
Naruto's Lemon Adventures

Hey guys it's the the late night anime . Now I've always wanted to do my own Naruto harem fic and I know there are plenty lemon fics out there. I did read a great one called Naruto: Lemon Chronicles and that fic is fucking great! I am in no way copying the author since mine will be a mixed sappy romantic shit combined with straight up hardcore coitus between Naruto and whatever female character I pair him up with. This is an AU so stop asking questions.

Late_Night_Anime · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Shizune's Physical

Life couldn't get any better for Naruto now could it? We see the blonde teenager walking towards the hospital as if he had become Hokage. A couple days ago he had the CRA in place for him so he was now free to pretty much get any girl he wants to bear a child with if they were willing of course. Naruto didn't really mind one bit since it's for the sake of the Uzumaki clan. He did however have several crushes before Tayuya had come into his life like Shizune, that psychotic snake lady Anko and Lady Tsunade herself.

''Oh ho man, the past few days have been the best in my fucking life!" Naruto said to himself as he walks up to the front desk.

An ANBU had notified him that his yearly physical would occur in a few hours and to head to the hospital as soon as he could. Naruto was confused however since his physical was already a few months ago. He didn't complain however since Tsunade was most likely the one ordering this and would be the one to check him and he had no qualms of arguing with the Sannin unless he wanted to be punched through a city block. He enters the hospital and checks in with the front desk clerk.

''Excuse me, Naruto Uzumaki coming to get my physical on orders from Lady Tsunade?'' Naruto said to the woman.

''Uzumaki...hmm. Ah yes, you have a physical scheduled at approximately 1:30 PM, go ahead and take a seat there please.'' The clerk said with a smile pointing to something on a sheet of paper Naruto believes lists all upcoming appointments

Naruto then walks over to take a seat. If there was one thing he didn't want to get it was an STD. He began to think about his decision to accept the CRA. Yeah sure he was in love with Tayuya and in a relationship with her but since the redhead said she didn't mind sharing her man with other women he just shrugged it off. Besides what can go wrong?

''Yep, I totally don't mind at all!'' Naruto said to himself in glee.

He had been sitting for about 20 minutes before he started getting bored. Grabbing some magazines from the shelf he goes to read them to pass the time. I mean it's typical of doctors to take a hell of a long time so fuck it.

Another hour would pass and Naruto is seen sleeping on the chair, the magazine on his face with his body leaning back into the chair.

'Mmm Shizune-nee chan you have such a tight pussy hehe.' Naruto giggled in his sleep when suddenly someone taps on his shoulder almost instantly waking up.

''Huh!? It wasn't me!'' Naruto shouted in surprise holding his hands into the air as if being caught.

''Naruto it's me!'' A voice said behind him.

Turning his head around he spots his favorite medic in all the land. Standing before was Shizune-Nee chan. Instead of her usual kimono she was now wearing a nice nurse's outfit with the top partially unbuttoned revealing a small bit of her double d breasts. A white skirt the stopped at her upper thigh revealing her nice and smooth legs with white OTK socks. To top it off she sported a nurse cap on her head.

''Holy..'' Naruto whispered to himself, ''Damn Shizune-Nee chan you look sexy.''

''Hm? What did you say Naruto-kun?'' Shizune asked pretending not to hear his compliment.

''Oh! Nothing! I didn't say anything!'' Naruto said shaking his head to clear it of any perverted thoughts, ''So um..what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with baa-chan?''

''No, she told me to come and do the physical in her place since she wanted to blow through all that paperwork as quickly as she could. So here I am!" The medic answered with a cheery tone.

''Oh okay, well I've been waiting forever so could we get this started?'' Naruto asked.

Giggling, Shizune then instructs him to follow her to a room where she can conduct his physical. However Naruto would be unaware of what Shizune was really there for...besides the physical that is.

After walking down the hallway Shizune stops in front of a door and opens it allowing Naruto to enter first. With his back turned to her she performs a series of hand seals and creates a genjutsu around the area so she can...conduct that physical without anyone barging in or interrupt her.

Entering the room Shizune picks up the clipboard on the desk and proceeds to look over Naruto's medical record. Nodding she then looks over to the blonde seeing him sit on the examination table. ''Alright Naruto, for me to begin the physical could you take your jacket and shirt off please?'' Shizune asked getting a nod from the teen

Doing just that Naruto swiftly takes his black and orange jacket before removing his white t-shirt. What Shizune saw made her pussy moisten a bit.

