

what is a story? story that became reality, the story that feels exaggerated but much more interesting. How do you know that this story is true? telling everyone that you see isn't good enough.

This is the story about how all the stories are truth. A boy with nothing became the A boy that saves world. That is cliche but what make it interesting is how he became by it.

It all began The universe is nothing , and boom it explodes with unidentified energies,unknown radiating matter that became things. It became more big and create now known objects roaming around the universe. The universe that dark became colorful radiating universe. Billion years have pass, the universe create galaxies, inside the galaxies have system and one of them have life, with rich resources and unparallel energies emmitting a glorious power inside a planet. another Billion years pass now a civilization is born, a creature with different race with different culture but have unity or so we thought, All living things wether they like it or not, they only have one in their inner mind, RULE AND SURVIVE. It became war and war after they realize the planet became much involved and resolved unconditional peace within all race.

But why did they fight? this rich and unparallel energies in the planet and within that energy a living things born and began they can harness the energy and manifest in the individual. the planet have a job making earth fire water or any other element to live the living things within the planet, but the human being or one creature began to manifest it and other creature also began to harness.

the energies on theirselves they can enhance or manifest an element or what they call "stamina"

stamina is essential to every race without stamina, the can't breathe or move

it can also called the life itself.

it became the most important thing in the life of every creature in the world.

The creature have 6 different races.

but they categories it as two

Humans and monster.

Humans: Human



Monsters: Monster



As of today they live harmony within the planet with heirarchy of the stories that they made, but what could it be. they call it a god. A fantasy that no one can see or the story that made that way until now.

Year 2002 in the middle of march a meteor is approaching to the surface of the earth. The world intelligence expect to impact with have devastated damage to the world. As it approaches, a huge Thundercloud covering from the sky, covering the entire surface


A huge lighting strike from the thundercloud targeting meteorite, making the meteor crumble reduce to pebbles. Then the thundercloud vanish out of nowhere. where everyone shocks and nervous.

a faint light came inside from the meteor falling down, a purple stone flying around looking for something, as it looks everywhere. It saw a hospital in which straight up inside the building. The stone passing through the building like it didnt have a physical matter, human and monster can't also see the stone. After he slipped to the wall, A huge earthquake suddenly in the city. 8.2 magnitude, most of the buildings destroyed including the hospital, the stone thrown up in the baby room where all the baby mess up and most of them are injure.

The stone light almost have no light and saw a Small faint color purple energy in the boys energy. The stone rush inside the boy and vanish within the thin air.

Aftershock still come and make the casualties increase bit by bit.

The radio,tv and government announced the incoming tsunami in the city. everyone thought its the end of the world.

The tsunami height is 50 meter tall, almost swallow the city, makes the unfortunate city in the whole world.

That day became the history of mankind.

It became the worst day of the whole world

64% percent of population in that day vanish in an instant with the remorse and grief inside the people, praying to their mythical gods to let the disaster ends with the tsunami.

94% properties of the city destroyed to nothing. almost have no hope left to the people, sit in the side and look to their hands, sad yet relief and happy in their inside. happy that they alive despite the terror they overcome.

Aftershock gone and the tsunami is ended leaving the grief that they giving to the people pf the city.

While this story of that day became a history necame a legend marking those who survive the crisis, they still dont understand how it happened. Leaving the expertise shock and became fool of what they just saw.

That day left the story mystery and unknown evidence which everyone curious of what exactly made it happen.

The stone energy also disappear and like nothing happen in that moment.

After That day, all around the world give sympathy and full support in the city, including the so called OLYMPHUS, a so called company in which there goal doesn't have really clear. became famous of what they did in the city and decided that their main office in their company is in the city. the city stand and have many job offer arround the world which make the city increase their population drastically.