
Mystery : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, who was invaded by the “uncertain fog”, traveled to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti crossed), and Rawls, a “lawyer”, began his mysterious journey. trip. Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be marquis. ( This Fanfic is not mine) (OG Authour :Light Front Passenger)

Rulerz_71 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 9 : Bird Mustang

who is it?

Although this secret room is not big, it is hidden deep underground. The stairs leading to the secret room are quite steep, so Rawls looked up the stairs and looked at the entrance of the secret room, and only saw the position below the knee of the person who came.

He was wearing a pair of black leather boots and dark trousers, and the rest disappeared into Rawls' blind spot.

"You can't even hear my voice?"

It was a middle-aged man's voice, full of majesty, which made Rawls feel the urge to surrender.


Rawls' pupils shrank, and he remembered that it was the voice of "Viscount Dread" Bird Mustang.

That big pirate with a bounty of more than ten thousand pounds!

The powerhouse of Sequence 5!

He has returned to Backlund!

"Sir, you're back." Rawls tried his best to control himself to keep his voice from trembling.

How could it be so sudden! He appeared just after he threw out the task given by "Viscount Fear" in his mind. Are you here to urge me to complete the task? But he has no clue about that mission, will he punish himself?

correct! There is a description of that ironclad in the original book!

It is 101 meters long and 21 meters wide, with four main guns, and the speed can reach 16 knots…

What if he asked me where the information came from? Heard it from a judge at the Royal Court?

No, I can feel that Johnson is lying. The "Fear Viscount" sequence is higher than me, so I can definitely feel that I am lying.

"What are you thinking? Am I scary?" Bird Mustang's voice sounded again.

"It's nothing, sir. Are you here for that ironclad ship?"

Rawls wanted to punch himself, so why did he say it! Are you a curly baboon? It's okay if you don't say it, it's definitely over when you say it!

Suddenly, Rawls felt his tense nerves relax, and the surrounding air seemed to flow.

Rawls looked around and found that it was not his own illusion. In the secret room, small cyclones appeared out of nowhere and rolled up the dust. The dust gathered together was the size of a fist, and slowly floated out of the secret room along the steep stairs.

Bird Mustang began to descend the stairs. He was not wearing the Intis-style shirt with intricate cuffs and necklines, nor a dark red captain's suit, as described in the reward order. It is the same as most gentlemen in Backlund, wearing a white shirt and vest, wearing a black formal suit, and wearing a top hat, the only difference is the bronze skin, which is the mark of the perennial life at sea.

Because the secret room was small and the stairs were steep, Rawls had to bow his head and even bend down when he came down to go down smoothly. Rawls is nearly 1.8 meters tall, and Bird Mustang is about his height, but he also wears a top hat. But he neither bowed his head nor bent down, and walked straight down the stairs, as if the distance between the ceiling of the secret room and the stairs was enlarged out of thin air.

It is the distortion, the ability of the "Lawyer" pathway Sequence 6 "Corrupted Baron", Bird Mustang distorted the distance between the stairs and the ceiling of the secret room.

While Rawls was thinking about this, Bird Mustang suddenly came to Rawls, and he distorted the distance between the two.

Bird Mustang didn't mention anything about the ironclad, he glanced at the entire secret room, and suddenly said: "I thought you and your father chose not to continue on the extraordinary path, and sealed this secret room. , but why did you open it again today?"

"My father also knows about this secret room?" Rawls did not answer the question of "Fear Viscount", but seized the "loophole" in his words to ask questions. This is the basic code of conduct for "lawyers" and must always be mastered. initiative. However, he was also curious about the secret of this secret room. In his predecessor's memory, this secret room should only be known to him.

Bird Mustang didn't care about this, glanced at Rawls, and replied: "This secret room was built by your father, but he chose to be a lawyer with peace of mind instead of continuing, so he sealed this room. Chamber of Secrets."

"Then why..."

Bird Mustang interrupted Rawls's further questioning, patted Rawls's shoulder, and said, "Okay, kid! Don't play with 'lawyers' in front of me! You're still far behind!"

Rawls sneered: "Sorry, sir, I'm used to it."

"You can't do this, remember the true meaning of acting. You're just acting as a 'lawyer', don't indulge in it. That's how your father was, so he couldn't digest the potion for a long time."

Bird Mustang sighed, looking a little sad.

"My father..." Rawls continued to ask, and now he just wanted to skip the ironclad thing completely.

"Enough! Answer my question! Why did you open this secret room again today?"

Rawls only felt that Birdmastein's figure suddenly grew taller, and the lights in the secret room suddenly dimmed, and the air seemed to flow still and flow again.

This is the ability of the Sequence 5 "chaotic mentor", which comes from the majesty of the mentor!

Rawls chose to stop testing Bird Mustang, but from the test of the "Fear Viscount", his previous guess was indeed correct. Bird Mustang and his father Mason Adri Ann's relationship is truly extraordinary.

"In order to become a more powerful Beyonder!"

Although he was limited by the majesty of the "Viscount of Fear", he answered his question, but only partially answered it. After all, to become stronger was also one of his reasons for coming to the secret room.

"Because of what?"

Bird Mustang frowned. Although he had only been with Rawls for a week on the surface, he had been paying attention to Rawls for a long time in secret.

He knows very well what kind of person Rawls is. Although he has a good life, he is not like those ignorant noble children who are curious about the extraordinary world. The influence of lawyers' family makes Rawls very rational. UU reading www.uukanshu.com The world is always cautious.

When he chose to take the "magic potion" to become an Extraordinary, most of it was because of the "persecution" of the big pirate. Therefore, when he was teaching Rawls's occult knowledge, Rawls only paid attention to the "acting method" of life-saving, and only had to understand other mysterious knowledge.

Rawls replied without pause, "I'm tired."

Really tired. Although he has only been a lawyer for half a month, the files and precedents of dozens of centimeters really make him, a lawyer, a little white, overwhelmed.

The legal judgment of the Loen Kingdom does not rely on written law, but on case law. Judges rely on previous cases to punish when sentencing, which makes Loen Kingdom's lawyers need to collect the same cases when dealing with cases.

The case sets composed of these cases are often tens of centimeters thick, and even some cases are more than one meter high. Barristers will find the lightest sentence from the set of precedents for their clients, and this also allows judges to punish without worrying about the influence of public opinion. After all, there are precedents to follow.

Bird Mustang nodded to indicate that he understood. After all, he was only a young man in his early twenties. How could he be rational? Rawls was not born in poverty like Mason, and he was able to persist for two years from a well-to-do life, which was the greatest comfort to Mason's efforts.

He is also a lawyer, and he understands the virtues of his former colleagues. But that's fine, so he doesn't have to hide anything about Mason from Rawls.

Bird Mustang used a sapphire ring on his finger with the characteristics of "Wind Blessed" to create a whirlwind to close the door of the secret room, distorting the concept of "closing the door" and turning it into a "seal". The secret room, isolated from inside and outside"!