
Naruto : A New Shadow Hokage

MC is Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha a year before the Momoshiki attack.

Uchiha_Minato · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Shin Uchiha

After concentrating for a few seconds i could pinpoint Naruto's Chakra to still be in the land of fire somewhere near the border and two my shock i also found a lot more Chakra Signature's next to him and i instantly recognized that one of the chakra signature was Sakura and there was another Chakra Signature next to her which was very similar to Sakura's and my own, because of the similarities of that Chakra Signature to mine and Sakura's i instantly realised that it was Sarada's Chakra Signature and the rest of the Chakra Signature's were all pretty much the same and they felt a lot like the chakra of an Uchiha so i figured out that the rest of those chakra signatures were most likely Shin Uchiha and his Clones.

(Sasuke was able to track Naruto's Chakra when Momoshiki literally took him to another dimension so im pretty sure he will be able to sense Naruto's Chakra even though he is pretty far)

"Why the hell is Sarada with him?" i asked

"You were able to sense his chakra all the way from here?" Shikamaru asked me in shock

"Yes now answer the damn question" i said

"Well Boruto brought Naruto's Lunch but Naruto had already left so Sarada offered to take it to him, i should have known sending her with him was a bad idea." Shikamaru said.

I simply turned around and used my Rinnegan and opened a portal, just as i was about to step in Shikamaru said "Where are you going off this quickly"

"To go help the idiot he is fighting about a 100 People Right now" I said and got into the portal.

I didn't make the portal right infront of them but a few meters away so that i could first asses the situation.

What i saw completely shocked me The whole Battle Field was covered with Susanoo's and Naruto was already KCM and Sakura was helping him out too, it was rather obvious to me that both of them were playing defense and mainly protecting Sarada and Naruto was trying to find a way to settle this without having to kill all these clones.

The Clones of Shin Uchiha all had a Humanoid Susanoo without any legs while the Real Shin Uchiha had a Humanoid Susanoo with legs and was able to move around.

By the way Naruto was fighting i could easily tell he was rusty and was not at his best right now since he hasn't had to fight in a very long time since this is a time of peace.

The Clones had now started Spamming Yasaka Beads towards Sarada since all of them realised that Naruto and Sakura were mainly focused on protecting Sarada rather than beating them.

Naruto and Sakura were instantly getting overwhelmed because of the Yasaka Beads and they were just about to hit Sarada, Naruto realised he wouldn't make it in time and Sakura couldn't really do anything to protect Sarada against something like Yasaka Beads so she shielded her with her body.

Luckily they were fighting in the open and not in Shin Uchiha's Hideout and there were stones all across the battlefield and there were a few right next to where Sakura and Sarada were so i used my Amenotejikara and swapped places with one of the Stones and now i was infront of Sakura and Sarada.

The Yasaka Beads were just about to hit but i simply held my hand out and activated my Rinnegan Chakra Absorption Ability and as soon as the Yasaka beads neared me i absorbed its chakra the Jutsu was ineffective.

Sakura and Sarada waited for the impact but it never came so Sakura turned around and saw my cloak and instantly realised what had happened.

I turned around and looked at them said "You both alright?" Sakura nodded to answer but as soon as i saw Sarada i saw tears in her eyes and her Sharingan had finally awakened but to my surprise she awakened her Sharingan with 2 Tomoes.

Before i could say anything to Sarada i heard a voice say "Uchiha Sasuke your finally here good, after i kill you and take your eyes no one will be able to stop me from Reforming the akatsuki and continuing Itachi's Will."

I then looked towards Naruto and saw the he was relieved that i got here in time to able to save Sarada and Sakura he quickly came and stood next to me but kept his KCM on.

"Im assuming you want to finish this without too much trouble?" I said

"Yes, im pretty sure we both should be able to settle this by just scaring them a bit i dont want to harm those clones of his" Naruto said

"Fine" i said, i had the perfect plan to make this happen and also wanted to test out one of the Rinnegan abilities i mastered in these few months which sasuke didn't already know.

I made a one handed Ram sign and activated my Humanoid Susanoo, both Naruto and Sakura realised i was using a technique that required a decent amount of chakra since i flared my chakra up a bit before using the technique.

After a few seconds Naruto looked upto the sky since he was the first one to realise what i had done since he still had his KCM and Sage Mode active and then everyone saw the clouds clear and a meteorite dropping from the sky.

Everyone except me and naruto looked up in shock, even though people were told Madara Summoned a Meteorite in the War no one believed it since the only people who ever lived to tell that story were Naruto and the Kage but now after seeing me do it all of them were shocked.

I looked at shin and said "That's a meteorite i summoned using my Rinnegan, obviously since i summoned it i can very much desummon it but i will only do so if you all deactivate your susanoo and surrender, and i am warning you right now your Susanoo's at that stage wont exactly protect your against something like this.

All the Shin Uchiha's were stunned seeing the meteorite and none of them moved, the original Shin said "There is no way you will survive it either", as he said this both me and Naruto simply chuckled and he made an Avatar of Kurama with his Chakra and i activated my Perfect Susanoo and this was enough to scare the rest off them as they all instantly deactivated their susanoo's and dropped their weapons and surrendered and i desummoned the Meteorite.

after me and Naruto deactivated our Susanoo and chakra avatar he looked at me and said "That was way to reckless you know, what would you have done if they didn't surrender?"

"I would have desummoned it and used my Chidori Senbon to knock them out, they wouldn't have been able to react in time as they were too stunned" i said.
