
I Sold My House For This!

Looking at the door to his room, an average looking young man wearing a futuristic jumpsuit stared decisively at the device in his hand. A brand new CorpCapsule innovation that supposedly created a second stomach through a "false mouth". He recalled the slogan that convinced him to buy it being "Outlast your drinking buddies and outsmart your stepmothers horrible meals!" Squeezing the capsule it transformed into a retainer in a poof of smoke. Having read the directions he placed it in his mouth hesitantly in fear of an unknown sensation.

"Hmmm..." !!!

Having expected some pain, he briefly let his guard down before some inflatable substance poured down his throat and into his stomach, not choking him fully but very uncomfortable.

"Cough! Cough! That was most unpleasant... bleh"Now physically prepared he placed his hand on the door to his destiny where he already had his camera recording. "Hey guys! Whats cracking, its your boy DDS LIVE also known as Donny Dollar Sign with an even crazier challenge!" Reaching into his pocket and clearing off the wooden table in front of him he produced a package shaped like a white egg with a power button on the center.

"A few of you might recognize this from the News Stations, best believe this was not easy to get...hehe." Pressing the button a rush of steam poured from the egg blowing back his hair as it split down the middle and spread revealing a vantablack chip that seemed to absorb the light in the room.


As if possessed an ominous purple aura seemed emit from its very presence as the chip levitated slightly above the package, the heat singing the wooden table below. "The mainstream media would have you BOTS believe you can't eat one of these and survive, I'm going to put my life on the line to put that theory to the test!"

(AN: it is not a theory, but a proven fact)

"I SOLD MY MUTHERFUCKEN HOUSE FOR THIS CHIP SO LIKE THIS VIDEO UPPP!!!" And without further ado he picked up the tongs nearby to grab the chip before bringing it close to his face before flinching at the heat licking his skin. Sharpening his resolve an insane look took over his eyes as he shoved the Chip into his mouth and began chewing like a mad man before swallowing hard. without hesitation Donny started up a standby watering hose to purge his mouth of all remnants.

"Cough, Cough, COugh. GOODNESS WHY, WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS GOOD DID I DO THIS!? I'M MELTINGG, I'M MELTING FROM THE INSIDE OUT!" And he was right, he was melting from the inside out, The fake stomach he invested in burnt away like paper in the face of the Nuclear Poopie One Chip leaving him writhing on the floor rolling back and forth in agony as he slowly burned on live footage.

At some point during his screaming and yelling figurines of the "Gaang", from the 1000 year old series "Avatar the last Airbender" fell down and impaled him through his eyeball further increasing his agony, Causing him to kick out as more vintage paraphernalia fell and impaled him ending his struggle. "Ugh...."

As his last breath left his body he stared out through his last good eye at a comic that fell by his head which read "Naruto" As the light left his eye, it seemed to travel directly into the cover, bringing meaning to the eye being the window to the soul.


As the light of his spirit was absorbed into the story a transformation began to take place. New memories of bending techniques and lifetimes worth of experience and memories began to fusing and flowing into the spirit empowering the light.


A blazing beacon shone from the sky breaking through the clouds and tinting the air blue before burrowing into a grave that sat overlooking a bridge, The nearby civilians of the land of waves paused and stared stuck in the face of such an awesome display as the beam silently dispersed. For a moment it seemed as if nothing had occurred before the ground started to rumble ferociously.

Fearful of a possible natural disaster bystanders began racing across the bridge in an effort to reach the mainland and preserve their lives unaware if the miracle occurring in a small grassy area simply meters away.

*Gasp*The earth twisted and parted as if alive leaving a massive ditch that exposed a young man raggedly breathing wearing battle torn clothes. Taking a deep breath the glimmer in his eyes shone brightly as he collapsed exhausted almost losing consciousness on the way down.

"I'm alive..." the previous spirit of Donny Dollar Sign having merged with the spirit of Haku and been granted the experience of the characters from Avatar the last Airbender had quickly processed and compartmentalized all of his memories in his mind palace. His body was exhausted after transmigration and having been fully revived so he wouldn't rush to some unknown destination in this large ninja world.

Staring dreamily at the clouds above he decided he needed to set a mental blueprint about how he planned to go about living in his new world. With the powers and techniques at his disposal he felt pretty confident that he could roam the Ninja world relatively unscathed, however the logical side of his brain demanded he prepare for the inevitable wars by positioning himself firmly within the political scene of the ninja villages.

'Obviously I need to collect and hoard as many ninja tools and special items, armors, scrolls, as possible. The amazing powers of The Naruto worlds Ninja technology is not lost on me especially knowing about the sequel series Baruto. I'll need money, an information Network. It's a good thing I already know about some underground markets for trading and finding rare ite-

Before he could finish that thought he turned to the side and came face to face with a corpse, specifically the cadaver of one Zabuza Momochi. staring into the face of this bodies mentor and surrogate father was a swift reminder that you can't measure power just based on capabilities, given the opportune circumstances weaker combatants may prevail against a single powerhouse.

''Sigh' Options, options, options, I have potential, opportunity, talent, My talk no just should be very effective in this hopeless ninja world not to mention i've got that dawg in me. It's time to make the ninja world my bitch."