
Mystic Academy: School of the Gifted

Espers, Individuals that have supernatural powers and the ability to destroy anything with the flick of a wrist. But what if there was a school, an academy dedicated to these Espers? What If Espers had to go through school like the rest of us? In a world where Espers live amongst the crowd of normal individuals, Makoto Kimura, a First Year, has to now adjust to this new Mystic Academy. But unlike his old academy, This academy is notorious for having some of this generations strongest Espers. Being new food for the Academy, Kimura has to start at the very bottom. But unknown to them, he hides a secret. What is this secret, Why does he hide it, and what would happen if he shows this secret of his? What challenges will come his way in this new academy? What will become of him afterwards? Those are questions that he will have to find himself. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapters 1-11 Updates come (possibly) daily. Cover was made by me, My signature is hidden.

LSen · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

Later that day, Kimura jogs on the track field afterschool, doing it as to make it up for missing out on P.E. Fujiwara watches on the bleachers as she just sits there watching him run. Doing it just because I'm lonely…Yeah right… She sighed bored, looking at the timer as he had four minutes left. "Four minutes left Kimura!" Fujiwara shouts, he nods as he keeps jogging at a steady pace. What if he's right…Maybe its because I am lonely… Fujiwara frowns as she looks at his bag, looking at him and back at his bag.

Fujiwara opens his bag and looks to see that he has a pencil case, four notebooks, and a binder. She takes out the binder as it was the most interesting thing there in his bag. Let's see what's in here… Fujiwara would open it, seeing that the binder has his homework assignments and some other papers. Lousy binder stuff… she frowned again but then noticed a piece of white paper. She pulled it out as she saw it was a sketch, although a bit of a rough sketch, she can see that it was her.

He's pretty good at drawing…

She smiled a bit as she saw her last name right beside it. For some reason, it made her feel warmth and closure, like she doesn't have to worry about something. She puts it back and closes the binder putting it in his bag and zipping it back up. BEEP BEEP BEEP! Four minutes were up as Kimura stops jogging and takes a breather, out of breath from jogging continuously for fifteen minutes.

Fujiwara got down from the bleachers and walked over to him, handing him a cold bottle of water. He looked at the water and then up to Fujiwara, seeing her smile a bit as he takes it chuckling a bit. "What's so funny Kimura?" she asked him, he drank the water as he replied, "Just, nice to see you're not clotheslining me on the throat again.". She looked away with her arms crossed, replying "It was because you were disturbing everyone especially early in the morning…".

"Just to let you know, it was because those guys decided to fight first."

"Yet you ended the fight."

"Who wasn't, sure as hell I wasn't going to let you finish it."

"I—" she was caught off guard as she knew she would finish the fight too.

"—Fine, you got me there…"

Kimura chuckled as Fujiwara chuckled a bit as well, Suddenly Kimura began unzipping his P.E. Fujiwara's eyes widened as she looked away covering her eyes as well. "W-W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!" Fujiwara shouted, Kimura looked as he replied, "just taking off my jacket?" confused on why she's covering her eyes. Fujiwara couldn't resist as she moved two of her fingers up to peek, He was wearing a dark gray tank top as it was afterschool, they weren't constrained to wear their school outfit afterschool.


Kimura was physically fit as her nose began to bleed a bit. Kimura noticed this as he pointed out, "Fujiwara, your nose.". She jumped a bit as he touched her nose, seeing it was bleeding. I GOT A NOSEBLEED FROM HIM?!! She ran over to her stuff as she picked up her bag from the bleachers running from him while covering her nose.

Kimura was confused as he sighed, walking over to the bleachers, and picking up his bag, heading over to the boy's dorm. Kimura walked into his room as Yamada looked over, seeing him in a tank top. "Damn, your really fit Kimura." He commented as Kimura dropped his bag near his bed and replied, "Thanks, I'm going to shower first Yamada.". Yamada nodded as he heard the door shut and the showerhead turned on.

Meanwhile in the girl's dorm, Suzuki was spraying her plants as she heard the dorm door open, she peeked from around the corner to see Fujiwara close the door. "Oh, welcome back Fujiwara." Her warm and bright energy radiated off her as Fujiwara had a tissue jammed up one side of her nose and she seemed horrible. "Jesus christ!! What happened?!" Suzuki shouted, setting her spray bottle down and walking over to Fujiwara.

Suzuki caught Fujiwara as she nearly collapsed on the floor, sitting her on her bed and her bag beside it. "What happened??" Suzuki asked again, trying to get something out of her as she just looked up at Suzuki, replying "Kimura…". Suzuki was outright confused at what she meant as Fujiwara suddenly passed out sitting up. "Roomie? Roomie!!" Suzuki shook her as she was concerned about Fujiwara.

I hope she's okay…But what does this have to do with Kimura…?

She was still confused and baffled by the response Fujiwara gave to her. Shrugging, Suzuki grabbed her phone and went to her contacts, clicking Yamada as she called Yamada's phone. RIING RIING! His phone went off but there was too much noise as Kimura and Yamada were playing video games on the TV. "Take that!!" Kimura shouted as Yamada replied "NO NO NO! AH FUCK!!!" shouting as he was angry at himself for losing, Kimura cheered as Yamada challenged him again, both continued playing as they didn't hear the ringtone.

Huh…Must be sleeping…

Suzuki turned off her phone as she set it on the counter, putting the blanket over the passed-out Fujiwara and tucking her in. Later she would get into bed and turn off the nightlight, laying on her head on her pillow. She stared out the window and at the full moon, letting out a deep sigh as she slowly fell asleep and dozed off.

The next day Kimura arrived late to class; Mr. Vallance sighed as he pointed him to his seat. Kimura sat down as he was grateful that he was only a couple minutes late. Suzuki looked over at Kimura a bit as he looked over at Suzuki. Kimura waved politely as Suzuki looked away casually, this really worried him as he leaned back on his seat to look at Yun.

Yun did the same as he looked at Kimura confused about the same thing, Kimura pointed at her doing hand signals translating to, "Is she okay?". Yun replied as it translated to, "I don't know, she's been like this since this morning.". Both were confused on why Suzuki was acting like this, but then Mr. Vallance tells the class, "Alright everyone, pack up your things.". The entire class was confused, looking at Mr. Vallance as he shouts, "You all will go to the gym for your physical and mental rankings!".