
Naruto's Lemon Adventures

Hey guys it's the the late night anime . Now I've always wanted to do my own Naruto harem fic and I know there are plenty lemon fics out there. I did read a great one called Naruto: Lemon Chronicles and that fic is fucking great! I am in no way copying the author since mine will be a mixed sappy romantic shit combined with straight up hardcore coitus between Naruto and whatever female character I pair him up with. This is an AU so stop asking questions.

Late_Night_Anime · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Night of The Fucking Dead

-Uzushiogakure at around 2 A.M.-

After a week at the Hano Hot Spring Resort Kakashi, Kurenai, Naruto, Tayuya and Karin joined by Yamato had returned from their vacation. However the second they stepped back into Konoha several ANBU took Naruto to Lady Tsunade for an urgent mission. It's a dark and quiet night and Naruto is seen hopping through the trees in Uzushiogakure. The kind of mission Tsunade summoned him to perform a search and rescue mission.

A girl was kidnapped from her house in the Takigakure by that pedophilic fuck snake Orochimaru. The leader Shibuki sent a message to Lady Tsunade asking for her to send someone to rescue the girl. Since most other Chunin and Jonin were busy doing their own missions she looked to Naruto the moment he came back and well. Here he is in the Uzushio!

Landing at a small beach near the ocean Naruto pulls out a scroll from his backpack and unrolls it, it contains the clients' request, how the kidnapped girl looks like. Apparently he had been sighted in Uzushio and well, here he is on the look for our missing girl!

''Tch, that snake pedo is forever kidnapping little girls! He needs to cut that shit out!'' Naruto growled before putting the scroll away, ''Alright, I just have to find this girl, red hair that's about shoulder length with two strands framing her face and her teeth fangs. Has heterochromia with her right eye gold and her left is green. Got it.'' Naruto said before jumping away.

After about thirty minutes of searching the beaches and nearby forest Naruto spots what looks like light coming from a cove a few meters off shore. ''Huh, that snake bastard must be in there. Hope the girl is okay..'' Naruto said to himself as he proceeds to dive into the water and swims towards the cove.

He eventually swims his way into the cove and gets on dry land. Emerging from the water Naruto gets on all fours and shakes himself dry like a dog would.

''Ah man I hate swimming!'' Naruto groaned before making his way deeper into the cove's interior.

After about ten minutes of venturing through the dark and moist interior he stops and leans against the wall when he swore he heard someone laughing. Perking his ears up he listens intently to see if there is anyone nearby.

Roughly a few seconds later he hears someone speaking.

''Kukuku, with this girl's body I shall finally have the jiongu technique! No one will be able to stop me once I have it!'' The voice said maniacally.

'Yep, that's definitely Orochimaru. Time to show him how much of a dick bump he is!' Naruto thought as he summons a shadow clone to confront Orochimaru head on.

Naruto low crawls into the room out of Orochimaru's sight, since snake fuck was on his knees caressing the girl's body the blonde could easily sneak around the bastard without being noticed if he was quiet enough. Turning to face the clone he gives him a nod and the clone draws several kunai and hurls it at the snake mofo.

''Hm?'' Orochimaru said as he looks up, seeing the kunai coming right at him he effortlessly catches them all in between his fingers. Taking a good look at the figure that attacked him he couldn't help but feel utter joy.

''Kukukukuku, well well if it isn't Naruto Uzumaki. I presume you're here to rescue this girl?'' The Sannin snickered as he tosses the kunai back at the clone.

Orochimaru then extends his tongue out and the slimy pink appendage lashes out towards the clone, the clone tries to move out the way but he is too slow and the tongue coils around his body trapping him.

''Urg! What the fuck!'' The clone yelled in frustration, Orochimaru reels in tongue in like a fishing pole bringing the clone closer to him. The fingers on his right hand begin sporting purple flames on them and with one swift move he slams his fingers into the clone's stomach.

''Now you have no help from the Kyuubi you little brat.'' Orochimaru sneered when suddenly the clone dispels, ''What?! A shadow clone?''

Seeing a shadow loom over him he looks above and spots the real Naruto coming down on him with the rasengan in hand.

''You snake pedo fuckity fuck bastard! Isn't kidnapping helpless girls getting a little bit old!?''

Naruto's rasengan then connects with the Sannin's head making the snake man scream in pain. The ground inside the cavern began cracking from the force of the impact and when the rasengan subsides Orochimaru's body is seen laying there. Jumping back Naruto lands besides the unconscious girl and checks her for vitals.

''Hm, she doesn't appear to be injured at all, just knocked out and tired. I'd better get her outta here.'' He said before picking up the girl bridal style.

He then performs a shunshin and disappears in a swirling vortex of Kyuubi chakra.

