

A boy from out universe died and met a God. He was granted four gifts, within reason, to help with his new life prosper. How will his life go in this long, dark world of Naruto?

Negvrit · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Team 0

Chapter 2 - Team 0.

Arriving in Konoha, Kain made sure to steer clear from the main entrance. Masking his chakra to resemble that of an inanimate object, Kain scaled the walls with ease and leaped over. Landing near the Konohagakure Orphanage.

Sensing for chakra before he continued to make sure he wasn't seen, once the coast was clear, he made way for his home.

The Uchiha compound.

That was another one of his gifts. Being born into the grand genius clan of Konoha, being gifted a sharingan enhanced past its limits. Though Kain wanted the power, he didn't want the name that came with it. The Uchiha were always despised and hated. Especially within the Leaf.

From the Kyuubi attack and Danzo's ploys to get their eyes to them being cursed with 'hatred.' Kain wanted no part in the politics and the rumors that are spread, even if they are remotely true. It's all just extra shit thrown on his plate for him to deal with. So, he discarded it.

Removing the identity of the Uchihas name from his, leaving the only way for people to know where his blood lies within the Sharingan. But even then, he will never claim the name of the Uchiha.

Kain took his time getting to the compound. He knew that there was an emo and rather anti-social brat to deal with when he got there and he was not looking forward to it one bit. The idea of having Indra's reincarnation on his side is really the only reason he bothers to even live at the compound. Besides that? Kain would steer clear from that depressing shit hole for as long as he lived.

"Huh? Oh, is that Kain?" Stopping in his tracks, Kain tracked down the girlish voice and came to see that it was Ino Yamanaka carrying white petaled flowers. Her single bang covering the left side of her face had the same flower sitting within, tucked underneath.

"Oh hi Ino… What are you doing out here?" Kain asked, staying in his place, letting Ino close the distance. Ino skipped happily with a smile, her eyes beamed with joy. Stopping in front of Kain a safe, but uncomfortable distance away from his personal space, she waved a bundle of flowers in his face, causing him to mouth the word, 'Ohhhh.'

"I'm working, but I should be asking you that! You're usually never outside after the Academy… Makes me wonder what monster dragged you out." She joked, causing Kain to chuckle softly.

"Yeah well… I needed some fresh air. Being holed up inside my apartment all day got boring, decided to come, 'sight see.'" He responded, walking with her right next to him. Ino hummed in recognition. She knows how that feels. She used to do it until she was finally dragged out by her mother. She never complained though because she made a lot of friends during those, 'Torturous times.'

The two descended into silence as Kain basically led her to his destination, only stopping once she realized she had no intention of going back to work.

"Um, Ino? Why are you still following me? You know you have work right?" Kain pointed towards the bundle of flowers, eliciting Ino to gasp in realization.

"Ah! I totally forgot! Thanks, I gotta go!" She took off back towards her shop, kicking up dirt along the way. It was quite the cartoonish site, leaving Kain to stare off in awe.

Shaking his head, he entered the Uchiha Compound and enjoyed the silence. Since the estate is more so towards the back of the village all the civilian noises are drained out. It's like a dead city, the only thing giving it life being the multitude of birds that flew freely around the compound.

Reaching his home, Kain settled in with a sigh. His home was a simple Japanese style loft with three different rooms. Two were bedrooms while one was the bathroom. The kitchen was set in the main room where everyone would come together.

Kain gazed at the main room with complicated feelings. One part of him loved this place, it was a place of memory. From the short time that he had actually got to spend with his parents, he was happy, but when they caught wind of what was going on politically, they sent him away. To someone they could trust within the village to keep his location a secret.

That was the only reason he survived.

Though he never understood why they never came with him.

Shaking his head, he rid himself of those thoughts and headed for his room. It was pretty late and he had a long day ahead of him tomorrow.

The bright sun peeked around Kains curtain, blasting his eyelids. The boy grunted before turning over, only to fall off the bed with a loud THUMP. His head hitting the side of his dresser. Groaning in pain he sat up with a start, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ugh~ Son of a bitch…" Having been woken up, he went ahead and got ready for the Academy. Today was his day to graduate and be introduced to his team members and his Jonin leader. Once canon went into play, he would finally start showing his true prowess. There would be no reason to hide anything anymore.

Not like he planned too.

