
The beating of a boy.

When the guys stood up and looked at each other, they analyzed the information and thought about tactics. In this situation, it was extremely important because any mistake could have cost them at least a loss.

"And so, what I know... This kid is a swordsman, a fire mage, and a Standartenfuhrer. Unlike the ordinary army, in magic army ranks are given only for strength. It doesn't even matter how old you are or how long you're in the army. The rank of Standartenfuhrer is comparable to High-Class Devils. And that's a problem. " - Thought Nameless. He was more interested than tense. He knew he'd just run away as a last resort and then come back for revenge. But his pride still prevented him from doing so.

"What a troublesome opponent. A strong hand-to-hand fighter, a magician with an incomprehensible specialization, and one who could disarm Lady Agna. And even if it was most likely done by trickery, it is foolish to underestimate him. Besides, I am at a disadvantage. I can't use too powerful magic, otherwise, I can kill civilians. And that would worsen my reputation and my possibilities. At best, but I'm likely to be court-martialed, and after me... Wait, don't think of the worst, I better think of a way to win. " - The kid was thinking, too. Even if he was a fire mage with a fiery temper, he could still be rational in critical situations.

- Look, kiddo. Why don't we talk about it? I don't feel like beating up a kid. - Nameless tried to make a conversation with a sneer. He was still hoping for a peaceful solution. - Besides, you look familiar with that "smart" bunny. Got it? Her last name is Hasenclever. She's a bunny, and she's smart. Ah, I'm so good.

After a failed attempt to ease the situation, the silence hung up. Nameless was waiting for some kind of reaction from the kid. And that boy, in turn, was trying to... to calm down?

- No. One. Ever. Laughs. At. Lady. Agna. - The kid spoke slowly and angrily in parts. - If before that, I just wanted to kill you. It's no big deal, it happens to everyone. Then now... I'M GONNA BURN YOU ALIVE, BITCH!

As soon as he spoke these words, he vanished from his place, and after a moment appeared in front of Nameless. The sword rushed down from the top to the head of Nameless, but he managed to grab the guy by the hand and stop the blow. However, he had to let it go immediately. It turned out that the boy's whole body was so hot that any blow to him would have burned the enemy extremely badly. Only a moment was enough for the skin on Nameless's arm to start to come off. Realizing that close combat was no longer an option, Nameless decided to finally use magic.

Jumping on the roof of one of the nearest houses, Nameless swung his hand and sent a few arcs of warping space into his enemy. Reasonably decided not to block the unknown attack, the kid dodged them and also jumped on the roof of the house. However, even when he was still in the air, several warping arcs flew at him. He was barely able to dodge this too.

Interested for a second, he looked at the result of Nameless's attacks and paled. Where there used to be strong masonry, now there was only shattered ground with holes that went a several meters underground.

"What a powerful attack. My sword can hardly block it, so all I have to do is dodge or block with magic. Damn it!" - A thought came up in his head.

However, arcs of warping again flew into him, from which he tried to protect himself with a shell of flame that was formed from the air.

- Well, since the simplest attacks don't work, let's try something more interesting. - Muttering Nameless with a tricky smile.

At the same moment, three magic circles formed in the air, looking like black whirlpools, from which thin warping needles started to fly out. Even though they were considerably weaker than the warping arcs, this was compensated by the fact that they were created in dozens.

Meanwhile, Nameless put his palms together in the form of a ball and began to concentrate the mana of space in them. Next, he rapidly spread them widely and in the space in front of him formed a black-purple scythe.

- Now we're going to play a big game. - Nameless laughed and looked towards the kid.

Meanwhile, the kid was having a hard time. He spent a lot of mana to maintain his shell, and given the fact that he was constantly attacked by warping needles, things only got worse.

"Shit, shit, shit! How much mana does this guy have? At this rate, I'm gonna die here. And the worst part is that Lady Agna will be in danger. I can't let my dear Lady down. Even if my life is at stake. I'll have to use it." - The boy has finally made up his mind.

With a lot of mana in his shell, he spent a blade of his weapon on the palm of his hand, ripping up his skin. The moment the blood touched the blade, it burst into crimson flames, literally burning the guy's hand. If he hadn't been a fire mage, his hand would have gone up in flames in no time. Now the guy was ready.

Destabilizing the mana in his shell, he made that one explode as a ring of fire, expanding at an enormous rate. Away from the guy by ten meters, it was finally extinct, leaving only melting roof tiles behind. Fortunately, Nameless managed to notice strange changes in the shell of fire and jump back to a safe distance.

- Come on, kiddo. Let's start a normal fight. - Nameless exclaimed and called him with his hand. - I think we've warmed up enough.

- Now I have even more reason to beat your face up. - The kid shouted angrily. - Your puns are disgusting.

- Whoa, whoa, calm down. You need to chill. - Nameless grinned with a satisfied smile and got up in the "lower" stand. This stand requires the blade to be on the ground, allowing the least expected attacks from an uncomfortable angle, aiming mainly at the enemy's legs and stomach.

- Shut the fuck up.- The kid roared and also stood up in the "Fast" stand, at the same time summoning another sword of fire in his left hand.

This stand is different from all the others. The warrior, straightening his leg, put forward and partially carrying the weight to the back, bends very low, becoming an unpredictable and difficult target. One of the swords is held in the front and the wide part of the blade is directed towards the enemy, while the second blade is guided behind the back by a reverse grip. Incredible movement speed, low body position, and dexterity of its owner make blows almost imperceptible, but their strength is somewhat lower, due to the difficulty of striking with a full swing.