-On the beach-

The quiet scenery of the beach was interrupted when Naruto and the unconscious girl appear via shunshin. Naruto gently sets the girl down beside a tree and takes out his scroll containing the description of said person...He found her...gorgeous.

''Hm, shoulder length red hair, Two strands framing the sides of her face, stitch markings across her face at the bridge of the nose. Long single bang coming down in the middle her head in between her eyes. Single strand pointed upwards. Yep! This is the person!" Naruto whispered to himself.

As he goes to put the scroll away he hears the girl stir in her sleep. After a moment of that she slowly opens her eyes and what Naruto saw was easily the most beautiful pair of eyes he'd ever laid eyes on. The girl's right eye was golden while her left was green. This was due to her having heterochromia and damn could Naruto get lost in those eyes.

''Urm, where am I? Who are you?'' The girl asked rubbing her eyes, ''Wait! That pedophile, where is he why I'll...'' The girl said as she attempts to get up only to be stopped by the blonde.

''Hey relax! I knocked him unconscious with my rasengan.'' Naruto said with his trademark smirk.

''Y-you beat him?'' The girl asked in surprise.

''Heh heh, well just knocked him unconscious is all! We really should get out of here you know. Come on I'll take you back to Konoha with me.''

''Konoha? I've never been there before...how are the people? Are they assholes?''

''They're very nice, well, except to me I'm the most hated son of a dick in the entire village but there are a few people who do treat me like a human being.'' Naruto said through gritted teeth

The girl's eyes went wide at what he just said, ''You..you're hated by a majority of your village too?''

''Huh? What do you mean too? Why are you hated?'' Naruto asked.

''Um...well...let's just say I'm not exactly...human...People make fun of my mismatched eye color and my stitched up body...''

Naruto couldn't help but give the girl the most sympathetic look he ever had the fortune of having on his face. Here before him was a person who was also hated by most of her village. He was definitely going to take her back to Konoha with him.

''Hey..what's your name?'' Naruto asked with a smile.

The girl looked up and their eyes met each other, ''I'm...my name is Zombina, and yours?''

''I'm Naruto Uzumaki! And you have a lovely name Zombina, and also I really like your eyes! They're very unique.''

Zombina looked at Naruto with a blush slowly forming on her face, never in her life did any guy ever compliment her on her eyes let alone her in general. Here right in front of her was young man who had rescued her form the most wanted pedophile in the shinobi world. Hell she thought Naruto was pretty handsome too. That smile though..

''Oh, thank you. No one has ever complimented me before so you're the first.'' She said shyly while twiddling her fingers, ''Well? Aren't you going to take me back to my new home Naruto?''

''Oh! Right I guess we got sidetracked, let's get going now!''

Picking Zombina up bridal style Naruto then hops through the trees back to Konohagakure.

-Several days later, Streets of Konoha-

It's been several days since Naruto had brought Zombina back to the village with him. The first thing that happened was Naruto bringing Zombina to see Lady Tsunade. As what she did with Tayuya she made the girl an official Chunin of Konoha and had her move into the apartment next to Naruto and Tayuya's. Now Naruto was a bit nervous about the two redheads meeting each other for the first time and to his surprise the two of them got along rather well and weren't staring each other down like with Karin. However unknown to Naruto the moment that they had met they talked about...the CRA and his...meat scepter behind his back...Zombina was already dying to have a piece of that man meat of his.

Now back to what the two of them were doing Naruto is seen walking around town with Zombina to show her around, today they were going clothes and food shopping for Zombina since well, she pretty much left everything at her old house in Taki so fuck it right? Though Naruto did learn about what Zombina truly was which was...a zombie he still saw her as any other girl unlike the guys at Takigakure who abused her and called her names due to her various stitch marks on her body.

Now Naruto absolutely hated shopping with girls, though he would never admit it he really did despise it. It was to the point where he'd rather die then go shopping with even Tayuya. They were in a Victoria's secret shop where Zombina was trying on several lingerie. After several nosebleeds from Naruto the two of them then paid for the lingerie that Zombina had chosen and headed out of the shop. Naruto was glad she was dressed again in her usual red combat jacket, black tank-top that left her sexy toned belly exposed, her black ANBU combat boots that almost went up to her knees and her dog-tags hung freely from her neck ending in between her enormous boobs. Lastly she wore her headband around her neck like a scarf. Seriously he was so going to lose it when he watched her change in lingerie for over an hour straight.

After that they then head to the 'Konoha Food Max' to buy meat since she was well...a zombie all she ever ate was meat. They spent half an hour buying the entire meat section and left the store.

''Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto shouted summoning at least four clones, ''I want you guys to take these shopping bags back to the apartment got it?'' He ordered the clones who nodded in response.

