

"Fuu… that should be the last major city in the central region." Shiro muttered floating in the city.

"Mn, it seems like candidate 49 was dealt with early by Chelsea so there's not much we need to do in terms of helping their family." Madison nodded her head since that was one of her main concerns when coming to the centre region.

"Well it's good that she was able to deal with it alone. I suppose if Balire was chosen as a candidate, it makes sense that Chelsea would have the same power comparable to a queen candidate. And seeing that she was able to wrestle you and Helion, she would probably rank in the high 20's maybe even top 10." Shiro shrugged.

"True. Urg… I can still remember seeing her rip the head of a dragon off its shoulders and hit another dragon with it." Madison shivered remembering the things she had to go through during the training with Chelsea.