
Mystery : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, who was invaded by the “uncertain fog”, traveled to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti crossed), and Rawls, a “lawyer”, began his mysterious journey. trip. Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be marquis. ( This Fanfic is not mine) (OG Authour :Light Front Passenger)

Rulerz_71 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 : Pass through

The third floor of Adrian Law Firm, Rawls Office.

Rawls was lying on his side on the couch, with one foot on one arm of the sofa, the scenes in the courtroom kept flashing back and forth in his mind. Regardless of how he looked like he was holding a chi-joo to Locke Grant, Rawls knew in his heart that he almost rolled over today. If he hadn't already become a Sequence Nine "lawyer", today's case would definitely be lost.

He originally wanted to let Raul Hendler lose control of his emotions through words, just as he just said to Locke, as long as his emotions are out of control, he will be used by "lawyers" who are good at grasping loopholes, so this case will be It will be the same as the case handled in the previous half month, and win quickly.

It is a pity that Rawls had just made some progress in guiding Hendler's emotions, and he only needed a few more words to achieve his purpose, and was interrupted by Burton Chester, making him unable to Without transferring the object of questioning, he began to question his client, Wood Johnson.

Neither his predecessor nor himself likes to ask his clients. After all, some clients are curly-haired baboons. As long as they say a wrong sentence in court, Rawls himself will be passive.

Moreover, due to the legal regulations of the Loen Kingdom, Rawls, as a barrister, must maintain an objective attitude. He can only collect information through a solicitor, and cannot directly contact the client. Even if there is contact, they should be accompanied by a solicitor and communicate with the client for a few minutes before the hearing. This is not enough time for Rawls to "communicate" with his client, so he always wins by "emotional guidance" for the other client, and his predecessor is praised by many people for this.

But today Rawls had to ask his client, and it was fortunate that Mr. Johnson was "cunning" enough. He knew very well that Johnson's honest and kind-hearted appearance in court, bullied by a bad master, was not his real face, but a disguise.

The "lawyer" potion not only gave him extraordinary abilities in eloquence and persuasion, but also distorted or guided the target's thinking to a certain extent, making people feel friendly and willing to believe, and also gave him extraordinary insight. Although it is not as magical as the "audience", it can gain insight into people's real thoughts, but it is enough to perceive some emotional fluctuations of the target and judge whether the target is lying from the expression.

The people on the jury are not very good themselves, they are just a bunch of guys who have nothing to do with money and no brains. In addition, Wood Johnson's acting skills are good, so they can easily deceive the jury, but they can't deceive him after taking the potion.

But the reason for the near rollover today was that Burton Chester interrupted his emotional guidance.

According to my observation, Burton Chester should be just an ordinary person. As for why he can just interrupt my "guidance", it should only be based on years of experience as a barrister. The profession of lawyers has always required a lot of experience. high. Attorney Burton has been a barrister for over twenty years, and it would be reasonable to have that experience.

This is not because Rawls is too suspicious, but because the world is too crazy. As a traverser, Rawls must learn from the protagonist Ke, who has not yet arrived, and must not act recklessly.

Yes, crossing, crossing again, in this day and age, crossing is already a very common thing. Rawls, who has read many time-travel novels, quickly accepted the reality after the time-travel. After all, in the previous life, one person had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry. After traveling to another world, he might be able to reach the peak of his life.

But after Rawls gradually integrated his predecessor's memory and initially understood the details of the crossing world, he immediately regretted it, and he entered the world of "Lord of Mysteries". "The Lord of Mysteries" is the best work of the squid girl, and Rawls has naturally read it, and once imagined that he could take magical medicine, as long as it is not "witch", "Abyss" and the "horror" path of the devil Medicine, even the "Mother" and "Moon" paths can accept it. After all, Rawls doesn't want to go too far. He still knows the reason that the stronger it is, the crazier it is.

But no matter what, Rawls never thought of crossing into this world. In other worlds, traversers, especially those who know the plot, are extremely lucky, which means that the secrets of the whole world are like naked girls. Let you ravage. But in this world, knowledge is poisonous. The more secret knowledge it contains, the more dangerous it is. The more you know, the faster you die.

To this day, Rawls still has lingering fears. After learning about the world he is in, the secrets and conspiracies that flashed in his mind are enough to make him headshot or deform into a monster. However, after a few days of worrying about Rawls, he found that nothing happened to him, and he knew that there should be something in him that could block his inner secrets. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But after half a month of time travel, Rawls still didn't find any special existence in him, so he didn't even think about it. He is now completely barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, so he can do whatever he likes. In the past two weeks, although there was no progress in this matter, he also found out the secret of his body's predecessor.

Rolls Adrian, 23 years old this year, graduated from Lincoln Law School in Tingen. His father, Mason Adrian, died of a heart attack two years ago, leaving his predecessor a rich inheritance, including seven thousand pounds. The above deposits, three sets of Backlund real estate, one set of Tingen real estate, one holiday villa in Dixi Bay, and Mason's life-long efforts - Adrian Law Firm.

The predecessor also worked very hard. First, he graduated from the Law School with honors five years earlier, and then quickly became a barrister. He won many lawsuits. Made the firm famous.

But these are just the things on the face of the predecessor, otherwise Rawls can happily take over the "legacy" left by the predecessor. It was because of the troubles left behind by his predecessor that Rawls had to continue to be a lawyer.

The predecessor was not an ordinary person, but an Extraordinary who took the Sequence Nine "lawyer" potion. This is also why the predecessor was able to graduate from the Law School five years in advance, while the average person needs to study in the Law School for seven years to successfully graduate, and also be a trainee lawyer for one year. I got a tool person, and through Mason's relationship, and donated a large amount of money to the Law Society, it was successfully skipped.

These are not very troublesome, the trouble is the source of the potion.