Looking at the mess his house was in, Kain sighed but quickly dispatched two shadow clones to handle the cleaning. In the matter of minutes the house was back to being shiny and clean, giving it a more welcoming aura than an aura of disappointment. That's quite the difference.

Eating a quick breakfast and planning out his day, Kain was off to the Academy. He left a little earlier than he normally does, but he just blamed it on the fact that he was woken up earlier too. Plus being earlier never hurt anyone. Unless there was like… A murder being commited and you were early enough to see who did it and now you gotta die so they don't get caught.

But this isn't a situation like that, so there was no harm.

The rise of dawn within the village was really peaceful. A slight breeze with the sky clouded over, threatening to rain… The absolute silence beside from the yawns of the early risers who have work to do, and the crunch of the dirt and gravel under their very feet.

If only it was this peaceful everyday all day would Kain truly be at peace.

On his way to the Academy he caught sight of Shikamaru sitting on a bench just outside the entrance. His focus was solely on the sky above him, watching the clouds drift apart slowly as the sun threatened to peek through, shining its light upon the world. Only to be shut out once again by the reforming clouds.

It was always interesting to Kain how someone could be so lazy but smart. He knows that the Nara's are born with that incredulous brain, but surely they study and gain knowledge in different ways rather than just being born with it, right? Cause if they don't and they truly are just all natural spawns of geniuses, would there be a limit on their IQ?

They would be amazing for information gathering if they literally soaked up every bit of knowledge like a sponge, ever increasing how smart they are. If they weren't so lazy they would make amazing scientists.

Kain suddenly got an idea.

What if he could pull a Nara out of their lazy state, and have them focus solely on researching medical ninjutsu, kekkei genkais and everything science related, and then continue to feed them more knowledge. They would be his own walking supercomputer that could find the best ways around splicing DNA and applying it to another person.

Pushing that idea to the depths of his mind, Kain arrived at the entrance to his class room. Entering, he saw that it was basically empty, aside from Sasuke who sat staring off into the great unknown outside the window with a brooding expression, the room was… Well, empty. Completely.

Kain sat at the back of the class, meaning he got to oversee everything within it. His shadow clones never missed a single detail within this room just because of that singular advantage. Not like it really proved to be anything great other than to keep track of everything.

If his eyesight was bad, he would most definitely struggle.

Anyway, Sasuke glanced towards Kain and failed to hide the venomous glare he sent his way. Kain ignored it, making his way to his seat. His actions only irritated the Uchiha more but he never acted on it. Deciding that he and Kain would settle their business some other time.

Sasuke counts Kain as a coward, one who ran away from his clan, abandoning them to survive while everyone else was brutally murdered by his brother. Of course Sasuke was scared, but as far as he knew, fighting back would've been better than running away with your tail between your legs.

Kain never knew the reasoning behind Sasuke's spite, nor did he really care. If it was such a big issue then Sasuke can come settle it whenever he wants. He has no qualms about putting the brat in his place.

His seat was in the far back corner of the room, putting him at the highest row near the wall, making it very convenient for him to get more sleep while he waited. There was about thirty minutes or so until class started, he could use that time to catch up on his lack of sleep.

Laying his head on his folded arms, that's exactly what he did.

It didn't last long though as the door to the room swung open and a myriad of voices began to flood through. Shattering the peace and quiet, causing Kain to groan in irritation. The Rookie Nine all sat in there original seats, waiting for Iruka to show.

Since Kain was in the back, he sat with rather unfamiliar people that weren't originally in the story.

Like the Hyuga girl that just plopped down next to Kain, on his left. Her name was Akatami Hyuga. She was a genius as well, said to be on par or even stronger than Neji Hyuga, the strongest Genin.

Her potential is boundless in the eyes of her clan and Kain could agree. He can see where they were coming from considering her master efficiency using her Byakugan and her gentle fist. It still needs work, but she's an absolute unit as of right now. And she's only twelve.

Though, she stands out more than any other within her clan with her snow white hair and almost pure white skin. She has no blemishes and if she really tried, she'd definitely go as a porcelain doll.

She was short, standing at a solid 1.37 meters. She still looks like she was six, even though everyone here is about twelve years of age, some a year older some a year younger.

Kain glanced over at Akatami and found that she was staring at him as well. More so, the tattoos on his forearm and hands.

"What do those mean?" She asked, seeing she was caught. Kain glanced at his hand and inspected it as if it was new.

"The tattoos?" He questioned, lifting an eyebrow. She nodded and he nodded as well, though it was very lazy.