- And you and Agna are alike. - Nameless laughed and rushed against his enemy. As he approached, he swung his scythe from below upwards, simultaneously calling for a rune circle in the form of a whirl, from which a short beam of semi-transparent warping shot. - You even bicker like her. Maybe you're her son?

- I may not be her son, but she is like a mother to me! - The kid exclaimed angrily. By jumping away from the swing of the scythe, created five fireballs, three flew into the Nameless, and two into the whirlpool, destroying it as a result. - And I will protect her from any threat, whatever it is!

- Everybody says that, and then they beg to keep them alive. It's a pathetic sight. - Nameless answered. Avoiding fireballs, he teleported upwards. After that, drawing a scythe over himself, he began to fall very quickly. However, almost at the ground, he again teleported in front of the kid and almost stabbed the scythe in his shoulder. Only in time, the sword helped to defend the kid, but the force of the blow was so great that the blade broke into pieces. - Most of all, however, I hate damn jerks, idiots, and heroes! People like you!

- I'm far from a jerk and a hero. And certainly not an idiot! - The guy screamed and quickly, turning a second flaming sword into three clots of flame, threw them in Nameless' face. Being only a centimeter away from their target, they exploded, spraying liquid fire within a few meters. - I've killed hundreds of people like you!

- Heh, you're so dangerous. I even got scared. - Nameless continued to make fun of the kid. Teleporting away from the child, he snapped his fingers and suddenly the boy appeared before him. The next moment a scythe's shaft hit him in the solar plexus and threw him back a few meters. - You're so weak. And how did you only get the rank of Standartenfuhrer? Stop, don't answer, let me guess. Your abilities are mostly mass action. But you have very few precise attacks. Fireballs, these clots of flame, maybe some other form of attack, and sword mastery. Am I right?

But no one answered him. Slowly, you can even say calmly, coming to the place where the boy fell, he saw only a still body.

- Did he black out or something? It's not even funny. - When he looked at the kid, Nameless came even closer and leaned over him. At the same moment, the blade pierced his head through his eye. Or rather, it should have pierced his head. Instead, the figure of Nameless only warped and dissipated. In a few steps, the real Nameless appeared.

- Did you really think I'd do that? What if I just sliced through your body, what would you do then? You might have been able to dodge it, but it's doubtful. - Nameless wondered.- Besides, you seem pretty tired. We only fought for five minutes, no more. Although you must have used something, some kind of boost.

- Are you fucking kidding me? Nothing else to do? - The kid snarled viciously. - Then get rid of your mockery and finish me off.

With his eyes closed, the kid lay on the roof and prepared to die. But he was alive after a second, then two. Eventually, he opened his eyes again and looked angrily at Nameless.

- What are you waiting for? Let's get this over with.

- Nope, answer me two questions first. First, was I right about the mass attacks? I'm really curious.

- Haah, yeah, you're right. If I wasn't afraid to kill civilians, I'd throw a meteorite at you, or better two. I don't care about the civilians themselves, but the heads of the army do. I'd be court-martialed for that, and then Agnа as my commander. And that's quite a bad outcome. - The kid tiredly explained.

- Okay, one last question. Who are you to Agna? An adopted son, nephew, grandson?

- Grandson because she's pretty old? - Specified the kid. In answer to that, Nameless just showed a sly smile. - Haah, if I could move, I'd definitely hit you. I'm a servant to her, a subordinate, a comrade-in-arms, an apprentice, and someone to send for whiskey. No more, no less.

- Oh, what a pity. I'm really disappointed. - Nameless reacted with a sad voice. - I thought it would be more fun. Maybe you'd be her lover. I wouldn't be surprised if Agna loves younger boys.

The next moment, a lightning strike hit him in the head.

- I heard enough, you fucking asshole. So I'm an old, dirty pervert, is that what you thought of me? - The slowly approaching woman spoke. It was, of course, none other than Agna. - I'm gonna cut your balls off, fucker, and put them in your mouth! I'll show you why I work in the detention and interrogation squad!

- Lady Agna, when did you regain consciousness? - The kid asked surprisedly. - And why are you talking to this suspicious man in such a close-up manner? Didn't he kidnap you?

- No, he didn't kidnap me. I just had a little wine...

- You drank almost all the booze in the restaurant and couldn't walk normally... ARGH! - Nameless wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by another lightning strike.

- Shut up, you faggot! I drank a little! - Agna shouted at him viciously. - Ahem, so I had a little, just a bit to drink, and then this fellow decided to take me home. Well, then I took a little nap. I woke up when you were just jumping on the rooftops. I couldn't really hear what you were saying, though. Well, that's too bad...

- I assure you, Lady Agna, you have not missed anything interesting.

- I believe you. Welp, let me start by teleporting us all into the house, and then we'll talk. It's cold on the rooftops at night and not comfortable.

Here's the chapter. The fight was pretty quick, but don't get upset. In about two chapters, there'll be another one.

By the way, I'm doing a chapter on the magic system now. In short, it is about the ranks of spells, ranks of magicians (I will give a comparison and the basic criteria for this or that rank), and so on. It will be done in two days (maybe faster).

Have some ideaЫ about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sliarcratcreators' thoughts