
Mystery : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, who was invaded by the “uncertain fog”, traveled to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti crossed), and Rawls, a “lawyer”, began his mysterious journey. trip. Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be marquis. ( This Fanfic is not mine) (OG Authour :Light Front Passenger)

Rulerz_71 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 15 : Servant's Association

After eating one serving of grilled bacon, two fried eggs, and one serving of toast, Rawls felt that his stomach felt better. For Rawls, the most uncomfortable thing after the crossing is the food, especially breakfast.

In the Loen Kingdom, breakfast was always the same, toast, bread, bacon, fried eggs, cream, monotonous and repetitive. After only a month, Rawls was already tired of it.

Picking up the white-glazed porcelain coffee cup and taking a sip of coffee, Rawls's tiredness from being full immediately dissipated. He drank Filmer coffee from the Perth Valley. It was extremely bitter, but quite refreshing. It was the best companion for his predecessor to stay up late to read files.

Walking out of the restaurant, Rawls saw that the carriage he had just hired was parked opposite the restaurant. The coachman saw Rawls coming out, and immediately drove the brown horse to drive the carriage over.

The coachman skillfully stopped the horse, then jumped out of the carriage and asked:

"Sir, where are you going now?"

"First go to Carnarowell Street, Chorwood District."

"Okay, sir."

After Rawls boarded the carriage, Fitch, the coachman in a three-piece suit, skillfully swung the whip and drove the carriage eastward.

Inside the carriage, Rawls softly took off his felt hat and put it on his lap. His first destination today was the "Metropolitan Helping Domestic Servants Association" at No. 9 Carner Rowell Street, Chorwood District. Hire a new housekeeper to help him take care of his garden villa.

Last night, Rawls, who was tossing and turning in bed for a long time because of hunger, decided to hire a housekeeper and corresponding servants. The predecessor was busy with work and often used an office as his home. Although it was easy to be suspicious of not hiring servants, it was barely reasonable.

And when Rawls just crossed, everything was based on the premise of being cautious and making no mistakes. Naturally, he was happy and did not choose to hire servants. Later, I kept worrying that because of the law of aggregation of Beyonder characteristics, I was like Klein, and my home became a gathering place for two or five children, so I simply used the office as my home and had three meals a day in the office, just like the predecessor.

And Rawls's choice has also been carefully considered:

First of all, it is impossible for him to be the same as his predecessor, dealing with cases every day and making the office his home. At least for some time in the future, because his own life is at stake, he will definitely no longer be able to work as a lawyer.

Now that he has decided to give up his work in a part of the firm, he naturally cannot use his work as an excuse not to hire servants. Anyway, he has to take this step sooner or later, so it is better to solve it early, so that he can live more comfortably, he doesn't want to go to bed hungry again.

Secondly, it is for the consideration of his own future path. Whether he chooses "Judge" or "Dark Emperor" in the future, it must be related to the formulation of rules. The high-ranking powerhouses of the two pathways are either emperors or high-ranking figures. Only such a position can give them enough acting needs.

To get in touch with those great nobles, various dinner parties, dances and salons are the best occasions. When hosting dinners and dances in your own home, drinks, food, services, etc. are involved, so a qualified butler team is a must.

Especially the steward, this position itself evolved from the sommelier. The wine cellars of the nobles and the rich are generally directly in charge of the steward or a steward's assistant.


9 Cannarowell Street, in the lobby of the Metropolitan Helping Home Servants Association.

Delia, who was wearing a long ruffled dress and long blond hair, was chatting in a low voice with Beileen, who had just come to work in the association.

At this moment, she saw Rawls walk in, hurriedly ended the conversation, stood up, and asked with a smile:

"Sir, what's your name? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Beside her, Beileen, who was also wearing a ruffled dress, but her hair was neatly tied back, also stood up immediately, bowed her head, and listened to the conversation between Delia and Rawls.

"Rolls, Rolls Adrian," Rolls said to the two ladies in a gentle tone, "don't be nervous, I just want to hire a housekeeper, you must be able to help me, right?"

"We will definitely introduce you to the most suitable housekeeper, Mr. Adrian, you should wait in the reception area for a while."

Delia didn't say anything, nor did she recommend recommending the best housekeeper to Rawls. She knew that a housekeeper like Rawls would be the best. She nudged Beilein lightly, motioning her to lead Rawls to the reception area.

As if suddenly awakened, Beilein hurriedly said:

"Mr. Adrian, please come with me."

Bellin led Rawls to the reception area and pointed to a fabric sofa.

Rawls always has a faint smile on his face, which can bring people close without making people feel alienated. This is the result of his one-month practice, and the lawyer's ability to make people approachable also needs to be practiced repeatedly.

Seeing Rawls sit down, Beilein smiled and asked:

"Mr. Adrian, do you need a cup of coffee or black tea?"

Rawls, who had just drank a cup of extremely bitter Filmer coffee, said without hesitation:

"A cup of Queen's black tea with some lemon slices."

Beilein was a little helpless after hearing Rawls's answer. The coffee and black tea served by the "Metropolitan Helping Domestic Servants Association" were of average quality, and they belonged to the middle and lower grades. Certainly not.

And after Rawls finished speaking, he also felt that something was wrong. He was not in a restaurant or a law firm now, so he said a little apologetically:

"A cup of black tea is enough. I just had a cup of Filmer."

What an understanding gentleman, Beilein admired her heart and asked with a smile:

"Mr. Adrian, how about a cup of Marquis black tea?"

This is what Beileen brought from home for her own enjoyment. Her family conditions are not bad, and she came out to work just to pass the boring time.

Rawls also understood that this might be the lady's private collection, and thanked:

"I can't refuse your proposal."

"Please wait."

Immediately, she walked back to the reception desk briskly, picked up her silver-encrusted tin can, and skillfully brewed black tea.

"Mr. Adrian, I kept you waiting, did Beileen offend you?"

Delia came over at this time, she just heard a few words, for fear that the newcomer, Beileen, might offend the guests.

Rawls had already seen Bai Lin, who was making black tea at the reception, bit her lip a few times, and then replied:

"How come? I'm very satisfied with Miss Bailin's service."

When Bellin at the reception heard this, the smile floated on her cheeks again.

"Then I don't know, Mr. Adrian, what kind of housekeeper do you need?"