
The New Chronicle

Step. Step. Step.

Wain paced with Elegan on the dense ice, heading toward the core of his Void. Each large enough Void had its own core on which almost everything related to energy depended. The more powerful the core, the better the resources grew in the Void's territory and the denser the energy in the space, which further created stronger monsters.

"Agh... Brings back a memory. This place looked very different last time." Wain muttered with excited looks looking at the core of his Void.

A massive dark crystal floated above the icy platform, black energy currents emanating from it, like invisible threads spreading throughout the area, gradually strengthening it.

"Yeah. That crystal was much smaller back then, though I think it will change completely now, right?" Elegan asked with a smirk as he folded his arms behind his back.