Watching the clones take the bags from him Naruto sighed in relief as the weight of said bags were lifted off him giving his arms time to breath. Looking at his watch he noticed that it was only one in the afternoon, looking at Zombina he decided to see what she wanted to do next. ''We still have a lot of time, what would you like to do next Bina-chan?''

Placing a finger on her chin she went into thought for a few minutes. ''Hm, wasn't there suppose to be a new Princess Gale movie coming out today? If it's out let's go see it!'' She said cheerfully.

''Yeah I think it's suppose to be in theaters today! I've been dying to go see it! Naruto declared.

''Well then let's go see it!''

-Konoha Cinema Showcase-

Naruto and Zombina walk out of the Konoha Cinema with big smiles on their faces. They laugh as they share their opinions on 'Princess Gale in Zombie Utopia.'

''Wow! Zombie films are the perfect hybrid between pleasure and panic!'' Zombina said cheerfully, ''Though I'm not too big a fan of the fast zombies because they are a bit too lively for my tastes.''

''Not as lively as you Zombina-chan.'' Naruto said with a smile getting a blush out of the zombie girl.

''Awww, that's sweet of you Naruto-kun~, but I'm not that lively.'' She said raising her arm to deliver a playful punch to him.


Hearing the girl go from talkative to silent Naruto turned around ask what was wrong. ''Hey is somethi...Gah!''

Several bystanders around the duo take off running in terror. On the ground was Zombina's hand laying there motionless.

''Oopsies!'' Zombina giggled.

-Ichiraku Ramen-

After scooping up Zombina's hand Naruto dragged her to Ichiraku ramen for lunch and to sew her hand without anyone seeing thanks to the flaps hanging from the entryway of the little shop. Currently he was sewing her hand back into place much to the amazement of the dead girl.

''Wow Naruto, you are good at sewing you know?'' Zombina said as she continued to watch our blonde sew her hand.

''Well, I did grow up without parents so I taught myself how to do everyday tasks.'' The blonde replied.

After a few more minutes Naruto had finished sewing the hand back into place. Taking her hand Zombina flexed it a few times to make sure it was completely reattached to her body. ''You know Naruto, back in Takigakure a lot of guys would be repulsed by me yet...you're not. Why? You know I'm a literal zombie right? The scary flesh eating monsters that haunt your worst nightmares! THE LIVELIEST CORPSE ZOMBINA-CHAN MWAHAHAHAHAHA.'' She cackled out loud as a lightning genjutsu appeared behind her scaring Teuchi away.

Naruto just chuckled lightly at her attempt to scare him.

''To be honest, everything you or others consider abnormal about you I don't really see as bad at all. Truthfully I think it makes you really unique. You know what I see Zombina? I don't see a zombie, I see you, an ordinary girl in my eyes.'' He answered giving her a sincere smile.

Zombina gasped quietly at the words that he was saying as a large blush formed on her face. ''He really does see me for who I am, I think I found the man of my dreams, the one who will see Zombina and not some freak...But first I should mess with you Naruto-kun hehehe.'' She thought mischievously as she reaches through the armhole of her tank-top.

As Naruto was putting his sewing kit away he swore he saw something fall to the ground out of the corner of his eye. Looking at the ground he spots a lump of something just laying there.

''Oh I think you dropped something.'' He said as he bends down to pick it up, Looking at it took him only a split second to notice what it is...

''HOLY MOTHER OF KAMI." He shouted in embarrassment.

''Huh? What's all the ruckus Naru...Eeeeeeee!"' Ayame squealed before running back into the back room of the shop.

''Oopsies! I think the stitches for my breast busted, could you be a dear and put it back for me Naruto?'' She teased as she proceeds to lift her shirt up much to Naruto's embarrassment.

Five minutes later...

After picking up the fallen E-cup sized tit Naruto was now sewing the massive mound back onto Zombina's chest in sheer embarrassment much to Zombina's delight.

''Hehe, he look's so cute when he's embarrassed like that!'' Zombina thought with a devilish smirk.

''H-holy...she has much bigger boobies than Tayu-chan..''

Taking his mind of the dirty thoughts Naruto then sewed the titty completely back onto the Zombie girl's chest. ''Doesn't it hurt at all Zombina-chan?'' He asked.

''Naruto I'm a zombie! I don't feel pain at all! So long as you aren't rough with me of course.'' She answered.

''Alright then, just let me squeeze you a few times here to make sure...''

Before he could finish his sentence Zombina moaned out loud in pleasure making Naruto release his grip from her titty.

''Oh SORRY SORRY SORRY!'' Naruto cried out while waving his hands around hysterically.

''Ahaha! I'm just messing with you Naruto-kun!''

The pair then spent another thirty minutes eating and relaxing at the ramen shop. After about...fifty bowls for them both they paid and left. The two were now walking down a street. Naruto noticed that it was evening and looking at his watch he saw that it was about 7 o' clock.