''Oh...wow...Naruto-kun is...so toned...'' She thought with a blush.

Her blush wouldn't go unnoticed when Naruto looks her way.

''Shizune-Nee chan? Why are you blushing? Aren't we going to do the physical?''

Hearing the blonde's voice snapped her out of her daze and she goes to shake her head to regain her composure. ''Oh sorry Naruto! Just a heat flash!''

''Heat flash? It's not that hot in here Shizune.'' Naruto said.

''Urm..Never mind let's start the physical!'' Shizune giggled.

After about 20 minutes of examining Naruto's physical make-up, conducting various tests such as the duck walk and other exercises she walks over to the clipboard and writes stuff down.

''Alright Naruto, you have only gained one pound and aside from that you seem very healthy as you were last time.'' The medic-nin said with a smile.

''Great! So I take it I can go now Shizune-Nee chan?'' Naruto asked sheepishly.

Shizune then walks over to the blonde and shoves him back first onto the examination table and proceeds to straddle him.

''Woah um..Shizune-Nee chan what are you doing?!'' Naruto shouted with a massive blush on his face, ''Shizune then leans forward to where her face was inches away from Naruto's

''Naruto, I know you have Tayuya and all but you want to know something? I have a crush on you cutie.'' She whispered into his hear seductively before giving him a kiss on the lips.

'Whaa? Shizune-Nee chan likes me? Well I'll be!' Naruto thought before returning the kiss.

Their small kiss would escalate into a very heated and intense battle saliva and soon enough their tongues invade each other's mouths and get into a wrestling match for dominance.

''Damn...She's good at this..'' Naruto thought as he increases his efforts to try and defeat Shizune's warm tongue.

''Oh he thinks he can win huh? Well not on my watch!'' Shizune then increases her effort as well and after another few minutes of slurping and wrapping their tongues around each other Shizune came out on top.

''Aw man why do I always lose in tongue wrestling!''

The two then separate for air and look into each other's eyes. Both their faces sporting huge blushes. ''Wow Shizune-nee chan...that was...''

''Awesome right?'' Shizune finished, ''So how did I do for my first kiss Naru-kun?''

Naruto gasped when she said that, ''Wait! I was your first kiss!?'' He shouted.

''Y-yes...'' Shizune said shyly.

Naruto smiled at her before planting a chaste kiss on each of her cheeks. ''You did amazing then for your first. So I take it you want to be part of my harem too nee-chan?''

''Why do you think I'm doing this you blonde cutie?'' She answered before taking off her top off and Naruto's eyes were transfixed at the glorious sight before him. He had never expected Shizune to have such big boobies! He watches her take her bra off exposing the massive mounds in front of our blonde protagonist.

Noticing the teenager staring at her bust she gives him a nod showing that it was okay for him to touch her breasts if he pleases. Reaching up he grabs them both and proceeds to squeeze them with so much force Shizune began moaning out loud at the sensation.

''Oh Naruto...that feels so damn good..'' Shizune said as Naruto then begins to suck on them, ''Ah! Naruto you're sucking like you want to drink the milk out of them!'' She squealed

Naruto continues to suck the life out of her breasts before he proceeds to nibble on them earning more moans from the medic-nin. Then out of nowhere Naruto flips them over where he ends up on top. He then lowers his face downward and both there faces were mere centimeters from each other. Both of their faces sporting blushes that grew bigger by the second.

''Naruto-kun...'' Shizune whispered as she gives him a loving kiss on the lips

''Hm? What's up Shizune?''

''I, you know I really like you right? Not as a brother though...'' She said shyly.

''I can say the same thing Shizune.'' Naruto said with his signature grin.

Shizune sighed before looking away, she already knew he was truly in love with Tayuya and she knows that he probably truly only likes her as a fuck buddy at best. Noticing her disappointed look Naruto places a finger on her chin and turned her head so that they were looking into each other's eyes.

''If you're worried about 'stealing' me from Tayuya you don't have to Shizune, you aren't at all and I do like you a lot, not as much as Tayuya but I really do like you. If you don't want to do this it's okay with me. We can always be friends.'' Naruto reassured.

