

Zara still found it difficult believing her other half could say that to her.

"What's wrong with him?"she questioned herself for the fifth time, throwing a glass on the wall."Am I a loser?"she asked herself once again.How could he do this to me?How dare he?Am I really a failure?she bitterly wept as she stared at the fan."I--I need to die!"she quickly grabbed a rope from the basement and tied it to the tree in the garden.It had long brown branches also with a floral design on it.It had the names of all the Davingport family on it, except Zara.This pushed her further to fulfill her wish to die.

A needle pricked her toes as she tried to climb up,and looking behind her,she found Rosetta.Rosetta was Rosie's sister whom was betrothed to a boy from well to-do family at the age of sixteen.

"What the hell are you doing?"she smacked Zara across the face."Are you tryna kill yourself?"

"What's wrong?"Rosetta looked into Zara's slender eyes,well lit to pierce a man's heart."I just -I j-j-just mm"tears rolled down her soft cheeks as she stammered."Tell me!What's wrong?"

"I can't."she clearly stated as her blood boiled like soup."Just tell me...you know I've got money and might help...Are you in a debt or something?"Rosetta tried to get her to speak."No!I just felt like it and there's nothing money can do for me in this situation".she replied,trying to hide the pain in her eyes."Did Cole hurt you?"as the name was mentioned,she couldn't stop herself from crying and ended up telling Rosetta her problem,"Everyone hates me.Am an F student,a very dumb idiot given to my mum by God...I'll never prosper.Everyone hates me, even Cole.H-h-he told me to give up and that I was never gonna be able to get wise.I'm a complete idiot."her eyes welled up in tears, leaving the place flooded."I'm sorry to hear this Zara.You're a natural "she tried to encourage her

"Tryna give me false hopes?"

"No,Zara!If no one loves you,I do love you.There's always hope in this lifeless life.You are also the prettiest lady I've seen in my life.Life is a highway to the extent that,if you drive carelessly you'll easily die in an accident.Your fate is in your own hands.Never-ever-think of leaving me again Zara!I'm your sister,your better half and will always be there for you through thick and thin."Rosetta took in a deep breath before hugging Zara."You'll always be my sunshine Zara.I knew Cole used to teach you,but now...who's going to teach you?Me! I'll always be available for you,only you"Zara slightly touched Rosetta on the head and as they both hugged.They promised to never leave each other.

Zara woke up early the next morning after hearing loud music from the halls in the room.She wore her fluffy slippers, tied her hair in a messy bun and descended to the hall."How come you're an early bird?"Rosetta asked her."Just heard a loud noise "she said in a sleepy tone."What's happening here if I may ask?"she narrowed one of her eyebrows,not turning her gaze from Rosetta's."Any party?"Zara asked as she looked at the decorations and the foods,with people in white dresses. Rosetta was wearing a linen skirt with a long gown made from silk.It had golden embroideries all around its neck and hips, displaying her perfect figure."Rosie is getting engaged to Cole."

"What?"the ground under her feet shook twice, leaving her in despair."Cole?Rosie?"she uttered the name in a confused tone as her voice refused to come.

"No!No one told me"she looked at Rosie."No one? You've got to be kidding me!You're supposed to know about everything in the house".she hurriedly ran to her room in the maid's warehouse.She had been asked to stay there until Rosie settled down and finally she was,but not with anyone but Cole?

*What the heck?*

Thanks for reading 🙂 (◠‿◕)