
Mystic Tamer

A boy wakes in a forest, with no knowledge of who he was or where he is, the only things around being a book and an oddly colored rock.

Black_Slime · Kỳ huyễn
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The sky came into view, the green trees around and soft grass underneath him letting him know he was outside.

"Where am I...?" He mumbled groggily.

He didn't have any memories. Not of where he was, or even who he was. The only memories he had were fundamental skills such as running and swimming, some objects like rocks and houses, and some beasts like goblins and wolves.

He sat up slightly, causing him to notice two things, a book and a rock.

The book was small, had a leather cover gilded with gold, and slightly yellow pages.

The rock was small and smooth, similar to a pearl, but with an abundance of colors. From the colors of the rainbow to black and white, every color was there.

He picked up the book first, and read the title.

[The guide to a Mystic Tamer: Samuel Elantes]

He flipped over the front cover, and read the first few pages.

[As you probably know, the world is divided into four main classes: Mage, Warrior, Archer, and Tamer. Every class has some subclasses. The Elementalist mage, the Weaponist warrior, the Gunman archer, and the Summoner tamer. The classes have more subclasses of course, but that isn't important.

Each of the classes have masterclasses as well. Mage to Sorcerer, Warrior to Knight, Archer to Ranger, and Tamer to Shapeshifter. Those are probably the most well known, but they each have higher classes. The highest class for the tamer, is the Mystic tamer, of which I am the last of.

In this book, you will find information about everything with a heartbeat, and items without, as well as the processes to tame or use them.]

"There isn't a way every thing in the world is in this book." The kid says in denial.

He flips to the next page, only to find a white box at the top of the page.


He touches the box, and a weird object pops up.

"What the hell?" He says in surprise. The object pulses a little, and responds with a few words.

[Item {What the hell?} not found: Please try again]

'So I have to, what, search for them?' He theorizes.

He once again pokes the box, with the object popping up again, and this time says a generic monster.


This time, instead of a response, the page filled with a box.

[Goblin: A small creature native to warmer climates]

[Appearance: Small, humanoid shape, like that of a child, with long pointed ears and noses, small black eyes, thin arms and legs, and light green skin]

[Types: Goblin, Goblin Scout, Goblin Warrior, Goblin Worker, and Goblin Chief]

[Taming Method: {Press for more detail}]

He pokes 'Goblin Scout', and the page changes once more.

[Goblin Scout: A goblin used to explore areas surrounding goblin encampments]

[Appearance: Longer legs than a normal goblin, and blue skin instead of green]

[Types: Sub-race of Goblin]

[Taming Method: {Press for more detail}]

Both pages also had pictures that fit the description of the goblins.

"Okay, now that we figured out how that works, what's this rock thing?" He asks himself.

Walking over to the rock, book in hand, he grabs it slightly, and feels an intense pain throughout his entire body, knocking him to the ground

With that happening, he hears a metallic voice ringing in his head. He can't understand what it is saying, but the pain died down slightly.

After the pain had fully stopped, he collapsed onto the grass, panting.


When he finally sat up, he saw a little red dot in the corner of his eye. After focusing on it, his left eye was filled with something like a page of a book, but instead of a story, it had information, as well as a picture.

The picture was a human with pale skin, white hair, green eyes, and leather clothes.

The information displayed was:

[Name: Ellis]

[Class: ---]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 100/100]

[Stamina: 100/100]

[Strength: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Defense: 10]

[Stat Points: 0]

'Is this me?' He questions. 'So my name is Ellis? And this is what I look like, huh.'

As he was checking that out, a small box popped up.

[Identified held object: Tamers Book]

[Would you like to add item to system?]

[Yes] [No]

[Please remember that the item will be removed, but will still be able to be taken out of the system when necessary. While in the system, the item retains every feature it had, and can be used whenever needed.]

Ellis decides that if he can still use the book, and get it back, he should put it into the system.

He pokes the option saying yes, and both the small box and book dissolved into blue light.

[Item: Tamers Book added to System]

[Would you like to change class to 'Mystic Tamer?']

[Yes] [No]

He didn't see another of the notes telling him what that meant, but it couldn't be worse than no class.

Touching yes, the screen with his picture updated, this time saying

[Name: Ellis]

[Class: Mystic Tamer]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 100/100]

[Stamina: 100/100]

[Strength: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Defense: 10]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Tamer Points: 10]

The 'class' box changed to 'Mystic Tamer', and another box popped up saying 'Tamer Points'.

'So is that how I tame things?' The thought had popped into his head.

As if on cue, he heard a dull sound, as if a bowl of jelly was dropped on a carpet, and turning to see it, he saw a clear ball of slime. In the middle of the slime, was a small blue rock spinning in place.

After a second of looking at the creature, one of the screens popped up.

[Slime: A blob of a semi-liquid substance with the unique trait of eating anything]

[Appearance: Will vary depending on what the slime has eaten that it chose to absorb. Non-evolved slimes will be clear.]

[Types: Infinite, as they evolve depending on appetite]

[Taming Method: {Press for details}]

Ellis decides that he should try taming something, and pokes the taming method.

[To tame a slime, no special steps or materials are needed. Just inject some mana and use your taming points. The more mana decides how strong the slime becomes, and the more taming points decides the chances of taming.]

"Oh, that makes sense." Ellis says aloud. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to inject mana or taming points, so he tests something.

"System, can you tame the slime?"

[Select Target]

[Mana: Select]

[Taming Points: Select]

[Confirm] [Cancel]

"Oh shit, that worked?" He says in surprise.

Clicking the target option brought up a small map, with him and the slime, as well as a few insects here and there.

'So it has a range. Okay, good to know.' He observes while choosing the slime.

For the mana option, he put in all 100 he had, put in all ten taming points, and selected yes.

A small circle of light appeared underneath the slime before engulfing it whole.

[Tamed: Slime]

[Name: Enter]

"Oh damn. That's what I'm talking about!" Ellis says, excited.

He pokes the name box, and just says what comes to mind.

[Confirm: Ryne]

[Yes] [No]

"Okay, now that that's done, what can you do, System?" Ellis questions.

[Permission to send all features of System to mind]

[Give] [Decline]

After choosing give, he felt as though his head had been split apart. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, knowledge flooding his mind, as he collapsed once again.


Ellis stayed down for a few minutes, processing what he just learned.


He finally sat up, and told the system to put Ryne away.

His new slime dissolved into blue light, and another screen popped up, letting him know it was successful.

He asked a question.

"How many objects will improve the slime once eaten?"


"Remove all that provide only similar but worse effects than others."


"What types of effects can occur in all objects?" He questions.

[Immunities, Utilities, Physical improvements, Magical improvements, Appearance changes, Unique skill generation]

"Remove all that result in only utility or appearance upgrades." Ellis commands.


"Rank them into rarity of object."

[High: 5,966]

[Medium: 702,511,902]

[Low: 2,074,404,663]

"Add all of high to one list, medium to another, and low to one more."


"Let me know if I come within 50 miles of a high object, 5 miles of a medium object, and 50 feet of a low object. Also let me know the direction towards them." He finalizes.


"Okay, time to go." He thinks aloud.

So, this is my first attempt at writing. The first chapter might be a little stuffed, but go easy on me. Feel free to leave feedback or questions, I will read the comments here and there.

Edit: This chapter is more of a pilot, see how well the idea does, so interaction will let me know if I should continue writing it.

Black_Slimecreators' thoughts