
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs

Stop it! Don't touch!

Watching the hound consumed by flames, a sense of tension within Elwin somewhat subsided. He turned his head, smiling at Cassidy, "It seems the magic you taught me is of some use, at least it can save lives."

Cassidy nodded slightly and calmly said, "Not bad, this is real combat, stay focused." Having said this, she started to prepare her own magic. A golden flame ignited in her hand, the fire bright and intense, as dazzling as the sun itself.

The moon hung in the night sky, its silvery light spilling over the land. In the moonlight, the sword in Cassidy's hand and the dancing flames cast a lively and eerie golden glow. Elwin, holding his dagger, his figure reflected in the flames, resembled a demonic hunter. They stood face to face, forming a line of defense against a pack of ferocious hounds.

The hounds' eyes flashed with brutal light in the dark, their teeth as sharp as knives, exuding a cold glow. They howled in the darkness, their voices like a death knell, shattering the tranquility of the night, making hearts race.

Then, like arrows, the hounds charged at Cassidy and Elwin. One of the hounds targeted Cassidy and pounced ferociously. Cassidy's eyes were calm, void of any fear, she swung her sword, the tip dancing with flames, forming a wall of blazing fire.

The hound abruptly halted in front of the firewall, then jumped up with all its strength, trying to leap over it. But Cassidy was prepared, she braced her sword on the ground, stretched out her hand towards the pouncing hound, a larger fireball instantly formed in her hand and hit the hound in mid-air.

With a loud "boom", the fireball instantly enveloped the hound. It let out a mournful howl, then like a meteor, it fell to the ground, engulfed in flames until it was reduced to a pile of ashes.

However, the other hounds did not stop because of this. They seemed to ignore death, continuing their charge towards Cassidy and Elwin. This extreme pressure and desperate attack did not make them retreat, but rather, it solidified their resolve.

Whenever a fireball formed in their hands, it carried their determination and courage, flying towards these messengers of darkness. Every time a fireball hit a hound, the intense force would burn them to ashes. The dark hounds howled and fell in the flames, their souls seemingly purified by the fire, turned into colorless smoke dissolving into the air.

In this passionate battle, Elwin and Cassidy fought side by side, their silhouettes in the night seemed solitary yet steadfast, their courage burning in the night sky, like those brilliant flames, giving people hope and strength.

Although some hounds had been burnt to ashes, the remaining ones were still raging like headless flies, their ferocious aura seemingly more intense. Their eyes were like burning coals, revealing endless killing intent, they seemed like feelingless beasts, charging towards Cassidy and Elwin.

Seeing this, Cassidy immediately responded. She drew a large circle on the spot with her sword. The flame at the sword tip followed her dance, leaving a dazzling trail of fire. At that moment, Cassidy in the moonlight looked like a dancer, leaping on the stage of fire and death.

The fire trail extended, circling the two of them, quickly forming a tall firewall that separated them from the hounds. The intense flames danced, devouring all approaching enemies. The hounds were ferocious, but they couldn't cross the firewall.

However, the fiery battle seemed to have stirred up a greater threat. A terrifying howl came from the side of the town road. Initially, it was just one or two, then more and more, shaking the night sky.

"It looks like we're really going to die here," Elwin looked at the terrifying scene in the distance, trying to ease the tension with humor.

"Stop talking nonsense, get ready to fight!" Cassidy gritted her teeth, the fire dancing in her hands.

Then, the monsters that were sleeping on the side of the town road awoke. Some shaped like pigs, some covered in scales, some covered in lumpy flesh, they let out terrifying howls, rushing towards Elwin and Cassidy. These monsters varied in shape, a plethora of horrifying appearances was hard to take in, but what was most noticeable was that they all had the body of a human, but the head of a pig.

Cassidy gritted her teeth, on high alert, "Get ready, Elwin."

"No problem, being accompanied by a beauty, my mood is actually quite good," Elwin laughed again, looking completely unfazed.

Cassidy glared at him lightly, "You idiot, you still have the mood to laugh!" Despite this, Elwin's optimism did bring her a little comfort.

"We need to find somewhere to take cover, I have an idea," Cassidy shouted amidst the chaos of the pig-headed monsters charging around. Her gaze was sharp, swiftly scanning the battlefield. The moonlight, the fire, and the shadow of the monsters reflected in her eyes, creating a mix of lights and shadows. The towering, solitary church under the moonlight stood out prominently. Its silhouette was faintly visible in the darkness, standing among the eerie silence and ghostly shadows.