''Hey Bina-chan we have a few more hours left to hang out. Is there anything you want to do next before we call it a day?'' Naruto asked.

''Erm, let me think...'' She goes into thought when a poster suddenly catches her eye. Gasping in happiness she drags Naruto over and points to it.

''There's a singing contest at the academy! The prize is 100,000,000 Ryo! It starts in twenty minutes can we go Naruto!?'' She pleaded like a child.

Naruto gave her a surprised look, ''Wow you can sing Bina-chan?"

''Well, actually never tried it...I'm hoping you'd take me there right now so I can try my luck since I wrote a song.''

'Really? What are we waiting for? Let's go!'' Naruto shouted before they both run in the direction of the academy.

-Ninja Academy Hallways-

After signing up for the contest at the Academy's office the two of them made their way towards the cafeteria where the karaoke contest would be held. Zombina couldn't help but feel (Do zombies even feel anything?) very nervous since this would be the first time she'd ever performed in front of so many people let alone a guy she really likes.

Naruto, noticing the redhead look down at the floor shyly stopped her and proceeded to give her a hug. ''Bina-chan you don't have to be nervous.'' He reassured.

Zombina was blushing at how warm and welcoming his embrace felt. She started had this strange feeling in her stomach like..shit what was she feeling?!

''Th-thanks Naruto-kun.'' She said returning the hug earning some curious looks from people walking by.

The two then enter the cafeteria and wow was there a lot of people!

There were various Chunin and Jonin that Naruto knew. Chairs were neatly arranged along the middle of the cafeteria with various snack stands on the sidelines. In the center of the mass of chairs was a long table containing three seats for what Zombina assumed to be the judges.

''Dang, that's a lot of humans.'' Zombina said earning a chuckle from the blonde.

''Don't worry!.'' He chuckled patting her shoulder.

The curtains lift from the stage that was set up and Iruka Umino came forth with a microphone in hand. Tapping it a few times to make sure it worked he spoke into it.

''Ahem! Hello? Hello? Is this thing working? Can you all hear me?'' He asked getting everyone's attention in the cafeteria. With all eyes on him he nods in satisfaction. ''Great! Welcome everyone to our karaoke contest! I'm Iruka Umino and I'll be the host tonight!''

The people within the cafeteria began clapping.

''Settle down everyone! I'd like to thank the shinobi council for setting this up just for pure entertainment and for us all to have a good time. I've received the list of participants and we will begin shortly! I'd like to welcome our three judges for tonight. On the first seat is our lovely Hokage Tsunade Senju!''

''Let's get this show on the road!'' The busty Sannin said.

''Next all the way from Sunagakure is the fifth Kazekage Gaara-sama!''

''As long as it makes my fellow shinobi in Konoha happy I am happy. Hopefully Naruto sings so I can be entertained..'' The Suna redhead said in his usual quiet voice.

''And last but not least our third judge is Mei Terumi the Fifth Mizukage!''

''Hm, I look forward to all the splendid performances!'' Mei exclaimed.

Zombina, seeing several contestants walk over towards the back of the cafeteria leading to the stage gave Naruto a hug before running over to join them.

''You can do it Bina-chan.'' Naruto said to himself as he walks over to the snack stands.

The audiences cheers out loud, after a few minutes the cheering settles and Iruka called upon the first contestant who was Killer B from Kumogakure.

''Alright Killer B let's see what you got!"' Tsunade said.

Killer B takes the microphone from Iruka, clearing his throat he then points to the D.J. which was Konohamaru.

''Kick it kid!"'

*Beat starts playing*


Yo! Say! Ho!

You know my name, you know my fame, don't be lame!

Eight Tails, that's me, da rappin, Killer Bee

A Tailed Beast resides, inside my hide!

Makin' beats and rhymes and I'm makin' 'em live

Its what a Jinchuriki needs to survive

Battle and battle up here in the Bee Hive!

Four fights comin' up, and it could get rocky!

First a talky jockey. Naruto Uzumaki!

(Everyone turns around and laughs at Naruto much to his embarrassment)

''Urg! Don't rap about me octopops!'' Naruto pouted cutely.

Even Zombina was giggling because of this. He looked so cute pouting.

His Nine-Tail is a major component

Right from the top, he's a worthy opponent

But the notion of a victory is not contradictory!

Win after win is the way that its done

When I'm through you wish we'd never met son

Awwwwww yeeaaaaaah!

Killer B raises both his hands into the air, another karaoke contest done!

''Thank you thank you!'' He shouted out.

Iruka stepped up from the side and took the mic from the Kumo ninja. ''Alright judges! What do you think of Killer B's performance?''

''I'd say, remarkable!'' Tsunade exclaimed.

