
Chapter 73

Last Time:

"Attack!" He yelled, and all hell broke loose.


Naruto hefted his shield and threw it at Nadare as he charged, the snow ninja easily jumping over it. "Is that all you've got?" The smug man demanded. Naruto smirked as he saw the shield ricochet off the surface of the wall and spin towards him, knocking the snow nin in the process. He then ducked under a large hand as Mizore (The one with the snowboard) charged past him. Before he could retaliate, the man was kicked away by Yugito. "Watch out!" She yelled, making Naruto jump out of the way of another of Fubuki's kunai with a blue sphere attached to it.

Naruto watched as Samui intercepted the pink haired ninja's kunai and parried them, making them slam into the wall behind her. Naruto sighed until he turned to see Doto falling over the elevated throne chair, holding Koyuki by her throat. He picked up his shield and charged to the downed Koyuki, only to be stopped as Nadare tried to kick him in the stomach. Naruto blocked the kick with his shield and punched Nadare down. Before he could continue to see whether Koyuki was fine, he was stopped by the fact Doto was getting up.

"Did you honestly think this little toy could kill me?" Doto demanded to the downed Koyuki. He unfastened his robe and let it fall to the floor, exposing a slim black armor with dark blue trim and the ying yang symbol on his chest. "Yes, it's the latest design for chakra armor." Doto said as he picked up the downed Koyuki. In a large explosion, the ceiling began to fall down around him as a connector cable came down and attached to his back, pulling him upwards. Before Naruto could react, Nadare appeared before him.

Naruto watched as Darui appeared before him and slammed Nadare to the ground. "What are you waiting for, go get her!" He demanded. Naruto nodded and ran out through the large skylight made by the explosion. Samui and Yugito followed, closely followed by Fubuki and Mizore. Darui turned to see Nadare standing a few feet before him. "Looks like this is our fight now." He commented off handedly, making Darui nod as he looked to the small tanto in his hand. "Looks like it's about time I get serious.." He mused as he threw it to the side and pulled out his folded cleaver sword.

Nadare grinned like a mad man as he charged Darui. Darui quickly put his cleaver sword into a defense positioned and channeled lightning to it. As Nadare slammed into the cleaver sword, Darui was pushed out of the large wall and sent into the large snow banks.

~ With Samui and Yugito ~

Samui and Yugito were closing in on Naruto's position as Doto and the princess flew him through the air, the only thing keeping him from falling being the small arrow in the princess' hand. "We need to do something!" Samui yelled to Yugito. "At this point, all we can do is follow. If we try to shoot them down, we could hit the princess or Naruto-kun." Yugito shot back, making Samui deflate. "Well.." Samui began, but was cut off as a kunai impacted behind her position and large shapes made of solid ice grew from the ground, intent on skewering her alive.

"What the hell is that?!" She demanded, only to jump out of the way as another kunai impacted where she stood."Well, look what we have here.." A voice said from above them. They looked up to see Fubuki expertly gliding between large tree branches. Yugito was about to retort until an arm slammed into her stomach, making her fall to the ground. "Two weak fan girls." Fubuki finished, Mizore content with letting the pink haired kunoichi do all the taunting. "Shit, this is bad." Samui muttered to Yugito. "You're telling me.." Yugito muttered back as she tried to formulate a plan.

Before Yugito could think of anything, Samui handed her a small spool of ninja wire and a few explosive tags. "I'll keep the airborne brat busy, you make a trap. And make sure you don't get taken out." Samui said with a wink. As soon as the last word left her mouth, she slammed a small smoke pellet to the ground. As the smoke filled the clearing, Samui and Yugito scattered in opposite directions. "Shit, you take the one in purple. I'll handle the bowl cut." Fubuki yelled to Mizore, who nodded and left after Yugito.

~ With Yugito ~

Yugito growled as she got a few meters away from Samui. 'I have to buy myself some time.' She mused, then a look of realization spread across her face. "Let's hope this works.." She muttered as she put her hands into a familiar cross symbol. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" She yelled, making 2 clones of herself. "Alright, you two go and keep him busy!" She yelled. The two clones nodded and left her, leading Mizore away from her. Yugito sighed and began to put the explosive tags into a chain pattern on the ninja string. As soon as she was done, she hopped to a tree top and began weaving the string into a large web like substance.

~ With Samui ~

Samui growled as she turned and threw several explosive tags with kunai at Fubuki, who was more than content with merely flying a few feet upwards to avoid them. "that's not going to work with me, girly!" She yelled. She looked around to see two Yugitos fighting against the purple haired nin on the skateboard. 'perfect..' She thought as she dropped another smoke pellet and ran towards the clone. As Fubuki made her way through the fog, Samui pulled the clone Mizore wasn't fighting to the side. "Quick, where?!" She demanded. "Seven meters west from where we split up." The clone replied, making Samui nod.

Samui turned to see Fubuki charging at her and began running a few meters away. As soon as she was far away, she turned and charged straight to the Kunoichi. Fubuki, who wasn't expecting the move, quickly pulled her flight trajectory up. As soon as the kunoichi flew upwards, Samui jumped to a nearby branch and then jumped onto Fubuki's back. "What the hell are you doing?!" Fubuki demanded. Samui growled and smacked Fubuki over the head, tightening her grip onto Fubuki's back with her legs and grabbed her wings.

"Move over, I'm flying!" She yelled to the snow kunoichi, bending her left wing and making the kunoichi flank to her side.

