

In the evening, Adam walk slowly in the entrance of the academy,look miserable walking slowly trying to not get fall down and unconscious. The guard notice it and quickly help, grab the shoulder and let him sit and rest beside the guard office. The guard immediately call the principal, Then The vice principal suddenly appear in front of them, where adam sleeping soundly. He smiled and want to take adam to infirmary but he saw a Glowing symbol in the wrist that look familiar, Realize what it means he teleport to the infirmary with Adam. Vice principal notified The principal chiron and they immediately move again in the infirmary.

Adam wakes up a minute he is fully healed because of the greek magic that cast upon him.

(greek magic- an old mysterious power that using stamina to heal or to have unimaginable power to the user in the greek realm.)

"what happened" the dizziness causes him to wonder where and what happened to him.

He remember earlier fight and quickly stand in the bed.

"easy Adam" Chiron said while he is beside adam after The vice principal Dan notified him.

"what in the zeus are you involved with?" Dan anxiously holding his chair and stand up approaching to adam.

"yes, there's a monster I fought with earlier, I almost died thank god I'm still whole piece." relief with his worries.

"You fought a what?" Chiron follow up to another question.

"A monster, I dont know what monster that is but is weird that looks human but not" adam replied.

"that's not- Anyways adam, where do you get that?" Dan ask.

"that what?"

"that" Dan pointed the symbol of the Adam's wrist.

"Wwha-whattt what is this???" dan surprised and scared at the same time.

"you dont know that?" Chiron question.

"know what? you know something? is this your doing principal?" Adam really scared and get his body away in his arm.

"tell me what it is pls….." adam begging the both of them to tell it.

"That...is a Mission, technically a realm-mission risk" Chiron answer.

"A mission?"

"yes… safety-mission,city-mission risk,realm-mission mandatory and world-changing mission."

"four type's of mission" Adam follow up.

"This mission is a real-mission mandatory where you must participate and need to finish this mission or."

"or what?"

"or your life will be exchange of your failure."

"what..what do I do now?" Adam ask a question in front of chiron while kneeling, begging to life.

The tears on his eyes starting to drop nonstop and look to chiron.

"we...we can't do anything but helping you to complete the mission." chiron reply.

biting his shirt and grabbing intensely adam couldn't hold his eyes and starting to cry.

"I'm so not lucky"

"In the first place, how did you get that?." Dan wants to know.

"my memory is blur but I remember when I defeat the monster, a glowing yellow paper in front of me suddenly enter my mind... yes the mission why did I know the details of the mission... some kind of stone or something valuable." Adam said.

"yes that's how the mission cant be spread easily."

"Also that's rare, After the man dies during the mission the glowing paper that you saw will be transported instantly back to the hall of Olympus." Vice principal Dan explain

"The problem now is to how to find stone your talking about." Chiron wonder.

"I have the stone already" adam said.

"Should I ask the olympus-"

"yes, ask and tell them that he has the stone."

"wait-WHATTTT!!!!!" Chiron shout because of what he realize.

"uhmm yess?" adam shyly answered.

"where is it?"

adam find the stone in his pocket, He then explain that he found it where the battle located.

"The stone is-"

"Amethyst" the both of them surprised of what they see.

"amenities?" adam couldn't hear it properly.

"amethyst.....the lost stone, it's been lost for a long long long time and now it appear ...something happen."

"what is it" Adam know nothing in the world wants atleast to know something that he understands it.

"this stone is said can can make rebuild the world by its power and also destroy it."

Build by the great Hephaestus, The god of fire, the greatest inventor build this as a gift to zeus to help the environment of our realm, zeus like very much and praise him. But that stone disappear into the air, zeus order everyone to find the stone but no one, literally no one find it until today.

"and it choose me?" Adam question his self and look them to look pity.

"what choice do we have?." both of them are giving on explaining to adam.

"haah.... I tell them to help you in this mission, perharps they send a stronger warrior to help and complete the mission." Chiron said hoping adam would calm his mind.

Adam realizing of what his situation is he's back in the bed and agreed of what chiron said.

Two of them back to their office and Adam back to his dorm, walking and feeling sad tries to focus of what gonna be. He pick his tent and ready to set it up but A shadow darken his eyesight blocking the light of the moon, He look behind and saw a punch coming to him. Adam's instinct is beyond imagination, He barely dodge it and jump far away he stop thinking for a moment and realize he dodge it for a last minute.

The punch landing and made a hole destroying a certain perimeter, what's more that punch stretching and coming back to twenty feet. Adam careful to look where it came from and not let his guard down. slowly the shadow coming the forest slowly reveal, see the monster with a one eye in his head unimaginable muscle and stretching arm with a red color in his skin.

"how did he enter?" Adam surprised why is a monster inside the academy.

The monster draw a big hammer out of a thin air, A magic spatial out of knowhere ready to attack adam.

"I'm not gonna here" adam say and looking to the monster. A monster called cyclops.

Cyclops a one eyed monster where have a monster strength and monster agility.

Adam run fast back to the campus, cyclops dash instantly behind adam and smash the hammer. The monster miss but the impact of the weapon is too strong that adam blown away to the dorm of the student in the academy.