
Mystic Matriarch: The saga of dominance and misunderstanding

In a gritty underworld where power and loyalty reign supreme, Isabella "viper" Yslat emerges as a formidable force in this magic based male dominated mafia. Cunning, strategic, unapologetically fierce. The once, a war orphan rose through the name of a fallen mafia group, earning the respect of allies and striking fear into the hearts of rivals. But she hides something precious, what is her secret?

underwearloafer · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: la storia inizia

In the early 1800s, A country called Victoria' was created. The capital of Victoria was a better place to prosper, people moved from the countryside to live the dream that was Victoria itself. Firstly, there is a lively gate written in Latin "Welcome to Victoria" The magic detection opens the door itself, the greenery, the brick houses, chimneys, and men and females walking the street. The gentlemen with the long coats and a hat and the women of this land were wearing skirts and long-sleeved shirts with their heels on a carriage.

Even the water here tasted different, the carriages flown by magical creatures, people on the way to their jobs through wands that drifted through the winds, passing by the birds. It was a fever dream for most people, the children running around while some admired their teacher's handling a fierce fireball on her hand with ease, around the corner were high school kids and children heading for the magic academy—the projected videos by magic for advertisement of cigars and a man's dream. But there is a district that you should never go to. Half of Victoria is covered by this district.

At night, this place is far from being a holy place, It is the perfect place for anything for the government has gone too loose and corrupt. It is a place where a woman and man should never stumble. As a man enters the doors of this hell, there is no going back. A flash rushes into his eyes, blinding him for seconds before showing him the hell disguised as a paradise. The absolute pinnacle for the devil's work right through the eyes of the gods, a blind spot if I may. The bright advertisements of prostitutes and gambling scams. It was too eye-catching not to visit such a place, the casino with beautiful females luring customers to completely bankrupt them.

The man goes in for a turn in the casino, thinking he would just try it, then what occurs? he wins. The stimulation is so powerful, that he tries again and again. But he loses many times with a casual 2 or 3 wins that the casino throws toward him, which causes him frustration. It is all controlled, they are the mindless sheep, the deck, the cards as the casino's staff are magicians. So, what does the man do? he cheats to experience the sweet nectar called victory. Can you beat the creator of the game at his own game? Of course not.

He gets caught, the man in the act. As compensation, the casino wants all of his property as they blacklist them for ruining their rules and "assets of the game." Then, the man hopelessly sits outside of the casino. But the game isn't over yet. The man hopelessly is approached by a beautiful woman who then proceeds to take him into the brothel and squeeze his remaining money. He then tasted such a piece of 'paradise.' Then he waits for his salary or worst case scenario, he takes a loan or steals. After a few days of prostitution and brothels, he gets bored.

Then the stimulant that one can deny comes the drugs. The drugs created by the mafia with magic have a 100% chance to captivate the people who are already drowning in the seas of loans. The man refuses at first, but as requested by such beauties beside him, he cannot refuse, can HE?

The game is over. Neither magic nor a god can save him. The man can no longer steal or wait for his salary. After a few days, the beauties don't have any interest in a broke like him. Furious for such reason, he assaults the girls. The man is then approached by the guards there and is taken to a place where no one has ever come alive by the 'rumors.'

A big mansion, filled with guards and the headquarters of one of the biggest mafia in victoria. The tension is big, he gulps as he knows he is thrown at the lion's den. His hands and legs are shaking. He forwards his step, and with each step, his heartbeat goes faster in the silent hall where he can even hear his breath.

He approaches the hall, there lies a big statue of Julius Caesar, captivated by it. A man with silver hair, red eyes, and a well-toned body in a gentle matte black suit, a belt of pouch that each of them has a silver revolver leans against a wall beside a big chair. On the other side, a woman with dark purple hair, green eyes like a black cat on a beautiful overskirt a cigarette in her mouth, and her mysterious gloves.

Both of them, don't utter a single word. Soon, a sound of heels walking across the room comes, and she walks by, the viper of Victoria, Isabella Yslat. He watches as she walks the petals of black flowers dance, and black raven feathers fall as she walks in a black princess dress, as the slight winds flair, her duvet-like black hair and her moon-like silver eyes that would make anybody mad enough for people to throw their lives over—the mafia leader of this district, the one above all, the controller.

Isabella clenches her hand, her veins look like they are going to pop any moment. She raises her hand and


Right on the head of the man with silver hair. He screams,' OW! what?'

'Stop pouring those raven feathers at me, you dumb fuck!'

'Alright alright, miss Isabella, you don't have to hit me like that.' the man sulks at a grown age which is a little bit concerning.

The man is unfazed by what he saw. Isabella looks at the guards behind the man. The man then gets pressed on the guards to his knees and his head on the ground. Isabella looks as if she is trying to devour the man. Isabella sits on the chair that has a huge window behind. It's bad architecture design, for sure.

Isabella speaks, what did you do?


'I assaulted a worker of y-your area.' he speaks in a small trembling voice while he lays his head down.

'WHAT?' Isabella asks while she seems a bit annoyed.

The woman rushes towards the man and pulls out knife-like nails coming out of her gloves and puts on his neck. The man looks serious this time even though he is goofing around and whips out the two revolvers aimed at the man's head.

Isabella asked him because she didn't hear him out as he was speaking in a low voice. But she went with it because she thought she might get caught.

'Halt, who asked you two to move?'

The man and the woman shivers and backs off.

Isabella tries to comfort the man as he was the verge of pissing himself. She walks but accidentally steps on her dress and falls on the ground. She thought 'I'm gonna be busted. They are going to know now.'


A bullet goes through the window at the same time she falls. But Isabella stumbles and the bullet goes through the man's skull instead.

The man and woman rush to guard Isabella while Admiring Isabella's unusual ability to dodge a sniper's magic bullet that doesn't stop until it kills the target.

Isabella looks very terrified.

'Yes, as all you've thought I'm not the real Isabella and I'm seriously fucked.'

This is a side story i created, but since it is getting the popularity, I will be getting serious after the fifth chapter.

underwearloafercreators' thoughts