
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs

Chapter - 32

Morsh stood up and looked around,

"Well let's think of a way to find that brat "

Morsh remembered about the slave trader,

"I don't have any way to find him, but I have someone that can find him "

Morsh changed his cloths and puts on a neck mask and headed toward the slave trader's shop,

The slave trader was looking at documents when he heard a knock on the door,

He waved his hand and one of his men opened the door,

Morsh walked in as the door opened and sat on a chair in front of the trader,

The slave trader said,

"Sire, the shop is already closed "

Morsh smiled and said,

"I am not here to purchase something, I am here to find someone "

The slave trader said,

"I don't think you can find someone of your interest here sire "

The slave trader then waved his hand and his men surrounded Morsh,

Morsh said,

"You have just made the last mistake of your life"

The trader said while signaling his men,

"We will see about that sire "

3 of his men manifested aura swords,

Morsh smiled and released dark paralyzing poison smoke,

The paralyzing poison quickly spread around the whole building,

Even the slaves in the cages were paralyzed,

Morsh took out a sword from his storage space and covered it with dark energy,

He then walked up to the first rate warriors and decapitated them one by one,

The slave trader was horrified as he saw his strongest bodyguards being killed,

Morsh walked up to the slave trader and said,

"Let's make a deal "

Morsh took out paralyzing poison from the slave trader's body,

The slave trader fell on his knees as soon as the poison got out of his body,

"Sire... Please don't kill me... just take whatever you need "

Morsh said,

"I want you to find someone for me "

The slave trader looked up with a horrified expression on his face,

"Sire, you just have to order me"

Morsh took out one of the copies of the necklace that Pete gave away,

"I want you to find the kid who scammed this same necklace in morning"

Morsh gave the necklace to the trader and the trader carefully took it,

"Sire it will be difficult to find someone with this necklace in the city "

Morsh leaned toward the slave trader,

The trader bowed his head down due to fear,

Morsh smiled and said,

"Is it difficult then keeping a head on your body"

The slave trader gulped and said,

"I will find him before midnight"

Morsh inserted a small amount of dark energy into the slave trader and his bodyguards,

"You have one hour to find that kid "

Morsh waved his hand and one of the bodyguards engulfed in dark energy and dropped dead,

"And if you try to be smart, you will be the next "

Morsh took back the paralyzing poison from the bodyguards,

The slave trader bowed down to Morsh,

"Sire, you can trust me, I will not do anything rash again"

Morsh smiled and said,

"One of your bodyguards will be killed every five minutes until you come back with good news or until it's your turn"

The slave trader quickly bowed and ran toward the exit,

The bodyguards also followed him,

Morsh sat on a chair and was looking at the slaves,

Morsh noticed a purple round symbol on each slave's neck,

He walked up to a cage and asked a man,

"What is this symbol on your neck "

The man replied,

"This is the symbol we get from when were slavered"

Morsh inserted some dark energy on the symbol,

The dark energy engulfed the symbol and returned back to Morsh after few seconds,

The symbol disappeared from the man's body,

Morsh got the skill of the symbol,

"Now I can make dark slaves "

As the symbol disappeared from the man's body, every slave looked toward Morsh with a glint of hope in their eyes,

Morh sighed and said loudly so that every slave can hear him,

"I will release your body from this cruelty "

Happiness could be seen in the eyes of the slaves and some of them even started crying,

Morsh said,

"I will release your body but slaveries your soul "

The slaves got confused,

Morsh released dark poison smoke on the slaves and absorbed their souls,

He then sat on the chair,

"5 minutes have passed "

**In a dark alley **

The bodyguards were surrounding the slave trader while he was sitting on a wooden box,

The slave trader said,

"I will show that bastard what happens when you mess with me"

Suddenly one of his bodyguards engulfed in dark energy and dropped dead,

Fear took over the slave trader's face,

"He can kill me whenever he wants "

Morsh was sitting on a chair looking at the corpses of the slaves,

"I should pay a visit to the trolls "

After 45 minutes,

The slave trader ran through the door and kneeled in front of Morsh,

"Sire please do not kill me... I have found the whereabouts about the brat "

The bodyguards also entered and kneeled down,

Morsh smiled and waved his hand,

The bodyguards were engulfed in dark energy and dropped dead,]

Morsh then absorbed their souls,

The trader fell backwards as he saw his bodyguards dying,

Morsh said,

"I didn't say that I will let them live "

Morsh walked up to the trader and said,

"The whereabouts "

The trader was sweating due to the fear and said,

"He is a 14 year old boy and lives with his three siblings and scams for food "

Morsh smiled and said,

"Where does he live "

The trader said,

"He lives under an old bridge in the north side of the town and is going to sell the necklace tonight"

Morsh took out a sword from his storage space and covered it with dark energy,

The trader gulped and was looking at Morsh nervously,

Morsh smiled and decapitated the trader and absorbed his soul,

** North side of the town, under an old bridge **

Four children were sitting on some rags around the fire,

One of them was holding a necklace and said,

"We will eat to our fullest for couple of days after selling this "

