

Once trapped in the basement of bandits, Kiyoko knows very little about himself when he's rescued By an important figure. Frederic and his brother Oji. They face challenges ahead of them, but nothing lasts forever, wether it be happiness or sadness. What lies ahead of these three?

Harley_Wantland · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
95 Chs

The past I wanna forget

Lily sits on the floor playing doctor with a few dolls she has. Her Parents are watching her.

"I'm just… Concerned for her honey… What if someone hurts her because of her unique abilities?" Her husband sighs.

"I know you're concerned for her… She's 17 already… If she does get in trouble she can handle herself" The mom sighs in nervousness.

"I guess you're right…" Lily throws one of the dolls down and walks over.

"Hey Mom?... Can I go to the Library?" The Mom takes a deep breath and nods slightly.

"Yes you may… Just be back soon" Lily smiles brightly

"KAY!" Lily runs out the door. Running over and across the bridges and trees. Slamming opens the door to the Library.

"Welcome back Miss Lily… here to check out another Anthropology book?" Lily quickly nods and runs to the Book aisle for Anthropology. She smiles as she grabs out a book and runs over to the counter.

"This one please!" The Librarian smiles as she checks the book out for her. Lily is sitting at one of the tables and reading a book about the Humans. Her eyes sparkle as she jolts standing.

"Thank you Miss!" Lily leaves the book and runs out of the library. She runs across the bridges and stops at a house. Taking a moment to breathe before knocking on the door. A lady opened it.

"Lily? What are you doing here?" Lily smiles brightly and walks into the house. Kunaiya closes the door behind Lily.

"Can you please send me to the human world again?... I wanna research more about humans!" Kunaiya sighs.

"Remember… You can get in trouble for this Lily" Lily takes a deep breath.

"I Know… Just one last time… I need this to finish my research paper for Class Tuesday!" Kunaiya sighs and taps her shoulder.

"I only have enough Mana for a 30 minute round trip… kay?" Lily violently nods. Transcension: Jayan to Humans" Lily goes brightly as she appears in a grassy field surrounded by trees. She looks around as someone lays on the ground in a puddle of blood. Her eyes widen as she runs over. Stretching her hands out.

"Restoration: Healing hands" her hands glow as the man's injuries slowly heal. She backs away and takes a deep breath trying to process what happened. The man violently sat up. Looking over at Lily. Lily looked back at him. She takes a deep breath. A person named Kiyoko comes to mind.

"It's not time for you to die yet... You still have to save Kiyoko... Don't tell anyone you saw me... Kay?" Her voice was soothing. The man stares as Lily suddenly disappears. His eyes widen in shock as he jolts standing. No injuries or pain whatsoever.

"No way... I thought the Elves went extinct…"

She appears in the wooden house and looks around. The Queen and her family looked at her in disbelief.

 "Oh… Hey…" The Queen sighs.

"You know it's against the law to visit any of the other races without us knowing… I'm afraid we're gonna have to take this to court…" Lily's eyes widened in shock. She hangs her head and follows the Queen out the door. As soon as they walk across a bridge Lily vaults over the rope and onto the Forest floor. Running into the deep trees. Her mom tries to chase but the Queen stops her.

"She'll return soon"


She runs into the forest and trips on a log. Struggling to stand back up as she runs into a small field. A wooden cabin sitting on a small hill.

"What are you doing at my house?" She turns around to see a large muscular man wielding an ax.

"I-I-I… I got in trouble… And ran away from home…" The man puts his ax down walking towards his house.

"If you want… You can stay with me… Until you feel confident enough to return home" Lily nervously looks at the man.



Lily jolts awake as her stomach hurts. Her head aching as she turns to look out the bedroom window. The bright moon shining into the room. Her hair was a mess as she stood out of bed.

"I can't stay here… It's too dangerous" She rushes over and opens the window. Jumping out and running back into the woods.


Her breathing was hard as she bumped into something soft. Looking up to see the Queen.

"I Knew you would return…" A sad look overcomes the Queen.

"Let's get you inside" The Queen walks behind Lily seemingly noticing something.

Lily looks around as her Parents are nowhere to be seen.

"Where… Is it my Mom and Dad?" The Queen sighs.

"You Committed a Sin… And you ran away… Someone had to pay for the Crime…" Lily's eyes widened.

"But I'm willing to let you off the hook now… On one condition" Lily looks up with tears forming in her eyes.

"Become the Kingdom's personal Medic… Your ability to heal and Restore things will be a great help to this kingdom" Lily wipes her eyes.

"O-Okay…" The Queen turns around to walk out of the house but stops.

"But mind you… About this time next year… You won't be alone anymore"