

Once trapped in the basement of bandits, Kiyoko knows very little about himself when he's rescued By an important figure. Frederic and his brother Oji. They face challenges ahead of them, but nothing lasts forever, wether it be happiness or sadness. What lies ahead of these three?

Harley_Wantland · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
95 Chs

A Man Named Diafthora

The young boy walks between several trees trying to avoid being seen by the humans but still following them. The trees in the dark continent were warped beyond recognition. Smaller trees growing from the leaves of the bigger trees. The kid stops walking after stepping on a stick.

"Did you hear that boss... Something could be following us" the leader scoffs then continues walking. The kid knew he couldn't protect himself against upwards of twenty strong fighters. But he couldn't shake his curiosity. Suddenly someone picks him up from behind. Mutated birds flying away.

"I found it... It's just the type you were looking for boss" the boss watches as the half Demon kid struggles to break free but to no avail. His right arm was massive with a demon arm and craws.

"Bring it back with us... I have some questions for it" the man walks out of the bushes with the kid.


He's thrown into the dark room. Only a small window letting in light. He rushes standing to watch out the window as the boat floats away from the island. The wind blowing the large sails. His eyes water up as he tries to escape but can't. Eventually falling to the ground crying.


He leans against the cell wall. Having been there for a month. He would wake up every day and by four be forced into extremely painful Expirements. The lock on the door clicks and unlocks loudly as it opens. He looks down as two scientists grab him. Quickly dragging him out. A tall man standing in front of him.

"Subject Dianthropamorph. Indicative. Alien. Form. Dark. Continent. 1... Or DiafDC 1... Are you ready for today?" The kid stays silent as the tall man slaps him across the face.

"Bring him to the table... on Today's agenda is Regeneration... And tie him down properly this time." The two scientists drag him forcibly to the table and tie him down with tight ropes. He struggles but can barely move at all. The tall man walks in putting on gloves. A maniacal smile on his face.

"Let's start with your chest shall we?" The boys eyes widen as the tall man puts a blade to his chest. He creates a deep incision. The kid trying to hold back his scream of pain.

"Hmm... You're organs are arranged completely different than a humans. The kids chest, skin, and muscle tissue painfully regenerating. Tears roll down his cheeks as the scientist reopens his chest and using a tool to keep it open. He cries in pain as blue blood splatters out from his chest. Blood filling his mouth as the scientist digs through his organs.

Suddenly a large siren turns on and blares out. The scientist leaves the tool keeping the incision open. Taking off his glove and rushing out the door. He violently pukes up blood as he cries to himself. The OR door slamming open from the outside. A short kid looking only 13. His hair was red and spiky with black eyes.

"You don't look too good... Here... I'm not a surgeon but I'll try to help as much as I can..." The boy reaches over and pulls the tool out and watches in awe as his chest slowly and painfully regenerates.

"Can you untie me? As much as I fu... Despise you humans... I don't wanna be stuck here" the kid Snickers.

"My name is Kiyatana Ikasuma... I'm a Cadet training for the Royal Academy Knights" Kiyatana unties him. The boy falling straight to the ground still in pain. Heavy boots stomp the ground as Kiyatana jolts around to face the head scientist face to face.

"What... Are... You... Doing?" Kiyatana gulps as the boy slightly cowers. Memories flash through Kiyatana's mind of his mom yelling at him.

"I told you mom... I'm... My own... PERSON!" the head scientist goes flying back into the wall. Kiyatana's eyes bleeding. The man stands up as Kiyatana appears above him. Jabbing a knife through the man's jaw. He coughs up blood as Kiyatana then stabs him through the chest. The man going unconscious.

The boys eyes widen in shock as Kiyatana turns around to look at him. His eyes looking out into an infinite universe. But quickly reverting back to normal as Kiyatana grabs his eyes.

"Hello... Nice to meet you... My name is Kiyatana Ikasuma"


Kiyatana drags the boy through a grassy field. Both gasping for breath as the boy falls in pain.

"We have to hurry!" Kiyatana lifts the boy onto his shoulder and continuing to run. A royal carriage coming into view.


"And your name is?" The boy couldn't speak as he looked around in awe of the great hall. King Nicholas sitting at the throne. Large gabled ceilings reigning above him. Exquisite chandeliers an large windows down the whole length.

"DiafDC 1... Sir..." King Nicholas looks slightly confused before sighing.

"Why don't I just call you Diafthora?... Wanna make a deal?" Diafthora slowly nods as Kiyatana watches.

"Good... Why don't you become a negotiater? A representative of the humans?" Diafthora tilts his head confused.

"In turn for letting you live here, you can travel anywhere you want, require the necessary crew to do so... As well as manage our negotiations with other species?" Nicholas smiles menacingly as Diafthora nods.

"Yes sir..." Nicholas smiles calmly and stands up.

"I decree that you... Diafthora... Are the new chief of Exploration... You're first mission... Forge negotiations and relationships with the other races... As well as explore the dark continent... Any order will do..." Diafthora bows and nods.

"Set course for Kaji - Island of the Orcs"