
Namikaze Naruto

Namikaze Naruto, The eldest son of Namikaze Minato and Namikaze Kushina. Born as the child of prophecy with talent equal to none, only to get neglected because of his three younger siblings who are the Jinchūrikis of the Kyuubi. Follow his Adventure as he throws the elemental nations into chaos.

JyuDViola · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Final Teams

Naruto didn't even look at him as he kept walking, the lack of any respect from his older

brother side angered Menma, as he was about to charge on Naruto. He felt that he wanted to beat Naruto to remind him who was the one that was better between them.

Naruto ignored him and walked away. Both Kushina and Minato looked at each other with a sad smile. But just as Menma was about to charge on Naruto, Kushina hit him with a punch to his head. Menma shrinks "Ouchh!!" as he holds his head with his hands.

Kushina was angry despite her usually ignoring the situation, this time she had enough! She will help her son when needed, she had enough playing favoritism for the world! "Why you did it Kaa-san?" asked Menma with tears in his eyes. She said to him "You will treat your elder brother with the respect he deserves!"

Everyone was shocked. This was the first time Kushina acted like that towards Menma. Naruto and Menma had a lot of encounters, most of the time Kushina will either ignore it or take Menma side and either send Naruto to his room or just calm Menma down by saying he is right and spoil him until he got calmed.

So to see her hitting him and taking Naruto side was out of everyone's expectation.

Mito's expression turned bright as she grew happy, she couldn't help but think 'Finally mom taking Naruto-nii side? Did she finally decide to accept him to the family?"

Menma didn't know what to say, this was the first time his mother remark him for his actions!

She always took his side, but now she decided to take Naruto side? His heart is grown cold as hatred for his older brother slowly once again surfaced in his heart.

Naruto was always an obstacle in Menma's way, that how he saw his older brother, a mountain he couldn't surpass no matter what he would do. But things started to change later when suddenly Naruto was left outside of everything. He felt for the first time as the one that had everyone's attention.

Menma yelled to his mother "But Kaa-san this is the truth! This guy is the worst in the class! Everyone called him Dead-last! It's a miracle if he will even pass as a ninja!" His face showed his unsurpassed rage!

The way he talked about Naruto not helped at all only enraged Kushina even more! But before she could even speak Minato said "Menma enough! Don't speak another word like that on your brother! Whatever he is weaker or not then you don't matter! He is your family! Your older brother and you will give him respect!"

Menma couldn't speak anymore, he never saw his father angry like that before, his mother beat him a lot but never for his brother and his father was even more so. He looked at Naruto who didn't react to any of that and just kept walking away. 'It's all your fault! If only you didn't exist!' his eyes for just a moment changed to deep red irises with black slits for pupils.

- Time skip a day later -

- Konoha Academy -

Iruka was standing in front of the noisy class, he couldn't help but smile as he saw his students with their headband, about to take their first steps as a Shinobi. "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" His voice was very heavy, everyone immediately stopped speaking and the class got silent.

"Good. I want to congratulate all of you for the last time. Now I will be naming your teams and members of each team that you have been assigned to." He said with a smile to everyone.

He slowly started to name the teams. "Team 7 - Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Namikaze Naruto"

Everyone's eyes looked at Naruto. They are whispering about how unfortunate for Sasuke and Sakura to get teamed with Naruto and how he will slow them down. Mito and Narumi were both disappointed as they hoped one of them will pair with Naruto. Menma growled as he clenched his fist.

Sakura was happy to be teamed with Sasuke but was a bit disappointed to be with Naruto. She had nothing against him, he was very silent and distant and even handsome, though it was hard to tell because his hair was long. But him being the dead-last and being so weak will probably make it hard for them.

Sasuke gave Naruto a glimpse as their eyes made a contact with each other before once again ignoring each other. Most of the girls were disappointed to lose Sasuke, but they haven't lost hope yet because they still hoped to get with Menma.

"SHUT UP!" Silencing the class once again "Team 8 - Inuzuka Kiba, Hyūga Hinata, Aburame Shino. The next team will be Team 10 - Akimichi Choji, Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino." Shikamaru couldn't help but sigh and complain about how drag this team is. Choji only smiled being happy to be with Shikamaru and Ino was depressed being with her father's partners' sons.

Iruka silencing the class once more and kept speaking "Team 11 will be - Uchiha Satsuki, Uzumaki Karin, Sai." Satsuki's eye twitched slightly before complaining about being stuck with the blank face Sai and the hyper annoying Karin. Karin stole glimpses at Naruto and seemed a bit disappointed.

After hearing this announcement everyone knew about the last team members and couldn't help but complain about how this team is overpowered and losing their idols is unfair. "Now for the last team - Namikaze Menma, Namikaze Narumi, and Namikaze Mito."

The class soon got noisy once again but this time Iruka only sigh and left silently before taking one last glimpse. The team's members got close to each other in order to speak and get to know each other better than before. Sakura was looking at Sasuke then at Naruto and didn't know what to do, these two hated each other, and she didn't know what to do.

She decided it will be easier to speak with Sasuke, despite him being a bit cold he was less cold than Naruto who was distant to just everyone. "H-hey Sasuke-kun. We are now on the same team, so I think we should get to know each other?" Despite speaking, she wasn't sure what to say too much. She felt quite shy in front of Sasuke. Sasuke looked at her before turning his to Naruto.

He stood up and slowly walked towards him, Sakura saw this and didn't know what to do, by Sasuke expression and these two previous encounters, a war will break out. They usually ignored each other but now they are in the same team, she couldn't help but blame the Hokage for making such a team member for her.

Soon enough the entire class attention got into Sasuke, as he slowly walked to Naruto. Mito's eyes got serious as she made eye contact with Narumi, If Sasuke will do anything or try to harm their Naruto-nii they won't stay silent. Menma only had a smile on his face hoping for Sasuke to beat Naruto. Satsuki had a nervous expression on her face.

Naruto eyes that were looking through the window and didn't pay anyone attention drifted to Sasuke that was right next to him. They looked at each other and said nothing. The class was dead silent.

Naruto stood up and stood right in front of him. Everyone was waiting to see what will happen.

Both Naruto and Sasuke raised their arms before giving each other high five with a smile on their face. Sasuke said, "The plan was..." With Naruto continuing him "Successful."