Shizune felt tears forming in her eyes, she always liked Naruto. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off. ''Besides Shizune, Tayuya has absolutely no problem sharing me with other women. You know this is for my mother's clan too and in the end me, you, her and whoever is part of this harem we'll live together in the Namikaze estate as one big happy family.'' Naruto spoke softly into her ear.

''Naruto, I'd like..no...I'd love that.'' She said with a smile.

The two then kiss on the lips once more. Naruto, being the bold blonde bastard that he is then reaches downwards and proceeds to unzip her white skirt, he pulls it off with Shizune moving her legs to help her blonde crush. With the skirt completely free from her legs the blonde then tosses it across the room. With that pesky skirt out of the way he then sets his sights on Shizune's soaking wet black see through panties.

''You mind nee-chan?'' Naruto asked.

''G-go ahead Naru-kun.'' Shizune said nervously.

With her permission he then reaches for her panties and literally rips them off. Just as he did with his Tayu-chan he places the moist undergarments on his face and gives it a really big sniff.

''So um...How do I smell?'' Shizune asked with a blush.

''You smell great nee-chan.'' The blonde answered with a husky voice that made Shizune shutter, ''So um...I wouldn't mind if we skip the foreplay, I'm just too wet right now and I don't think I can hold back any longer Naruto.'' The medic said.

Naruto raised his eyebrow at this, who knew Shizune would be so bold to get straight to the pussy pounding?

''But Shizune, it wouldn't feel right unless one of us gives the other oral sex since it adds to the pleasure you know?''

''Well...oh fine then, let me get rid of those pants of yours.'' Shizune said before getting off of the examination table.

She pushes Naruto onto the table seating him on it and gets on her knees. Reaching for his zipper with shakey fingers. As quickly as she could she brings the zipper down and the teen's pants fall downward as if they were waiting to be freed. Looking at Naruto's bulge through his chibi toads boxers she blushed at the sight.

'Oh my...Tayuya wasn't kidding.' She thought as she proceeds to take the boxers off. ''Woah! That's...hot.''

Now Shizune was totally impressed, the sight of his meat scepter freed form the confines of the boxers made her almost cream herself as a gush of pussy juices leaked out instantly. Naruto saw Shizune eye's nearly pop out of her sockets. Shizune was just staring at his super rod.

''How do you like my cock Shizune?'' Naruto said shyly scratching the back of his head.

Shizune licked her lips before answering her favorite blonde teen. ''It's so hot Naruto-kun.'' She said before wrapping her hand around it getting a his from the blonde.

''Urg, your hand feels good around it Shizune...'' Naruto moaned as Shizune picked up the pace of her hand-job.

''Oh? You like when your nee-chan does this to you Naru-kun?'' Shizune teased as she then envelops the massive spear into her mouth. Despite being a virgin and never touching, seeing or even sucking a dick before she managed to get a good 6 inches in her mouth before she almost gagged, the magnificent penis was too much for her little needy mouth so she pulled it out with a trail of saliva.

''Oh...I feel really ashamed of myself Naruto...It's too big for me to get in my throat..'' Shizune said sadly.

''Aw, oh well it's no problem nee-chan, I'm not forcing you to suck me off. You can stop if you'd like.'' Naruto said placing his hand on her cheeks.

Shizune however wasn't about to let that setback get to her. For some reason her libido just sky-rocketed and she wrapped both her hands around his massive cock and with her tongue began giving Naruto a furious hand/tongue-job making the boy squeal in pleasure.

''W-woah...Don't stop nee-chan.'' Naruto moaned placing both hands atop her head.

Shizune picked up the pace making the blonde lean back against the wall moaning his fucking heart out. Hell he didn't even care if anyone even heard him because his favorite medic was just stroking and licking his big ass cock with such efficiency.

Shizune's onslaught continued for about ten minutes before Naruto's cock starting twitching in her hands. It won't be long now until Shizune got to taste his cum which was the tastiest thing in the world according to Tayuya.

''Oh...oh god I'm ready to launch! Gahhhhhhh!'' Naruto cried out in pure bliss.

Shizune relinquished her grip on his cock and allowed her precious Naruto to stroke his cock on his own. She wanted to be the submissive one in this and looking upwards she opens her mouth wide as Naruto was stroking his dick. After a few seconds the massive penis began spurting ten cups worth of cum onto Shizune's mouth and breasts.

