

"WHAT?? WHYY?!" Din asked frantically.

Nan tried to explain her situation, "It's because I didn't bring my car and Veo is the one who dropped me here. So, I can't just suddenly stay over." She said.

Din silenced and thought about something by himself, "..."

Din's phone was still charging, so he went to check Nan's body and take her phone to call Veo. 

Veo picked up the call from Nana and when he heard the voice he knew that it was Din who called using Nan's phone.

"Hello, Veo. I heard you are waiting for Nan in the parking lot," asked Din to Veo.

Veo nodded and said, "I guess so."

"Hm?" Din wonders why Veo's answer is quite ambiguous.

"I know it would end up this way, so I already left 30 minutes ago. Tell Nan it's okay if it's like this once in a while so, have a good time, both of you! bye" Said Veo in full consideration of Nan and Veo's relationship. Then, he hung up.