
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs

Chapter - 96

Jake's killing intent was strong enough to make the demons all around the castle kneel,

But Morsh was unhinged and was just looking at Jake,,

Morsh said,

"Don't give me a reason to kill you "

Morsh then released his killing intent,

Jake kneeled with trouble in breathing from the pressure of the killing intent,

The killing intent was so strong that it even killed some servants in the castle,

His killing intent even reached outside the castle, making the normal demons citizens lose consciousness,


Morsh took back his killing intent and said,

"Just sit down and let's have a chat "

Jake sat down saying,

"Yeah dude, let's chat "

Morsh glared at Jake and said,

"You still haven't changed "

The demons brought a box at that moment,

They put the box on the table and left the room,

Morsh waved his hand, and the box shattered, the dark holy sword flew out of it and landed on Morsh's hand,

Morsh then looked at Jake and said,

"I heard you have demonic armor and sword "

Jake nodded and said,

"Yes, apparently they have the strength to defeat the hero "

Jake then snapped and the demonic chest piece, helmet, shoes and sword flew up to him and hovered in front of him,

They were black colored with golden lines that were emanating golden light,

Morsh released dark energy in them and absorbed all of their powers,

They just fell on the ground after losing their powers, 

Jake quickly checked the armor and sword and said,

"What did you do? why are they normal now? "

Morsh stood up and said,

"Their functions were exactly like the holy armor and sword "

Jake eyes widened when he heard this,

Morsh then puts dark energy on them and they started hovering again,

After that he puts some dark energy in Jake body that didn't absorb his aura and just stayed in his body,

Jake quickly held the dark demonic sword and clearly felt the surge in power,

"How did you do this? "

Morsh said,

"This is a gift from me because you are an accomplice form the previous world "

Morsh then told him about the levels and how to level up fast,

"Spread this information among the demons and make a strong army "

Jake said,

"You don't just give out information for free, what do you want? "

Morsh said,

"You don't need to know what I want... "

"Just increase the strength of the army otherwise I will just destroy everything "

Jake sighed and said,

"Ok, do you want me to share this information with the beast kingdom too? "

Morsh said,

"Oh, I forgot about them, tell them too "

Morsh then flew out of the demon kingdom,

He returned to the human capital city and landed on the fallen castle,

"There must some high-level equipment and gold buried in here "

But before he could do anything, a lightning bolt strikes him and sent him flying,

But he stabilized himself and landed on his feet,

He looked up and saw couple of angles, some males and some females,

Morsh took out the dark holy sword and manifested dark master sword and shot towards the angles,

But the sword just dissipated as soon as it touched the barrier around the angles,

Morsh said as he glared at them,

"Divine power "

One of the angles said,

"We have come here to punish you for you crimes "

Morsh asked,

"Did that bitch send you here? "

The angles were confused and asked,

"Who are you calling a bitch? "

Morsh said with a smile,

"OfCourse your goddess "

The angles were enraged hearing the disrespect toward their goddess,

They all manifested lightning bolts and shot towards Morsh,

Morsh quickly put-up dark barrier but the lightning bolts were stronger,

The first bolt made a crack in the barrier, but Morsh quickly repaired it,

The dark energy then started absorbing the lightning bolts,

The angles were now surprised seeing their bolts dissipate,

They were all about to launch the next attack when a golden light beam fell upon them,

They all kneeled in the air after the golden beam touched them,

They all said simultaneously,

"We are sorry for coming here without your permission "

Time stopped at that moment and only the angles and Morsh could move,

The goddess flew down from the sky and hovered in front of the angles,

She looked at the angles then turned towards Morsh,

"I have created a body for you according to my promise "

A body appeared out of thin air next to goddess,

The body was tall have blue eyes and white hair with fair complexion.

