
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · Khác
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14 Chs

The Introduction

"What if I say yes, I'm a witch" Auntie said seriously.

"Then I'll say, Thank you for healing us vampire werewolf hybrids It's my pleasure to meet a kind and thoughtful creature like you guys, I promise that me and my friends will protect the witches creature with all our heart" Atheena said politely making the two ladies giggles.

"Hubby.. What if I'm a witch too like Auntie.. Will you still love me?" Jen ask her girlfriend nervously making the lady froze.

"Hubby?.." Jen said while looking at her girlfriend who froze.

"You're a witch? Wifey?.." Atheena said nervously.

"Yes.. I'm a witch Hubby" Jen said sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Atheena said acting mad to her girlfriend, making the lady shock and look down.

"I-I'm sorry Hubby.. Auntie just told it to me last night" Jen said while looking down and a tears is start forming on her sparkling eyes.

"How could you keep a secret on me? Don't you trust me? Don't you love me anymore?" Atheena said acting mad while looking at Auntie and wink signing her that this is only a prank.

"No, of course I trust you and I Love you so much, I'm sorry for not telling you this, Auntie really just told it to me last night, I promise, I'm not lying Hubby, I'm sorry." Jen said while crying, she kept on apologizing not knowing her girlfriend is just pranking her.

Atheena POV: Oh shoot! Atheena what did you do? You made your girlfriend cry stupid! "Hey Wifeyy" I said softly and hold her soft cheeks. "Stop crying my love" I said softly and wipe her tears on her soft cheek using my hand. "I'm just acting mad okay? Stop crying there is no reason for you to cry" I said softly. "I-i-I t-thought you d-don't like me because I'm a w-witch" My cute Wifeyy said while sniffing, her tears is keep flowing on her chubby cheeks. "Of course not, I will love you no matter what and who you are" I said softly. I smile when I saw my girlfriend's smile, she's my happiness, I Love her so much.

"And you know Wifeyy, I Love witches very much because they heal a creature like me and then I loved them even more when I found out that my beautiful girlfriend is one of them" I said softly making her blush, I poke her nose softly, She's so cute when she's blushing. We turn our gaze to Auntie when she spoke. "Ehem ehem ehem! I think you guys forgot that I'm still here" Auntie said while coughing fakely making us giggles.

Fast Forward:

"So you're the one who healed me Wifey?" I ask my girlfriend while eating. "Yes Hubby" She replied. "How's your wrist? Is it healed now? Or do you healed it?" I ask her making her shock. "M-my w-wrist?" She said stuttering. "Your cut, is it healed now?" I said seriously while looking at her. "Uhmm.. I-I-it's just a little cut Hubby, It will heal soon" She said, I can feel her nervousness. I put my food on the side table beside me, Then I snatch my girlfriend's hand and put it on my lap. "Auntie can I borrow a knife please?" I said while looking at Auntie, Auntie seemed to know what I wanted to do so she nodded and took a knife for me. "You're gonna cut Jen's Hand??" My little sister Lecs said. "Stupid" I said before taking the knife from Auntie's hand. "Thank you Auntie" I said calmly. "You're welcome" Auntie replied and I nod. "Hubby.. You're gonna cut my hand?.. It will hurt please noo" My girlfriend said while shaking making me sigh. "I'm not gonna cut your hand.." I said then cut my wrist. "Ahh.." I groan. "What are you doing?!" My girlfriend said madly, but I just ignore her, I remove the bandage on Jen's wound and let my blood drip on her wounded wrist. After a minutes. "Done. Your wrist is completely healed." I said while smiling. "My wrist is healed, What about yours?" My girlfriend said seriously. "Wifey I'm a vampire I can heal my wound so easily" I said then I heal my wound. "hen how come you can't heal your back?" My lovely girlfriend said while raising her left eye brow. "It's because I was in a werewolf form when that vampire bit me, if I was in my vampire form I can heal that wound easily, but I'm not so this pain right now is the feeling of werewolf who got bitten by vampires" I explain, but she just rolled her eyes, crossing her arm and said. "Tsk." I don't know what she meant about the tsk thingy but I have an Idea so that she won't be mad anymore. "Wifey, Did I tell you that the searching technology is lying about you witches?" I said while holding her hand. "No." She shortly said with a cold tone making me sigh. "Well let me tell you this, In the searching technology witches is ugly, old and evil, but when I look at you, I see the opposite from it, I see a young, kind and a beautiful lady, I look at the picture on the searching technology and it look demonic but when I look at you.. I only see a lady with an angelic face with her kindness inside her heart" I said softly then point at her chest, She look away when I notice her blushing face making me chuckles. The wolves arrived. "Master!" The wolves shout. "Hey wolves" I said. "How are you Master?" Kyle wolf said, he is my right hand. "I'm fine. How about you guys?" I said while looking at them. "We're worried about you" They said making me giggles. "Hubby you never introduce them to us" My girlfriend said. "My sister-in-law is right Nini" My little sister Lecs said. "I'm sorry, Blue Moon introduce yourselves" I said seriously. "I'm Kyle Tan, Master's werewolf right hand, please to meet you everyone" "I'm Jake Shim" "I'm Travis Kim, Master's cousin." "I'm Mark Tan, Kyle's younger brother" "And I'm Zion Kang" "Mysterious Queen Bee introduce yourselves" I said seriously. "My real name is Zaira Ji but I prefer to be called Zane Ji" "I'm Lisa Lee" "I'm Erin Ji Zane's sister" "I'm Lecs Kim, Master's sister" "And I'm Gabriel Park call me gab" "Introduce yourself guys" I said seriously while looking at The Squad. "I'm Samantha Smith, but call me Jen" "I'm Fiona Fudge" "I'm Nathalia Xue" "I'm Arvy Zi" "I'm Xyl Shion" "And I'm Precios Decery" "Pleased to meet you guys" The Blue Moon Pack said. "Pleased to meet you guys too" The Mysterious Queen Bee replied, "And you guys" The Squad replied too making me chuckles "Now you guys know each other" I said while giggling. "Master, I have a news about the Vampires and the werewolves who escaped yesterday" Kyle wolf said seriously.