"Eh, just something I wanted to do. No real meaning, just thought they were cool." He shrugged nonchalantly, getting an eye roll from the girl. The two are very familiar with each other, well, she's familiar with his shadow clone but whatever.

She won't know, right?


"So no shadow clones today? I was wondering when you'd actually decide to show up to class." She drawled, sighing. Kain was caught off guard, his body tensing for a slight second before relaxing. He leaned back in his chair, staring off into space.

"Nope. Today's an important day after all. We get our squads and we become Official genin. I figured this was something I could at least show up for instead of being out and wandering about." Akatami hummed with a nod.

"So even you are excited about the Jonin instructor." She teased with a smile, lightly shoving him with her shoulder. Kain rolled his eyes but didn't deny.

He was interested in the different Jonin. Since her existence alone was more than enough clues that things would be different.

Their attention was pulled towards the front of the classroom when the door to it opened, and in came a man with a ponytail and a scar across the bridge of his nose. Iruka eyed the class with a smile, seeing that everyone was here.

Though, when his eyes landed on a certain blonde haired whiskered boy, his eyes shone with worry and pity. Today was the day for graduation and Naruto was always one to never be able to fully form a clone. Today felt no different.

His eyes drifted to each and every one of his proud students. Today was the day that he let them go, the day they became true ninjas and their ninja squads.

"Ahem!" Clearing his throat, the class settled down somewhat, a few whispers of excitement here and there. Iruka smiled softly as he reminisced about the early days within the Academy. Some of his students changed greatly, some becoming more outgoing, breaking out of their shells while some others were put into one.

But either way, they all had one thing in common.

They all got stronger.

"Today is officially the last day of the Ninja Academy for you guys! You all came a long way and I'm proud to say that I was the one who led you all to become Ninja. Now! Today you all will be assigned to teams and later your Jonin instructor will come to get you. You will be in three-man cells like we discussed!" Taking a breath of air, Iruka's smile slowly turned to a somber one. Setting the room's mood to a more monotone feel.

"Now, I'll tell you the teams so stay seated until I finish. And stay quiet!"

"-Team 7! Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno" Sakura squealed out of pure joy, the thought of winning against her love rival, Ino filled her with a sense of victory that overflowed from within, she just couldn't help herself.

'Hehe, Sasuke's fine too… Though, I would've preferred Kain…' She thought, sneaking a glance at Kain whose head was buried in his arms, his figure somewhat covered by Akatami. Seeing how close she was to him filled her with a hint of jealousy, but thinking back to her new team, she quickly shook those thoughts out.

Sakura's good mood soon plummeted after hearing Iruka's next words.

"And Naruto Uzumaki!"

Comically collapsing on top of her desk, Sasuke scoffed while Naruto inwardly cheered, being on the same team as Sakura was good! However…

Glancing over towards Sasuke, Naruto glared disapprovingly at the boy. Causing Sasuke to grunt in amusement.

Iruka didn't even bother to get himself between those two, he just continued on with the teams.

"And lastly, Team 0! Kain U-, Ehem, Kain and Akatami Hyuga!" Hearing the last team, confused muttering began to break out. Akatami wasn't all that opposed to being in a two-man cell… But she was still wondering what changed.

Glancing over to Kain who still sat with his head buried in his arms, she confusingly eyed the teacher, raising her hand to ask her question. Already assuming what her question was, Iruka smiled knowingly and called on her.

"Yes, Akatami?"

The girl sat up straight as the room quieted down.

"Aren't the teams supposed to be three-man cells? How come me and Kain are the only two grouped up?" Iruka nodded playfully, his smile widening.

"Because~ You two are going to be a special squad. That's all I can really tell you… Your Jonin leader will have to explain everything else. Is that all?"

Akatami nodded slowly, her confusion wasn't quelled a single bit, but she didn't want to bother her teacher anymore. She bet that he had a busy schedule since other Academy classes are being introduced.

Iruka smiled as he eyed every last one of his students. Trying to keep himself from tearing up out of pride, he shook his head and gathered his things.

"Class dismissed! Remember, don't leave until your Instructor comes to get you!" And with that, Iruka ended his teachings with his class and headed out of the room, his eyes tearing up as he did so.

Once he left, the room was filled with a deafening silence. It almost seemed like someone put a silencing seal on every person in the room within a blink of an eye, but in reality, everyone was still digesting their teams and wondering about their new Sensei's.