''Hm, as I expected from the one and only Killer B.'' Gaara whispered.

''You sounded like two toad summons having sex with decapitated snake summons while blowing a slug summon.'' Mei teased earning a chuckle from the Kumo ninja.

''Thank you for your honest opinions! Yo say ho!'' B said before exiting the stage.

Nodding, Iruka then calls out for the next contestant to come out which was Ebisu, Genma, Ibiki, Might Guy, Kakashi, Yamato, and Asuma singing and dancing to the KPOP song 'Boy In Luv' by BTS. After about two hours of going through the contestants, to list some there were Sakura Haruno singing 'Love Me Like You Do' by Ellie Goulding, Sai singing 'Apology' by Alesana, Zabuza sang 'Psychosocial' from Slipknot, and finally Temari sang 'Behind These Hazel Eyes' from Kelly Clarkson. After those contestants it was time for the last entry which was Zombina-chan!

After Temari sang her song Iruka stepped out with the list of contenders, checking Temari off he took the mic. ''Alright everyone! We've got one more person left..''

Iruka was interrupted when Naruto shunshined beside him and whispered into his ear. Smiling, Iruka nods and Naruto exits the stage.

''It seems there as been a bit of a change, Zombina will not be entering on her own it seems!''

Behind the curtain we see Zombina with a guitar in hand and a wireless mic in her ear. Behind her we see four shadow clones of her, two on electric guitar with one of them on the keyboard as well, one on bass guitar and a drummer.

''I hope Naruto-kun likes me singing..'' She sighed nervously.

''Give it up for Zombina and the Skeletones!" Iruka shouted into the mic as the curtains rise blinding our favorite zombie girl.

After her eyes adjust to the lights Zombina saw how many people were clapping. She was about to run off the stage from stage fright when she saw Naruto by the snack stands waving at her.

''You can do it Zombina-chan!'' The blonde shouted.

Blushing, Zombina smiles at him and nods before turning to face her clones, giving them a nod as well they begin.

''Come on!''

*Music begins playing*

['Stand up' by Zombina herself in the Monster Musume Best album]

Charged the enemy position, shooting by two hands

The most energetic zombie in the world

There is no mercy

No matter arm or other, it doesn't matter if this body loses any part

This is the Living Dead!

No matter being shot or being cut

I won't be defeated. I won't let you succeed

Instinct makes me stand up

Exceed the immortal spirit

Until the day when I catch the victory

Crawl up, crawl down, the hammer of justice

Stand up right now!

Feel no pain when being shot

Justice dancin' forever Penetrate

Justice dancing forever

3, 2, 1 Let's Rock!

Even if you say I'm already rotted

It doesn't matter at all

I am the Living Dead

The heart already stopped beating, doesn't move

After one throbbing, my heart seems to begin to move

Fly high again. This excitement is so strong

Hey, let's go, grovel

Rise more! Knock down to the extent that my heartbeat is heard

This heart flies high again

Living Dead!

No matter being shot or being cut

I won't be defeated. I won't let you succeed

Instinct makes me stand up

Exceed the immortal spirit

Until the day when I catch the victory

Crawl up, crawl down, the hammer of justice

Stand up right now!


Stand up!, Stand up!, Stand up!

Stand up right now!

Zombina and her clones finish their song with the clones dispelling right away, the real Zombina was very nervous. She had never performed in front of people before let alone sing and she was looking at the audience shaky and swallowing her spit. The audience was just staring at her like she has a dick growing out of her forehead. Did they like it? Did they think she was garbage? Did they think she was a freak? She was about to run off stage until...

''WOW! THAT WAS JUST GREAT!'' Tsunade screamed out loud as she stands up and claps.

''THAT WAS PURELY AMAZING! WHAT A VOICE!'' Gaara said as he jumps onto the table and throws up the devil horns while headbanging.

''That was truly amazing Zombina and the Skeletones! Really amazing!'' Mei declared.

The audience erupted into a thunderous applause.

''Go Zombina!" Naruto called out from the back.

Zombina was blushing immensely at this, they all really liked it! Hell Naruto's cheers were easily the loudest!

''ZOMBINA, ZOMBINA, ZOMBINA'' The entire audience called out.

Tsunade, Gaara and Mei huddled together to discuss who the obvious winner of the karaoke contest will be. Separating they walk up stage to stand by Zombina's side. Taking the mic Tsunade announced ''And there you have it folks! The winner of this karaoke contest is Zombina!''

The crowd's cheering and clapping became even louder hearing this. Kakashi and the other contestants were clapping as well for the zombie girl. Well except Sakura who was fuming inside.

''How the fuck can I lose to a fucking zombie whore like her!'' The pink Uchiha dick swizzler thought in sheer anger before running out the building.

