
Mystic Void

Hello, this novel is just for fun and for me but I posted it cause I can, if u like it that’s dope and if you don’t then that’s dope. Enjoy? I guess. And also there might be spelling mistakes, if u correct it thanks, I’ll make sure to update it if someone corrects it so that other people don’t have to suffer. Also the updates gunna be weird as I’ll write whenever I’m not bored so why not just let it sit in your library.

Celestial_Wolf · Huyền huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Day 1

Waking up to the chirps of birds was something new, my back was becoming itchy. "What the hell where is this, fuck did I get kidnapped". Instantly feeling afraid I started running and rushed inside a bush.

[ Notice, you have 1 month, survive and you go back home killing is allowed and monster will hunt you for 1 month, there are 100 people the amount of people that survive does not matter, the amount of people that die does not matter GOODLUCK ]

....this is bullshit why why it gotta be me aaaaahhhh.

{Name: Lin Fan

Cultivation lvl: not started

Skills: none}

"What? My name isn't Lin fan, what is wrong with you? Your brain fried?"

Suddenly I heard footsteps it was very fast running towards me, but I was in a bush how the hell...

"Ggreaack hehehe I smellll human scums get out here boy I'll eat you"

Still staying in the bush I saw the guy and it was green with a hunched back big nose and wide mouth for a second I thought it was a goblin but i was wrong it is a troll.

"So uhhh mister troll I gotta few questions is that ok?" I was scaRed but I wanted to know some stuffs before running. "Go on" he growled.

"You know u sound real nice, first what you mean you smell me Are you gay? Also Said that you would eat me out, now that's really gay, also how did u know I was here?"

"..." the troll was silent I could see the his expression and boy he was angry, without saying anything he charged in the bush. "Pahhh".

""Hehehe stupid troll should have just gave me riddles, those questions was just to waste time so I can craft this mighty thing....SPEARR oops" I had yelled so loud that the birds flew away.

"You have won this battle but my brothers shall get revenge...REVENGE!!" This guy screamed louder than me. After robbing him I started running just in case someone was nearby I looked for a cave to camp in people might've been so scared being somewhere different but I didn't care as it was actually getting fun.

Finding a cave to rest in I checked what I stole from that lousy troll.

{ broken dagger: although broken the troll has never used it it's durability is not as bad as a normal dagger }

{ animal coat: made from multiple kills this coat provides warmth in the cold and protection from physical blows}

Useless, the dagger isn't bad but it's broken although durable it's not that sharp, the coat may be able to protect me from physical blows but not from swords. As we all know 1 is better than 0 or something like that I decided to wear the coat and equipped the dagger in my coat pocket.

I also heard some stuff when I hade pierced the neck of the troll which was "you have entered the first stage of Qi gathering"

{Name: Lin Fan

Cultivation lvl: Qi Gathering 1st stage

Skills: none}

Oh damn cultivation! That's dope but 1st stage of the 1st realm huh that's sad, and what the hell is up with my name I said it's not ling fan. It was getting dark so I decided to make this cave my home for this month.

Making sure there is no monsters inside I decided to check it out, as I walked down it got darker I decided to stick to the walls but soon I felt something and it was a stick, running back out I decided to light it up the old fashioned way.

It took about 10 minutes, so much time wasted on fire, now I made a torch I decided to search the cave I looked in awe as a pond was there and it was glowing green, I could wash up now.

After a while I saw that the light source was coming from the bottom of the pond, I decided to check it out. "Oughf, almost died down there just for a plant".

{ river pearl plant: once bloomed it will shine, if the pearl is eaten you can breath under water for 15 minutes can be sold in the shop }

"Like hell, useless but how much I get for this pearl doh?"

[SHOP, SELL,Etc....]

"Ouuhh sell sell, what do I get?"

[ Sell river pearl for 100 points ]

It was a currency for this thing I guess I decided to sell it and went to the shop section to see what I can buy that will benefit me.

[ Sell broken dagger for 5 points ]

[ Sell Coat for 25 points...Proccessing]

All the items disappeared, I only sold it cause I know I can buy something better, checking the shop I saw so many options and the cost was so high for really good stuff.