''Naruto you'd better get that cum in my mouth!'' Shizune shouted.

''A-alright!...Oh god here comes another one! I'm gonna...blast!'' The blonde cried out in peer pleasure.

Shizune got what she wanted as Naruto gently inserted his glory meat into her mouth. Shizune was met with such a powerful spurt the cum struck the back of her mouth that it hit her uvula almost causing her to throw-up. She resisted the urge to vomit and continued to bask in bliss.

Soon enough Naruto had filled her mouth to the rim with his cum and she then swirled it around in her mouth like a cum shake and swallowed it all in one big ass gulp that you could see the mass pass through her neck.

''That was delicious Naruto! Best thing I've ever tasted.'' Shizune inquired with a smile.

''I'm glad you liked it nee-chan, are you ready for me to slam you?'' Naruto said picking her up bridal style and placing her onto the table.

''Oh please just give it to me...and Naruto, I'm a virgin...'' Shizune said shyly as a blush formed on her face.

''Whaaa? Really? You're like thirty-one and a virgin!?'' Naruto shouted in surprise.

''Y-yeah...and I have one request Naru-kun..''

''You want me to be gentle?''

''Fuck no! Slam me please! I'm gushing wet from sucking that lovely cock of yours! So please just obliterate my tight virgin pussy!'' She shouted in desperation.

Without warning Naruto just shoved his 17-inch spear of a dick and all of it was instantly buried inside his nee-chan breaking her hymen in one move.

''Eeeep!'' Shizune cried out in pain. Wrapping her hands around Naruto she began panting frantically, the pain of her hymen breaking was almost too much for her, ''Keep going! No gentle! Hard!''

Complying Naruto withdrew his cock so smoothly the pleasure from it caused Shizune to have her very first orgasm. Her pussy firing out jets of female ejaculate coating Naruto's dick.

''Oh my Kami you're filling me up! Come on Naruto don't hold back!'' Shizune yelled out.

''You're leg's funeral nee-chan~'' Naruto said as he began to mercilessly slam Shizune amazingly tight pussy. ''Oh fuck she's tight...maybe even tighter than Tayu-chan!'' Naruto thought as he slams the medic into obliteration.

''Oh fuck! Oh fuck! You're cock is the best! Don't fucking stop until you cum inside my little pussy!'' Shizune shouted in pleasure.

Hearing that Naruto picked up the pace and he was slamming her with so much force the table actually fucking broke! The two of them land on the floor but that didn't stop Naruto as the force of them falling sent his dick deeper into her body. His cock managed to pierce through her cervix getting Shizune into a mind blowing orgasm that made her literally scream in bliss.

''Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes!'' She screamed as she squirted again.

After roughly a two hour pussy slamming Naruto felt the cum dwelling within his ball-sack boiling, ready to exit his body and spill into his lover's pussy.

''Oh shit...Shizune I'm about to cum!'' Naruto panted picking up the pace.

''God yes! Fuck me faster! Go faster until you cum!'' Shizune screamed.

With his orgasm approaching he picked Shizune up and placed her back against the wall. ''Oh shit! Special delivery for Shizune!'' Naruto groaned out.

With one last powerful thrust he finally delivered his long awaited cum into Shizune's virgin hole. The force of which the cum shot out of him shot through her cervix and made it's way into her uterus with over four gallons of egg fertilizer pouring into her womb.

''Oh fuck! That feels so fucking warm!'' Shizune shouted before slumping in Naruto's arms. Her head resting on his shoulders.

The two of them panting while in each other's embrace.

''So nee-chan...How was your first time with me?'' Naruto questioned.

''Amazing...you blonde stud...'' Shizune got out between breaths, ''Looks like you've totally improved from your last physical sweetie.''

''Damn right I did!" Naruto declared before setting Shizune down gently in the floor.

''Alright Naruto, Kakashi is coming and I have to take his height and weight measurement so this is where we end our alone time.'' Shizune said with a hint of disappointment.

''Aw man! That silver-haired perverted cyclops!'' Naruto grunted.

-Hospital lobby about 30 minutes later-

Naruto is seen walking into the lobby and heading out the front door. The doors open and in walks our silver-haired Jonin Kakashi Hatake.