~ With Mizore ~

Mizore slammed the clone before him with a vicious left hook, making it dispel. "Where the hell are you?!" He demanded. "Over here!" A taunting voice said. Mizore turned to see Yugito standing a few yards away from him. "Come and get me!" Yugito yelled, then turned and ran. "Get back here, you little bitch!" Mizore yelled as he took off after the kumo kunoichi. Yugito ran at high speeds, moving through various trees to get Mizore mixed up and to buy herself more time. As soon as she was back in the clearing, she turned to the spider's web she had made and slowly began dipping into Nibi's chakra.

'Alright Nibi, let's show this bastard what we can do!' She said to her inner demon as a cloak of blue chakra surrounded her, her hair springing loose from its once braided pony tail. 'Let's go, kitten!' Nibi replied as she began directing the chakra flowing into Yugito's body. "Damn it, where the hell are you. Samui?!" Yugito yelled out as she saw Mizore soaring towards her on his skateboard.

~ With Samui ~

Samui ducked under another large tree branch as she manipulated Fubuki's. "This may take a while. Just get started without me!" She yelled back. Fubuki then made a sudden barrel roll in an attempt to get Samui off her back, only for Samui to slam her fist into the back of the Kunoichi's skull, knocking her out. "Hmm, much better." Samui mused as she twisted the left wing, this time getting less resistance from the armor.

~ With Yugito ~

Yugito growled as she disappeared from view. Mizore looked around, only to feel the burning sensation of metal cutting into his face. He jumped off his skateboard and charged at Yugito, throwing vicious left hooks and jabs at the kunoichi. Yugito was doing rather well, bending backwards to avoid hooks and using her claws to parry the strikes from Mizore's gauntleted hand. "Stand still!" Mizore demanded, only for Yugito to slam her hand into his chest. The sharp claws sunk themselves into the chakra core running the armor. "Nice try!" He yelled as he was about to punch her, only for Yugito to suddenly channel a large amount of chakra to the hand in Mizore's chest.

The ying/yang symbol in Mizore's chest suddenly broke into several pieces, making Yugito smirk as she delivered a swift strike to the man's cheek. "Now!" A voice yelled behind them. Yugito quickly kicked Mizore in the temple, making the man groan and shake his head in an attempt to shake the dizziness. As soon as he came back to, Yugito went through a series of hand seals and put her hand to her mouth. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"She yelled and blew out a large ball of blazing hot blue fire. Mizore crossed his hands and watched as the chakra armor blocked the incoming chakra attack.

He smirked, only to frown as he was slid back by the sheer intensity of the attack. 'Almost..' "Now!" Yugito yelled. Mizore turned to see Fubuki flying straight towards him, the blonde kunoichi from Kumo on her back. "Fubuki! Stop!" He yelled as he tried to turn, but was unable to stop her because of the large ball of fire before him. "This is my stop!" Samui yelled as she jumped off Fubuki. Mizore groaned as Fubuki slammed into him and pushed him backwards. Before he could get far, he slammed into a large web made of ninja wire that wrapped around him and Fubuki.

"What the hell?!" He yelled, only to see an explosive tag before him and Fubuki's forms. "Boom." A soft voice muttered, blowing him and Fubuki to kingdom come. Samui and Yugito looked at their downed opponents. "Think we overdid it?" Samui asked. "Nah, they'll be fine. I don't know if they'll be able to hear or walk, but they'll be fine." Yugito replied as she looked up. She saw Doto's form fly down and cut the black box holding Naruto in mid air, allowing him to fall to the floor. "Leave them, we have bigger fish to fly." Yugito said with a dangerous tone to her voice. Samui nodded, a menacing frown spread across her face.

~ With Darui ~

Darui pushed away from Nadare and planted his sword into the floor. "What's the matter brat? Finally accepted the fact you're going to lose?" Nadare demanded, only to see Darui go through a series of hand seals. Nadare growled and began going through a series of his own. "So, one last blow, huh?" Nadare asked as he finished his hand seals. "well, you're dead! Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique!" He yelled. From the nearby cliff of snow, large amounts of snow began falling towards them. As the snow fell, it began taking the shape of a pack of wolves running towards them.

As soon as they got to the bottom of the hill, they turned and began charging at Darui. Darui finally had enough chakra charged up and opened his eyes. He quickly soared through the four hand seals. "Storm Release: Laser Circus!" He called out as he held his hands out in front of him. A large amount of lightning chakra began charging up and in a bright flash of lightning chakra, a large beam shot forward, cutting through the pack of ice wolves and charging straight at Nadare. Nadare crossed his hands in front of him and braced himself. As the large beam of chakra slammed into Nadare's armor, it quickly went into overdrive absorbing the chakra.

Nadare gritted his teeth and stood his ground until the attack died down. As soon the attack died down, he opened his eyes to find Darui gone. "What the hell?!" He yelled, until he felt a stinging sensation in his stomach. He looked to see Darui's buster sword sticking out through his gut. "you over relied on that armor of yours and let your skills as an actual shinobi rust. It has now cost you your life. I am sorry." Darui muttered, then flicked his wrist and pulled the blade from his stomach.

Nadare groaned and fell to the floor. Darui sighed and looked up in time to see the arrow that was holding Naruto in midair get cut by Doto. "Shit, Naruto-san!" He muttered under his breath and ran towards the location where Naruto fell.

A/N: Ooh, now things are really getting good. I hope you like what I did with the fight scenes; they really took a lot of tweaking and changing to make them fit in just right.