There were two little twin girls and one other boy aging 6 to 7 years with him,

A voice came from above the bridge,

"You got something nice there "

Two men jumped from the bridge and stood 10 feet away from the childrens,

One of the men was shirtless and had long hairs and the other one was wearing cloths but was bald,

The boy quickly hid the necklace in his pocket,

"What do you want "

The bald guy caressed his head and said,

"I heard you got a necklace, and the slave trader is searching that "

The Childrens quickly his behind the boy and the boy said,

"I don't know what are you talking about "

The shirtless guy came close to the boy and said,

"You know I can see those little girls behind you... right "

The boy angrily punched the shirtless guy,

His punch didn't affect the guy, but he punched the boy out of his way,

He then grabbed the girls like a baggage and said,

"Just give us the necklace and I might let these go "

The little boy with the girls bites the guy's leg,

The shirtless guy kicked the little boy to the side,

The little boy fell on the ground and lost consciousness,

The girls started crying and struggling trying to get out of the grip,

The boy which had stolen the necklace shouted as he saw the little boy being kicked,

"Nooo..... Please don't hurt them... I will give you the necklace "

The boy took out the necklace and threw it toward the bald guy,

The bald guy caught the necklace and said to the shirtless guy,

"We will take those girls too... the slave trader will pay good price for them "

The shirtless guy nodded,

The boy took out a knife and rushed toward the shirtless guy holding the girls,

As he was about to stab the shirtless guy, the bald guy kicked him with lighting speed,

The boy flew several meters and vomited blood as he hit the ground,

"Don't.... ta... take them "

The shirtless guy started laughing,

"Hahaha.... "

"How dare you hurt him "

A voice came from above the bridge,

Morsh jumped down the bridge and landed in front of the bald guy,

The bald guy looked at Morsh and said,

"Who the hell are you "

Morsh said,

"How dare you touch my target "

Morsh took out a sword from his storage space and covered it with dark energy,

The bald guy unsheathed his sword,

"Who.... "

Morsh swinged his sword and the bald head fell on the ground followed by his body,

Morsh then took the necklace and puts it on and turned toward the shirtless guy holding the girls,

The shirtless guy got scared as he saw the bald guy's head falling on the ground,

He throws the girls on the ground and ran,

Morsh summoned dark a knight and ordered him,

"Go bring that bastard back "

The dark knight ran with his full speed and caught the guy in no time,

The dark knight then grabbed the guy by neck and threw him in front of Morsh,

The shirtless was shaking due to fear,

"Please don't kill me... take everything I have, but don't kill me "

Morsh smiled and decapitated him,

Morsh called back the dark knight and looked toward the Childrens,

The boy which had scammed Pete and the two little girls were crying while surrounding the unconscious boy,

Morsh walked up to them and used healing smoke,

Their wounds started healing and the pain was almost gone,

The boy looked at Morsh and said while sobbing,

"I am sorry for the morning... and thank you very much for saving us "

Morsh smiled,

"Dark knights "

15 dark knights were summoned around Morsh and the childrens,

The Childrens got scared as they saw the dark knights suddenly appearing,

The boy said,

"What are these creatures "

The unconscious boy also gained conscious at that moment and screamed out of fear as he saw the dark knights,

Morsh said,

"I was waiting for you to wake up... now we can start the punishment "

The boy asked,

"What do you mean by the punishment "

Morsh smiled and ordered the dark knights,

"Grab the kids "

The dark knights grabbed the kids,

They started struggling to get out of the grip of the dark knights,

The boy said,

"I am the one who scammed you, so please let my siblings go "

Morsh smiled and took out a dagger from his storage space and covered it with dark energy,

He then walked up to the little boy and started piercing his heart slowly,

The boy screamed in pain,

The girls also screamed and the boy which had scammed Pete shouted,

"Don't hurt him... I will kill you if something happens to him "

Morsh smiled but continues his piercing,

The dagger reached the little boy's heart and the boy died, his soul was absorbed by Morsh,

The dark knight dropped the dead body of the little boy,

The Childrens eyes were widened but no voice was coming from their mouth,

Tears started falling out of their eyes,

The boy said while crying,

"It was just a necklace.... why did you have to do this "

Morsh said,

"The show isn't over yet.... you have two more siblings right "

Morsh then ordered the dark knights holding the girls,

"Don't let them move "

Morsh then stabbed their limbs starting from their hands and then legs,

The boy screamed as the blood gushing out from the girls bodies,

"Spare them "

Morsh stood next to the boy,

"It will be your turn after they die from the blood loss"

The girls were crying due to pain and the boy was struggling to get out of the grip of dark knight,

The girls died after couple of minutes of agony,

The boy froze as he saw the girls dying,

Morsh then stabbed the dagger through the boy's heart and absorbed his soul,

"Now let's pay the trolls a visit "

{Notice - I am thinking about writing about Morsh's past about his nature and his struggles in the streets and how he developed his overall personality.

Please comment if you want that}