''Oh, what's up Naruto?'' Kakashi greeted with his usual stoic voice.

''Erm...Up is a direction!'' Naruto said before taking off at light speed leaving the Jonin sweatdropping.

''He smells a bit weird...'' Kakashi said as he hears someone walking towards him. Turning he sees Shizune limping towards him. One thing he noticed was one hand was placed over her belly.

''Oh hey Shizu...''

''Sorry Kakashi I have other things to take care of so we'll take your height measurements next time!'' Shizune said before limping faster to the washroom.

Kakashi's face sported a deadpan look. ''She...smells weird too.''

-Naruto and Tayuya's apartment-

After Naruto had concluded his brutal but oh so pleasurable sex time with Shizune he went food shopping for his Tayu-chan since they were low so he thought why not? Carrying several bags home he makes his way to his apartment door and before he could reach for his key to unlock it the door opens and an arm reaches out and drags him inside.

Slamming the door shut Tayuya took the grocery bags from her boyfriend and tossed them into the kitchen. She then locked lips with her Naruto and both instantly got into a very heated make-out session. They engage in another tongue battle and Tayuya quickly defeated him by pinning his tongue to the roof of his mouth.

The two separate and before Naruto could complain about his loss Tayuya gets on her knees and unzips his pants before pulling it along with her boxers downward freeing his growing erection.

''God it's been only a few days since we've fucked but I got a new idea baby.'' She said in a lust filled voice

Placing a loving kiss onto the bulbous head of the massive penis she then gets up and walks over to the couch. Reaching down she takes her booty shorts and her pink panties off. Getting onto the couch on her knees she then leans forward and shakes her ass teasingly at her boyfriend.

''Oh damn, that's hot as fuck.'' Naruto whispered to himself.

''Come one baby, take that glorious dick of yours and fuck my ass cheeks.'' Tayuya said in a voice Naruto had not heard from her before as she spreads her cheeks apart with her hands.

Without hesitation Naruto sprints over and grabs his penis. Taking a good look at his girlfriend's ass he couldn't help but smirk. Her anus was so cute. Pink and puckered up as if it was waiting for him to ravage that asshole.

''Don't think about shoving that dick up my asshole yet babe, we'll do that later.'' Tayuya said looking back at Naruto.

''Oh I will fuck the living shit out of your ass cheeks love.'' He said huskily before placing his cock in between the ass cheeks.

'Damn so warm!' Naruto thought as he began thrusting his dick upwards. The cock rubbing against her ass valley at such a pace it was also rubbing Tayuya's anus adding more pleasure.

''Hell yes! Keep going baby! Fuck my ass cheeks with that big dick!'' Tayuya shouted in pleasure.

The pleasure the two of them felt from the mutual masturbation was way too much for Naruto to handle and soon enough he wasn't able to get a word out that he was cumming. Reaching for Tayuya's shirt he lifts it up and soon enough he began to cum all over his girlfriend's back.

''Can't hold it! Gotta blast!'' Naruto shouted as he released a blanket of cum onto the redhead's back.

''Oh god I didn't expect asscrack fucking to be this good.'' Tayuya cried out as she froze in place enjoying the feeling of the cum that covered her back.

''Oh...damn...'' Naruto groaned as his orgasm died down, ''Sorry I didn't warn you babe.''

Tayuya turned around and planted a kiss on his lips, ''No problem my shithead, just make sure you let me know next time or else I'll cut your cock off and use it as a dildo!''

''Hey!'' Naruto pouted angrily.

''I'm serious!'' Tayuya said with a playful grin.

With that the couple then went into the shower and began cooking dinner together.

Outside at the door we see Tsunade peeking through the window enough where we can only see the top of her forehead and eyes.

''Damn, the brat sure knows how to pleasure a woman! Huge dick too! Three girls knocked up and plenty more to come! Hm..there was that Karin girl who just moved here from Kusagakure...Maybe he'd like to try her next? She is really pretty and nice.' Tsunade thought as she went to walk back to the Hokage's office. 'Then I can't wait for my turn! Haven't been fucked in decades since Dan so...why not? Masturbating feels great but I really want a good pussy pounding... Damn, I can't wait for my turn to be ravaged by you Naruto.''