done for." Saying that, he attempted to twist Minato into mush but feeling the shift in his body, Minato immediately teleported.

"HM. He got away... So fast. Next time, I'll take him a lot quicker... As soon as we touch."


Thump. The sound of body hitting the ground sounded out as Minato appeared at one of his safe houses. "Ugh.."

Minato POV.

My attacks passed right through him... A moment later, he made himself solid and tried to pull me inside of him...? What was that Jutsu,

Hmm? What's that?

In front of him, space seemed to twist and formed a Portal, and from the tiny Portal, the masked man emerged once more.

"You shall not escape." He said.

He uses Teleportation Jutsu too? So that's how he's able to grab Kushina and move so quickly. He managed to defeat the Anbu and nearly assassinated Lord Third's wife if not for Shun. Got passed the highest level classified Barrier. Knew that the Kyuubi seal would weaken during childbirth.

Plus, he's able to unravel the Kyuubi seal and tame him, slip in and out of Konoha's barrier without triggering any alarms. As far as I know, there is only one Shinobi who can do all this...

"Are you Uchiha Madara?" I asked.

The masked man took off his hood without saying anything. "But that's impossible, he's dead."

"Hmm" he hummed. "I wonder about that."

"In the end, it doesn't matter who you are... But why attack Konoha?" I asked.

"It may seem... Whimsical. But also somewhat planned." The masked man said in a deep voice. "For the sake of war... But also for the sake of peace."

Either way, he's not an ordinary Shinobi. He can control the Kyuubi, his teleportation Ninjutsu surpasses both Lord second and mine, and he's got some dangerous ideology. Perhaps Shun and him would understand each other....

.... Wait! Shun! He noticed this guy before he could kill Biwako, perhaps he has a way against him? But I can't bring a kid into this kind of battle... But then again, is he really a kid?

If I don't settle this... We'll have a bigger problem than Kyuubi... If I teleport to the Village, he'll come to the battlefield with me, it'll cause Chaos.

If he's anything like Madara, he shouldn't be able to maintain the Kyuubi in real space for long. I have to entrust the village to Lord Third and just focus on taking down this guy right here and now.

"There is no hope for you... Not even that strange kid." Madara? said as he charged. I also stood and charged too but as I made contact, he turned intangible once more and made to tie me in his chain.

Tch! Fwip.

My physical attacks don't affect his body... But he makes himself solid when he attacks me. I have to aim for a mutual strike precisely timed.

He knows he's vulnerable when he attacks. It takes a long time to summon the Kyuubi. He won't want a lengthy battle.

This is going to be over for one of us in an instant.

General POV

As Minato thought that, he ran at the masked man... While they were two meters away from each other, he threw the Kunai at him and began forming the Rasengan.

As though time slowed down, they both aimed to attack at the moment of contact but Minato had other ideas.

As soon as his Kunai passed through the masked man's head, and the masked man's hand was about to touch him, he vanished, appeared behind him and attacked with his Rasengan.

This all happened in a split second and the masked man, still thinking of his quick Victory, was planted into the ground as a result of the destructive might of the Rasengan.

'He transported himself to the position of the Kunai...' The masked man managed to think amidst the pain wracking his body.

"Flying Thunder... Level 2" Minato said as he used the opportunity to place a seal on the masked man's back before he turned intangible once more and jumped back.

While he attempted to catch his breath, Minato appeared in front of him in a flash of yellow and stabbed him. 'Flying Thunder! He must have placed the seal on me." The masked man thought as he prepared for the pain of death.

However, Minato placed his hand on his chest as a series of Fuin marks appeared. "A contract seal!? Trying to separate me from the Kyuubi?" The masked man shouted in shock.

"ROOOAAARRR!!" The sound of the Kyuubi was heard once more as the three Tomoe Mark in his eyes disappeared, turning into the Normal slitted eyes.


Shun POV

While this was going on, several incidents of dead Shinobis were ongoing. Parents watching their children die, children watching their parents die, husbands watching their wives die and wives watching their husbands die.

The series of death was astronomical that one could literally see the killing Qi in the atmosphere, but alas, Kurama's is continuously absorbing all these into his body, further increasing his bloodlust.

Atleast, he has been driven out of the village, the death toll should reduce and be focused on the Shinobis now.

"Minato, you have to hurry." I said as I closed my already bleeding eyes. This was a new technique I had invented in tandem with the [Room] Domain. [Omniscient Viewpoint]

I could see in real time, everything going on in my domain and my domain was currently covering the entire Konoha, hence the bloody eyes.

"Are...you...okay... Shun?" Kushina's worried voice sounded. Covering back my eyes with my blindfold, I turned with a smile and said. "You don't have to worry about anything Nee-san. Nii-san should be arriving any time now."

"I see... please...take care...of... Naruto..." Kushina said and fell asleep, her fatigue quickly catching up to her.

Minato really needed to hurry up. I need her to survive at least. She has a little role to play in the life of Naruto so she has to survive. Minato would be needed in the fourth war, so he needed to be sealed within the Death Reaper Demon.

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