[ Buy Wolf Fang Dagger for 75 points?....Buy Special Scale Cloth for 30 points?]

I decided to buy these 2, 1 for attack and the second for the awesomeness like it just makes me look so good and badass. "Oooh yeah this shit fits me well ahaha and the dagger looks nice to".

Since I knew how to level up I decided to go hunting in the day and sleep at night.

<Next Day>

"Ruff ruff"

"Ahhh I am being attacked mommy help help" but looking down I saw a small pup that was pushing against my stomach "awe such a cute thing" my stomach growled and I looked at it, it looked back with fear "oh don't worry little buddy I won't eat you, your to little, I'll make sure u get big and fat and then I will have a feast hahaha" although joking I was really getting hungry.

Getting out of the cave there was a breeze and it was so warm today that it felt just right. The pup followed me barking and I picked it up and decided to put him in my coat pocket, don't worry I already checked it is a he.

{ Unkown Dire Wolf: only a pup but will grow fast and it's strength depends on its diet and training....Tameable, Tame?}

"Yes sure tame" after a second I saw something on top of the pups head.

{name: not named

Cultivation: none

Skills: none}

"Oh hello not named, oh ain't that a cute name, okayyy let's name him kyu"

The. Name changed and had kyu now, now when I called him he looked at me expecting something. "ok let's go hunting kyu, time for you to grow big in a month"

I decided to hunt small and edible things like rabbits or deers, soon I did come across a while horned dear. Sadly it's cultivation was second stage of Qi gathering but I wanted to pierce its heart with my dagger, although not that sharp but with enough force it should be able to.

{ throwing technique skill buy? 25 points }

"Argh really all the points I have left? This bullshit alright since it'll help my accuracy". I wasn't in a rush and I could find the deer easily as it was sleeping and was probably gonna sleep for another hour or two. I decided to practice my skill and level it up.

I stuck a leaf to a tree with the help of the pups saliva as glue and started throwing, the tree was kinda far so I had kyu get the dagger after I threw it.

+3 exp

+3 exp


{Skill leveled up to two

Throwing technique: level 2 (0/50)

Looks like the closer I get to hitting the target the more exp I earn, soon I'll hit the target every time. How do I earn more exp you ask? Welp I'll just change the distance and throw from farther away, I estimated my skill to reach level 6 in an hour but to my disappointment the exp needed was to large.

{ throwing technique: level 5 (0/800)}

Although not impossible to get but very time consuming and I didn't have much time to waste, my accuracy was very good that I could hit anything perfectly form up to 50 meters away which was really good, and because of me doing this practice I somehow gained a skill.

{ hawk eye: level 1 (0/50)

After activating for 25 seconds you'll have enhanced vision, your vision shall be enhanced according to the level your skill is at}

Sadly I only got it at the end of my practice so I couldn't level it up but it was pretty good bonus.

{ congratulations kyu has earned a skill: Blitz: level 2 (0/50)

Blitz will enhance your speed according to the level of the skill for 25 seconds}

Apparently skills only have 10 levels before they evolve just like pikachu. Now that I had some skills I decided to get the deer right when it starts getting up. I stayed waiting for 5 minutes....10 now, looks like its not getting up, I waited for a few more minutes and finally it started lifting its huge body quickly I threw the dagger to where the heart is located and ran towards it.

Grabbing the horn I slammed the deer on the ground. "Kyu wanna bite his balls for help? Ahh what am I saying of-course you do" but nope he did not move I think he's scared. "Less go time for our meal" I pulled on the horn of the deer and started dragging although it looked huge it wasn't as heavy as you'd think.

After getting back home I set up fire and grilled the meat and toasted the horns for kyu to chew on later on, today was ending I decided to make my bed out of huge leaves I made my room all the way in the back and made a trap that notifies me if someone wanted the cave...

Hello, I know there are a lot of errors but I don’t really care, if u can, please do correct the spellings though. I hope you like it and if you don’t then sorry for wasting your time? Or not

Celestial_Wolfcreators' thoughts