''As the winner of this contest Zombina wins a grand total of 100,000,000,000,000 Ryo! Congratulations young lady!'' Tsunade said as Gaara handed her the prize money in cash in a big ass bag.

''Th-th-thank you Tsunade-sama!'' Zombina said as she began to cry (do zombies even cry?) tears of joy.

Naruto ran up to the stage and embraced Zombina in a hug.

''See? I knew you could do it Bina-chan!''

Zombina was blushing like crazy, his embrace felt..so good. ''Th-thank you Naru-kun...''

-One hour later at the apartment complex-

After leaving the academy our duo were on there way home after a long day of eating ramen, buying lingerie, going to the bank to deposit the prize money into Zombina's checkings account and of course, the karaoke contest at the academy. It was about 9 almost 10 now.

Naruto and Zombina come up towards the door to her apartment which was next to Naruto and Tayuya's.

''Naruto, I had a lot of fun today. Thank you.'' Zombina said smiling.

Scratching his head Naruto let out a hearty chuckle. ''No problem Bina-chan! I'm just glad you had fun!"

The two of them stare at each other before their gazes were set onto each other's eyes.

''Wow, her heterochromia makes her even more beautiful, it really bring out her eyes.''

''His eyes are like the ocean, I swear I get lost every time I look at them.''

The two start blushing after they realize what they were doing.

''So, Naru-kun, would you like to come in?''

''Sure, Tayuya is on a three day long mission so I could use have some company.''

Zombina then unlocks her door and the two proceeds to walk into her place.

Naruto was awed at how nice her place looked. The front door lead straight into the living room where there were three couches arranged neatly with the 80 inch flat screen, there was the newest blu-ray player with two shelves worth of movies on either side of the T.V., He turned to look at the kitchen and it was also nice. Large table with four chairs with a flower in a vase on the table. The fridge's door was had the few pictures Zombina had taken with Naruto and Tayuya.

''Wow Bina-chan, I like your place! It's much nicer than me and Tayuya's!'' Naruto complimented.

''Aw, thanks Naruto! Since I don't want you to be home alone tonight would you like to have a movie night with me?'' Zombina asked with a blush.

''I'd love to!''

One hour later..

The two of them were sitting on the couch relaxing while watching one of the many Princess Gale movies. The two of them were really enjoying themselves.

With the movie soon ending and the credits rolling the two of them turned to face each other.

''That was fucking good!'' Naruto exclaimed.

''The ultimate hybrid between action and despair!'' Zombina commented.

Then a brief silence befalls our two characters. Yet again, they stare into each other's eyes lost in them. Without thought the two unknowingly move their faces closer to one another. Closer...closer...closer and then...

They kissed.

[Let the lemon begin!]

The feelings happiness that were radiating throughout Zombina's body.

''Strange...what is this weird feeling in my not functioning stomach..? I.. I feel like my stopped heart will start beating.'' Zombina thought, for the first time in her life she felt such happiness and pleasure throughout her body it was almost electrifying.

''Wow, I feel the same happiness every time I kiss Tayuya.'' Naruto thought as the two then escalate the simple kissing into a rather heated and intense make-out session with them cupping the other's face with both their hands.

They began literally biting into each other's lips and well, it looked like they were actually eating each other's mouths. Naruto managed to get a hard nibble onto Bina's lips.

''Oh he likes nibbling huh? Well I'll show him who's boss!''

Zombina's grip on Naruto's face became even tighter catching the blonde by surprise. She then places her teeth and nibbles hard on his lips. However she bit down on him a little too hard and cut into his lower lip making him grunt in pain and jumping back. This was due to all her teeth being really sharp.

''Ow!'' Naruto yelled in pain.

''I'm so sorry Naruto! I didn't mean to! Please don't be angry with me!'' Zombina pleaded as she began crying.

Naruto put a finger on his lip and wiped off some of the blood. Hearing Zombina cry Naruto didn't waste anytime and just flung his body forward and planted a kiss on her lips quieting her.

Taken by surprise Zombina returned the kiss and the two of them were back to their heated make-out session. The two then separate for air, they both then give small kisses on the lips before resting their foreheads against each other's.

''Don't worry about that Bina-chan, it was kind of sexy actually.'' Naruto whispered into her ear.

Before she could speak Naruto picked her up bridal style and carried her in set her gently down onto the bed. The two then engage in another heated make-out session and began tongue wrestling. After a few minutes Naruto fucking lost again when Zombina literally wrapped her tongue around his rendering it immobile.

''Damn! I always lose at that!'' Naruto pouted cutely.

''And that was my first kiss too.'' Zombina giggled.


Zombina then reached down and unzipped his pants so quickly that Naruto didn't have time to register what had happened. What Zombina saw made practically made her eyes rocket of her sockets.

