

Lily's pov

He says, that he went into a relationship with addie in one condition that's why he approved to date Addie,

and but why she accepted the condition? why?

I think if she's madly in love with her


Actually...mm I don't know?

I think I want to ask addie directly is better"

And then after, I see she's coming towards me,

"hey, she mumbled


Can we talk addie? I asked,

Yes sure, but what happened? Is everything okay?

"addie I...I want to---she cut me off,

Lee ask me anything but without hesitation,

"Addie is there anything which is a big reason you both broke up or you both have fight or something, or anything you should tell me then I can help you to come out from,

all these problems...

I know, it's a very critical time for you but, you can trust me what you want you can share with me anything addie" I asked, I think now she can tell me because I just wanted to know if he's lying to me, then I can't spare him.

She mumbled with a small smile, "no... It's nothing lee actually, he suddenly announces that we should break up so... I was just freaked out and it's nothing and I was just trying to move on, and don't think that I can't trust you, you are my best friend, not anything I can hide from you.

She's so sweet, even no one wanted to break your heart purposely, but that jerk did, but what should I do I want to tell her about what Derrick said, about that deal... I think I should ask her because she trusts me so much and I don't want to break her trust.

"Actually, addie I wanted to clear up something," I said looking in her eyes,

What is that?

Actually...umm, I met Derrick accidentally

And I get furious because what he did to you and He just...he

"What did he say? She said and I can see curiosity in her eyes, he said that he impose one condition to you

And he said he approve these relationships when you accept that condition,

And the condition is...

"If he had interested in me till he dates with me after he finds me boring then, he broke up with me", she said, and I discover the pain and tears in her eyes,

Please don't cry addie, if you know that he settle this condition means he doesn't value you, he just wanted to use you, he's playboy then why? Then why you accept the proposal addie?

Because I had a crush on him since I met him at that party,

What? Party?

Yes party, it's a business celebration party and my dad receives an invitation,

he was there at that party I met him and find him attractive because he's a very handsome looking man in the whole party with well dressed up and looking like a gentleman, she said

And I raised my brows, I think in my mind

he and Handsome and I slightly giggled,

But she continued and she's in pain

So... I covered my smile with and get back to a serious look

And she said,

That's why I think to hook up with him and

"he's flirting with me and I like that and then I proposed him,

And he comes to terms that bloody condition and I approve it because I think that he loved me after we both get into a relationship, but he never ever loved me and lastly, we both broke up then one time I notice that he's with one blonde hair girl and she's model and it's horrible to see me all that lee, and she burst out with tears

And I'm really very tensed because

she's in extreme pain

"And I don't want to share this with you because if I share you this, I know if I tell you this you became a more anti-love person, and lee, love is very important to think I know that his love is not for me so, I just forget him, it's difficult to let go but I wanted to,

And I don't want you that what happened to me you think all of that,

love doesn't exist, that's wrong I know something we met the wrong person,

only my love for her is one-sided and that's not her fault lee, because he simply informs me that he couldn't love me,

but I'm upset because I made a wrong decision, that's it

Tears filled in my eyes and pulled her to hug and I concerned her and she squeezed me back,

And we both release each other and she wiped her tears and then I whispered addie sorry but this won't change that I'm still an anti-love person and also with you" I teased

and we both chuckled at each other