Elwin followed closely behind, he looked at Cassidy, then followed her gaze to the church, and nodded, "Good idea, the terrain there would be beneficial for us to defend."

With that, they began to move towards the church, fighting while retreating, their swords and flames dancing forward. They moved through the wall of fire, gradually distancing themselves from the encircling hounds.

They began to move towards the church, like two shooting stars on the chaotic battlefield, breaking through the heavy blockade, amidst the roaring wind and splashing fire. Cassidy's sword, alight with flame, traced beautiful arcs in the air, each arc taking away a pig-headed monster. Her movements were smooth and decisive, the flame dancing on the tip of the sword like a joyful sprite dancing in the night.

In front of the church, Cassidy swung at the heavy church doors with all her might. The flames burst out from the tip of her sword like a dragon, illuminating the mysterious pattern engraved on the church doors. At that moment, when the tip of her sword struck the doors, it created a clear, ringing sound, shattering the night's silence.

The doors burst open under the impact of the sword, sending wood chips flying as if lightning had split the night. The inside of the church appeared solemn and mysterious under the moonlight. The moonlight seeped through the windows, casting a gentle light onto the ancient statues and stained glass windows, filling the air with a heavy, mysterious atmosphere.

Cassidy stood at the entrance, signaling Elwin to search the inside of the church for an exit, or for useful items to block the monsters' attack. Her sword and flames kept the pig-headed monsters at bay. The flames danced around her, casting her in the image of a warrior goddess, her gaze as sharp as a blade. She swung her sword with a steady gaze, as if the entire world were dancing in her pupils.

Cassidy turned back to look at Elwin, her eyes full of determination and encouragement, "I'll hold them here, you find the exit. But don't touch anything here, something's not right about this place." Her tone was firm and calm, as if making a decision.

"You... alone..." Elwin's voice carried concern.

Suddenly, another pig-headed monster with a large wooden club charged at Cassidy.

"I can handle it." Cassidy swung her sword, and with it, she chopped off the monster's head along with the club, "Go now, we don't have much time."

Elwin hesitated for a moment, then nodded, turning and walking into the church.

The inside of the church was spacious and solemn, a huge crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling. The weak moonlight filtered through the stained glass windows, reflecting off the chandelier, casting a rainbow of colors. The old statues stood quietly in their niches, some with their teeth bared and claws out, others weeping and covering their faces, each one with a pair of demonic wings. This was unlike any church he had seen before, the atmosphere was oppressive and unsettling.

The statue on the main altar was even more astounding, it was a large figure of a demon, wings spread, hands crossed as if praying or summoning something to the sky. Its eyes gleamed with evil red light, a smirk seeming to hang at the corner of its mouth. This statue looked like a devil drawing power.

However, right under the feet of this statue, there was an exquisite wooden box that stood out strikingly. The surface was carved with intricate patterns, the moonlight hit it, reflecting a faint glow, forming a stark contrast with the dark surroundings.

Elwin felt his heart rate quicken, as if the box was exerting an inexplicable attraction on him, so strong that he couldn't resist. He tried to break free from this force, but it felt as though invisible hands were pushing him, step by step towards the main altar, towards the mysterious box.

"Cassidy!" He silently called out in his mind, hoping she could see what was happening, but his body seemed to be no longer his own, unable to make a sound.

He stood before the box, almost able to hear his heartbeat echoing in the empty church. He slowly extended his hand, carefully opening the box, immediately, a beam of red light shot up into the sky.

Outside the church door, Cassidy was fiercely battling the pig-headed monsters. She swung her sword, time and time again warding off the violent assaults of the monsters. Suddenly, she felt a strong light piercing her eyes, and she instinctively turned her head to look inside the church.

"Don't touch!" Cassidy's voice echoed in the spacious church, but it was already too late.

Elwin's hand had already reached into the box, pulling out a red gem. In an instant, the red light flashed, and the entire church was illuminated. In the light, Elwin's body shuddered, his vision began to blur, then he collapsed to the ground like a heavy stone.

"Elwin!" Cassidy's voice almost pierced the night sky, her heart feeling as if it had been pierced by a needle, the pain unbearable.