
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · Tranh châm biếm
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81 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Greedy Wise Clan.

"Congratulations, Seoryang. You are now the Clan Leader. We can finally spend our time together," Muji whispered to Seoryang, to which the latter giggled and smiled.

"Yes, we can finally be together," she said, and Mujin hugged her.

"Now, why don't we enjoy each other, shall we?" Then he stripped, and Seoryang followed.

It was easy to swallow up the Whispering Willow Clan. Without a proper pillar, the Clan fell on itself. Mujin easily integrated Seoryang into the picture. He subtly announced his relationship with Seoryang without officially announcing it and used it as a means to support the Clan financially.

They were smart people; it wasn't that hard for them to realize that the only thing keeping their clan afloat was their Young Lady's relationship with the Young Master of the Emerald Serpent Clan. And so, they elected the Young Lady as the new clan leader. And with that, the Whispering Willow came under the clutch of the Emerald Serpent Clan through Mujin's schemes.

Inside the Grand Hall of the Demonic Council where all of the Clan Heads gather to discuss agendas relating to the Cult.

At the very center of this meeting is, of course, the Lord of the Sky Demon Order, Cheon Yujong, the 23rd Lord of the Cult. He was also known as Yulin's South Demon Lord and as one of the Five Strongest. He was the literal head of the Cult, its powerhouse, and pride.

Everyone inside the hall was quiet; not one of them dared to speak a single word in front of his presence.

Beside the Lord were the Left Guardian, Right Guardian, and of course, the man known as the Death King in Yulin, the Great Guardian Marakyum. The three exuded an extraordinary presence that overshadowed the powerful aura of the Clan Heads present, with the only exception being the Council Elders.

Then, Cheon Yujong waved his hands, making Great Guardian Marakyum step forward.

"All hail the Lord! All hail the Sky Demon Order!" He shouted, infusing internal energy into his voice, making it resound throughout the large hall.

"For the first agenda, we will let the Council Elders and Clan Heads present their concerns," Marakyum once again shouted. After announcing so, he stepped back.

With the Lord's nod as confirmation, the meeting continued. They discussed important things like how the Cult would move, certain issues that arose in Yulin, and some skirmishes against the Forces of Justice and the Forces of Evil.

Then, as the meeting was about to end, the Clan Leader of the Wise Clan raised his hands.

"Yes, Wise Clan Leader and 1st Council Elder?" Great Guardian Marakyum asked.

"I would like to discuss something with the Council and our Lord," he stood up from his seat and bowed his head in front of Cheon Yujong.

Great Guardian Marakyum looked at the Lord for confirmation. Cheon Yujong only nodded his head, giving him the signal to proceed.

"You may proceed, 1st Council Elder," Great Guardian Marakyum said.

Mu Jinwon bowed his head and thanked Cheon Yujong with reverence. "Thank you, my Lord! All hail the Lord!"

Then, after giving his respect and thanks, he turned to the crowd of Clan Heads and spoke. He infused his voice with internal energy, making his sound reverberate through the entire hall.

"As you may all know, the recent incident about one of our High-ranking clans, the Whispering Willow Clan, being thrown into chaos. The entire legitimate line for the position of Clan Head died, with only the young lady surviving; even Clan Head Cha Rengu died," he addressed, to which the crowd nodded.

"I would not want to antagonize my fellow brothers in faith, as we all believe in only one religion, the Heavenly Demon Chun Ma and the Sacred Flame, but there is something suspicious going on here," he said in a serious tone and continued talking.

"If we all think about it, I'm sure you all would figure it out, as all of us here are Clan Heads, and being smart is a prerequisite for it. The one who benefits the most here is the Emerald Serpent Clan!" Declared Mu Jinwon. His words made the entire Council nod their heads in agreement. All of them looked in the direction where the Clan Head of the Emerald Serpent Clan was sitting to see his reaction, but instead of seeing a panicked expression, all they saw was a calm and relaxed look from Musong Ryo.

"I heard that the new Clan Head of the Whispering Willow Clan is the Young Lady Seoryang. And if I'm not mistaken, the 8th Young Prince and the Young Master of the Emerald Serpent Clan, Cheon Mujin, is deeply intimate with her, no?" Questioned Mu Jinwon, looking at Musong Ryo, but the other simply answered.

"That is indeed correct. My grandson is quite a lady's man, you see," replied Musong Ryo.

"The dots connect with each other, no? After the untimely and unfortunate death of the Clan Head, all of their assets were subtly devoured by the Emerald Serpent Clan," Mu Jinwon smugly said. He thought that after this, he would be able to antagonize the Emerald Serpent Clan and punish them.

This was all a scheme of the Wise Clan. They intended to reveal the Emerald Serpent's involvement in the Whispering Willow's downfall and punish them by seizing their wealth.

Even though they are the Six Clan, being the powerhouse of the Cult, it's shameful to admit but in terms of wealth, they fall behind the Emerald Serpent Clan by a wide margin.

And so, Mu Jinwon cooked up this scheme to steal the others' wealth using his authority as the 1st Council Elder to push his agenda.

"My Lord, the decision is up to you. I have spoken my side," Mu Jinwon said to Cheon Yujong before cupping his hands together and taking a seat.

He looked smugly at Musong Ryo, and though he was already victorious, little did he know Cheon Mujin had already predicted that this would happen, so he gave his Grandpa some small instructions to proceed.

"Clan Head Musong Ryo, we would like to hear your defense," Great Guardian Marakyum said.

"All hail the Lord! All demons submit!" Shouted Musong Ryo while bowing and cupping his hands in front of the Lord.

Cheon Yujong once again only waved his hands and let Musong Ryo proceed.

"I hear the 1st Council Elder's words, and I agree that all of your arguments sound logical, but I think you are overestimating what we are capable of."

"My Clan is mainly a Clan of Merchants; I'm the only exception as I have honed my blades through the war our Sky Demon Order fought."

"The Emerald Serpent does not have the power to eliminate any of the people in the Whispering Willow Clan. Besides, all of their deaths didn't come from battle but natural causes."

"The First Young Master died of an overdose of opium; the Second Young Master died falling off a horse carriage, while the second brother of the Clan Head died of grief from his nephew's death."

"And as for the Clan Leader's death, it was due to an overdose of alcohol and grief."

"To support my argument, I would like to hear from the Ghost Illusion Clan if they see any involvement of my Clan in their deaths," Musong Ryo finished his argument. His side sounded more convincing; everyone here knew that the Emerald Serpent Clan only had one Super Master, that being Musong Ryo. Musong Ryo was known for his sword technique, not assassination techniques, so that alone provided a strong argument.

The crowd looked at Huan Yi, the Clan Leader of the Ghost Illusion Clan.

"We have investigated the matter, and we saw no involvement from the Emerald Serpent Clan," Huan Yi replied with his feminine voice.


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