''Wow! Tayuya told me he was hung but I didn't expect...that!'' Zombina thought as she felt her pussy gush out an insane amount of vaginal fluids.

Naruto proceeded to lay on his back on the bed and motioned for Zombina to come to him. Taking off her combat jacket and her black tank-top leaving her only in her shorts. She then crawls seductively towards him and gives him a kiss on the lips. Moving over towards his crotch she grabs the blonde's boxers with both hands and forcefully yanks it off actually ripping it to shreds.

''Holy fuck! He's huge!''

Zombina was blushing like crazy when the she was greeted by the massive dick. It was so hard and swollen, she swore she saw it twitch in sync with Naruto's heartbeat. God she was totally anticipating what that fucking dick would do to her undead body.

''Wow Naruto, it's so hot! I want to eat it!'' Zombina exclaimed before she lunges forward and engulfs the schlong inside her mouth.

''Eyyyyyeeeaaaahhh!'' Naruto squealed out taken by surprise at the sudden feeling of Bina-chan's mouth sucking on his prized man meat.

Zombina was not holding back, she was savagely bobbing her head up and down while both her hands were massaging Naruto's balls.

''O-oh god! Bina-chan!'' Naruto cried out as he was panting loudly.

''Mmmm! soooofwackinggood! Iwuvyourmanmeat!'' Zombina muffled out as she continued to blow him. She decided to bring her sharp teeth into play and with each bob she did they gently raked across the skin of Naruto's shaft.

''Holy...holy shit!'' Naruto cried out at the sudden pain which only added to the pleasure she as giving him.

After a few minutes of Zombina's incredible dick sucking Naruto was losing his mind, hell he even thought she was a better dick sucker than Tayuya! Taking the dick out of her mouth Zombina then took her E-cup sized breasts and smothered the blonde's enormously huge cock in between them and began giving him the best titty fuck he thinks he's ever had. The sounds of Naruto's pre-cum and saliva covered dick sloshing in between the massive boobies with every stroke drove him insane.

''Bina-chan I...I'm gonna...I'M CUMMING'' Naruto moaned out.

It was there Zombina got what she wanted, a powerful spurt of cum shot out of Naruto's cock and she opened her mouth. The sperm landing perfectly within her mouth and soon enough Naruto's almost endless orgasm shot out four gallons worth of cum, all of it getting into Zombina's mouth.

Zombina released Naruto's meat scepter from the clutches of her boobies and she then sloshed the super loads of cum in her mouth. Hell, it sounded like she was using mouth wash! She then proceeds to gulp the insane amount of cum all down in one go. Licking her lips she sighs in content. Boy did that cum taste better than any meat she's ever eaten!

Naruto was still recovering from easily the most powerful and greatest orgasm he ever experienced.

''That..was fucking incredible Bina-chan.'' Naruto panted out, ''Where did you learn to do that?''

''Well, I actually just did it all by instincts Naru-kun, you're my first everything.'' Zombina giggled.

Naruto mentally slapped himself for forgetting. 'Of course! I'm a dumb dick!' He thought annoyed with himself.

''Don't think I've forgotten about you Bina-chan.'' He said grabbing her and putting her on her back resting against the pillows.

''Oh Kami eat my fucking pussy Naruto.'' The zombie girl moaned.

Naruto then undid her belt on the short shorts she was wearing and yanked the clothing down revealing her blood red panties all soaked and ready to be eaten by him. Naruto wasted no time in ripping her panties off. With her pussy exposed Naruto took a good long look at it. Out of all the girls he fucked up to now Bina-chan's pussy was easily the best looking (Actually it was second best next to Tayuya's.) Before he went to eat her he had to ask one thing though.

''Zombina how are you able to get wet? You're dead!''

''I only don't feel pain and I don't die, for some reason I can still feel sexual pleasure, get wet and well, you don't want to know how I discovered that do you?'' She explained with a wink.

Naruto just shrugged, ''Fuck it.'' He said before he lowered his head and began kissing her on the neck earning a moan from the zombie girl.

''Oh, Naruto.'' She moaned.

Seeing her dogtags Naruto reached for them to read what was on it.




Resurrected 16 Years Ago (Exact date unknown)

Blood Type: Unknown

Smiling, he began kissing lower and every stitch mark she had on her body he kissed and licked them passionately showing how much he liked them. Who cares that she was a zombie? These stitch marking all over her body made her even more beautiful than she normally was so the blonde bastard didn't care. Before he continued on he grab her face with both hands and licked the stitch markings on her face long and hard making the zombie girl moan at the feeling. He then continued kissing down her body and eventually reached her moist pussy. He then shot his face forward landing on the moist slit with a splash and slap from how wet she had gotten.