Morsh smiled and said,

"So you keep your promise too bitch "

The angles behind the goddess clenched their fists and were gritting their teeth with anger but didn't move, 

The goddess glared at Morsh and said,

"Do you think everyone's like you who don't keep their promises "

Morsh said,

"Stop the bullshit and give me my body "

The goddess waved her hand with a smile on her face,

Morsh's soul was sent back to his soul space and his soul space flew out of Pete's body,

The goddess now have a wicked smile on her face,

The soul space then enters the Morsh's body,

The body was made up of pure divine energy so Morsh's soul could not leave the soul space,

"Hahahahaha... " Morsh started laughing as he realized he was trapped,

The goddess said,

"Have you lost your mind? "

Morsh said,

"Well played bitch, but how long do you think can this body imprison me? "

The goddess said with a bright smile,

"Just long enough until your services will be needed again "

Morsh nodded and just sat down cross legged in his soul space,

The goddess said,

"Aren't you going to retaliate? "

Morsh said,

"Is there a point? "

The goddess smiled and said,

"You are indeed smart... but alas you took the wrong path "

Morsh didn't answer the goddess and just closed his eyes,

The goddess said,

"And you know how to irritate someone too "

"Well you will be imprisoned in this body for some time so enjoy your stay "

The goddess then snapped and Morsh's body flew to the ground and stood next to Pete,

She snapped again and the capital city began to rebuild and the people that died in the hands of demons were reborn,

Since the king's soul was absorbed by Morsh, she appointed a new king,

All of this happening while the time was stopped,

After that, the goddess let Pete able to move,

Pete's soul took over the body,

His eyes fell upon the goddess as soon as he opened his eyes,

Before he could say anything the goddess said,

"The guy next to you is Morsh, I have imprisoned him in his new body "

"Protect his body at all costs, he will be a big help in your future "

"And a new hero will be summoned in couple of months, so you will be responsible for training the new hero"

She then disappeared with her angles and the time began to flow again,

Pete said,

"Wait goddess "

But it was too late as the goddess have long gone,

Pet then looked at Morsh and said,

"So you got a new body "

But Morsh's body didn't even move and was standing like a statue ,

Pete said,

"You are handsome too, but not as much as me "

He then looked at the rebuilt kingdom and its reborn citizens,

Pete was surprised at first but then realized,

"The goddess must have done this "

Pete then carried Morsh in his shoulders and took him to his mansion in the city,

He puts Morsh in room and ordered the servants,

"Don't let anyone enter this room without my permission "

The crowning of the new king held that day,

The citizens were acting like nothing happened and were doing their everyday tasks,

Pete attended the ceremony and then left the city,

After about a week of traveling, he reached the Bronzeview city,

Pete reunited with Leona, the butler and Luna, then returned to the capital city, 

They then lived in the capital city leisurely for about two months,

But suddenly one day, a beam of golden light hits the king's castle,

Pete quickly ran over to the direction of the golden beam,

The beam landed in the garden of the castle and now there was a young girl in school uniform lying,

Pete was surprised to see the uniform and quickly ran up to the girl,

The girl was unconscious, so he picked her up and took her to his mansion,

He puts her on a bed and waited for her to wake up with Leona and the butler,

After about an hour, the girl started to wake up,

Pete noticed this and got close to her,

The girl opened her eyes and saw Pete, Leona and the butler,

"Who are you? "

Pete said,

"I am Pete, the girl behind me is Leona and next to him is butler "

The girl said,

"Hello, my name is Alice "

Pete said with a bright smile on his face,

"Hello Alice, welcome to the new world, I will be your trainer "

Alice quickly stood up from the bed and said,

"I don't want to train, I just want to explore the new world "

Pete said,

"How can you say that, you have been summoned to rescue this world from the grasp of the demon lord "

Alice said,

"But aren't there two heroes already, can't they defeat the demon lord "

Pete said while clenching his fists,

"There is only one hero and I can't defeat the demon lord alone "

Alice was surprised hearing Pete was the hero and said,

"What happened to the other one "

Pete thought for a moment and said,

"Follow me, I will show you "

Pete then took her to Morsh's room where Morsh was lying on the bed,

Alice carefully looked at Morsh for a while then asked,

"What happened to him? "

Pete said,

"He went on a wrong path that led his soul being imprisoned in his own body "

Alice said,

"So does that happen to me too if I don't defeat the demon lord "

Pete nodded but didn't say anything,

Alice asked,

"So what do I have to do? "

Pete said,

"What did the goddess told you? "

Alice said,

"She told me that I am not fit to be a warrior but I can be a mage "

"And she will appoint someone for me to learn magic from "

Leona came in at that moment with a scared look on her face,

"There is a dragon outside "

Pete eyes widened with surprise and he quickly ran towards the dragon,

As he got outside of the mansion, he saw a handsome looking man with long black hair standing outside,

Pete looked around but didn't see the dragon,

The man said,

"I was sent here to teach the hero "