''Oh my god! YES!" Bina-chan moaned out loud as Naruto ravaged her vagina, each suck he made practically drawing out more pussy juices out of his new lover, ''Like that Naru-kun! Eat my fucking pussy you fucking stud!''

Naruto then inserted a finger into her orifice and began to ferociously finger bang her earning even louder moans from the girl. ''Ah! Oh my fucking god!''

The combined sucking and finger banging of her needy pussy was way too much for her to handle and with one last euphoric moan and squeal Zombina unleashed an enormously powerful waterfall's worth of female juices and sprayed Naruto's face with it with so much force it pushed him back a bit but he didn't mind one bit.

Zombina's orgasm died down and she was left a silly twitching mess. Wow has she never experienced anything like that in her 16 years of being dead!

Naruto was wiping the female cum off his face and after gathering it all he inserts his fingers into his mouth to take it all in, he wasn't going to let a single drop of Bina-chan's juice go to waste. ''You taste so good Bina-chan, you really do.'' He said with his trademark grin.

''Th-thank you Naru-kun.'' She panted.

Guided by her instincts Zombina grabs Naruto and pulls him downward into the missionary position. Grabbing his fucking huge dick she places it at the vaginal opening and gives him a kiss on the lips. ''Fuck me.'' She demanded.

''I thought you'd never ask.'' Naruto said.

He then inserted three inches into his newest girlfriend and heard her whimpering in not pain like most girls, it was pleasure. For a second he thought he was hurting her and...well since she couldn't feel pain he just thrusted with so much power he impaled her with all 17-inches of his prick. The sudden feeling of being filled to the brim made Zombina moan really loud.

'Bina-chan's pussy is the tightest out of all of them!'

''Yes! Fuck me like a madman now!'' She ordered.

Without a word Naruto began thrusting into her at such a furious pace that the bed was violently shaking, the sounds of the frame and springs being among those noise while he loosened that pussy of hers up making it no longer as tight as it was.

''Holy shit holy shit holy shit!" Zombina squealed out loud as she was fucked into total oblivion as she was practically thrashing in under Naruto. ''Go faster Naru-kun! Please!'' She begged as she tightened her embrace preparing for the onslaught to come.

''O-okay Bina-chan! Since you can't feel pain I guess I'll use a little something.'' He got out between pants.

Performing a hand seal the Kyuubi's chakra began to flare around his body and as he expected the power and speed of his thrusts were powered up by at least fifty percent and Zombina was ravaged even harder than she thought was physically possible for a living person. The sound of flesh smacking against flesh becoming even louder.

She opened her mouth to scream but she just couldn't make a sound. It felt so fucking good she thought he fucked her so hard he broke her vocal cords! She then came so hard the force of her sprays almost pushed Naruto's cock out of her pussy!

The savage and erratic sex went on for about three hours and the two of them were approaching their final orgasms.

''Urg! I'm close!'' Naruto cried out.

''M-me too! Cum in my pussy because of you don't I'll fucking make you regret it!" Zombina moaned.

Naruto sped up his thrusts and in no time at all he felt that feeling in his sack. ''Shit! Here it comes!''

Naruto finished with one powerful thrust that the force of it slammed Zombina's body against the bed frame. An audible popping noise was heard.

''Ugh! So much cum coming out of me!'' Naruto groaned as he fired a jet of four gallons of cum into her pussy.

After a few more minutes his orgasm had completely subsided he soon collapsed atop Zombina's body.




Naruto did what he was told, looking up he bursted out laughing. Zombina's head was missing!

''Hey don't laugh! Reattach me Naru-kun!'' Zombina cried out.

Naruto looked to his left and saw her head just laying there with a pout look on her face. ''Ahahahaha! That's funny Bina-chan!"

''Grrr, reattach me NOW!'' Zombina ordered.

''Fine fine!''

10 minutes later...

''Sorry about that Bina-chan, I didn't mean to thrust so hard that you'd be decapitated.'' Naruto said as he finished sewing the head back on

''It's fine Naruto, don't worry.'' She reassured with a smile as she cracks her neck, ''That...that was amazing. Let's do this again sometime.'' She said looking at Naruto with a massive blush on her face.

''Heh, I'm glad you liked it Bina-chan. I'd love to make love to you again.'' He said giving her a kiss on the lips.

The two of them yawn and fall back onto the bed. Reaching out for each other they spoon. ''What do you say to a foursome with Tayuya and Karin? I wouldn't mind having three of the hottest redheads in all the land to fuck at the same time.''

Zombina placed a finger on her chin to think. ''Hm...Sure! That sounds pretty fun! Considering that I can...pleasure you three at the same time if you know what I mean..' She said with a wink

''Alright then. I'll ask them!.'' Naruto said with glee.

''Goodnight Naru-kun~''

''Goodnight Bina-chan~''

Sharing one last kiss on the lips they soon drift off into sleep.