
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · Khác
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14 Chs

A New creature Appeared

(The vampire bite Atheena's back making her howl loud)

(She lost her balance and fell on the ground and she turned into a human while groaning in pain)

"Master!" The wolf pack and The MQB shout.

(One of the wolf killed the vampire)

(Some of the enemies got killed and some of them escaped)

(The MQB and The Werewolf pack turned into human)

(All them approached Atheena who's lying on the ground groaning in pain)

"H-h-hubby.." Jen said in low tone while her tears is starting to flow.

"ARGHH!!! AHHH!!" Atheena groan in pain.

"Lisa Gab and you werewolves help me to carry Master!" Zane said in serious tone.

(They carry Atheena carefully and Lay her between the two big roots of a tree)

"ARGHHHHHHH!!" Atheena groan loudly.

"Hubby" Jen said while crying and held Atheena's hand.

"How to heal her wounds?" Jen said while crying.

(The wolves are speechless)

"Tell us how can she be healed" Zane shout at the leader and shake his body.

"The only cure about master's situation is.." The leader said.

"Just tell us what's the stupid cure is" Lisa shout and punch the leader's face making him fall on the ground.

"It's a.. Witches blood" The leader said while standing up then wipe the blood on his lips.

"Witches don't exist!" Gab shout then push the leader.

"The witches exist and that's what we need right now.. a witch" The other wolf said.

(Erin Lecs the teacher and the student approach them)

(They got shock when they see Atheena)

"Atheena! Xyl call an ambulance" The teacher command.

"No!" The werewolves shout.

"Humans medicine can't cure werewolf" A wolf said.

"Then what is the cure?" The teacher asked him.

"Witches Blood" A wolf said shortly.

"Is there a witch in here? Come on we need it now!" A wolf asked shouting.

"I know someone who's witch" Jen said while wiping her tears.

"You do?" Erin asked confusedly.

"Yes let's go!" Jen shout making them shock.

Fast Forward:

A/n POV: The students and the teacher got home while their brain is still processing about what happened earlier, The MQB, The Werewolves and The Squad are the only one left. They accompany Atheena to Jen's Auntie the witch.

"Thank you for letting us in Auntie" Jen said while wiping her tears.

"Of course my niece" Auntie said then touch atheena's wounded back making her scream so loud.

"Hey Atheena don't worry your wound would be healed but do you mind if Jen is the one who will heal your wound?" Auntie said while touching Atheena's back.

"M-me?" Jen asked confusedly.

"Heal her already.. please" Lisa said seriously.

"Alright then" Auntie said then she stood up and get a knife, she sit infront of atheena.

"Give me your hand Jen" Auntie said asking Jen's hand.

"Why Auntie?" Jen asked but she gave her hand on her Auntie.

(Auntie cut Jen's wrist making her groan)

(Auntie let Jen's blood drip on Atheena's back making Atheena scream in pain loudly)

(Lecs close her eyes cause she don't want to see her sister being like this while Gab rub her back gently)

(Atheena Faint)

"What Happened to her??" Zane said worriedly panicking.

"Don't worry she's fine" Auntie said calmly then she start treating Jen's wrist.

"Why did you use her blood instead of yours is she a witch like you?" A wolf asked Auntie curiously.

"Yes she's a witch like me" Auntie said then she start treating Atheena's back.

"I-i-I'm a-a W-witch? H-how? W-why d-didn't I know it?" Jen said in shock.

"Alright. But first help me put Atheena on the room so she can rest well" Auntie said calmly.

(The pack and the MQB they carry Atheena and lay her on the bed carefully)

"Is she will be alright?" Erin asked worriedly.

"Yes she will be alright her body already sucked all Jen's blood. After a week she will wake up but now let her rest" Auntie said while putting a warm and cozy blanket on Atheena.

"But Auntie how can I be a witch? Yes I know that mom is a witch and I'm sure dad is not so how can I be a witch? You can't call yourself a witch when you're only half right?" Jen said confusedly.

"Yes you're right you can't consider yourself a witch when you're half only have but you, you are a whole witch not half but a witch" Auntie explained.

"Your father is a witch too" Auntie add.

"I didn't know about that, They didn't even tell me" Jen said then scoff.

"Jen we have to go now, Just update us about her" Nathalia said before standing up.

"Yes I will, and be careful driving okay? Take care" Jen said calmly.

"Thank you" Nathalia said then she leave with the Squad.

"Auntie, Jen we have to leave now but don't worry we will come back tomorrow" Kyle said politely.

"Okay be safe" Jen said calmly.

"Take care boys" Auntie said calmly.

"Jen, Auntie I think we need to leave now we will come back tomorrow too" Zane said politely.

"Be careful on the way okay?" Jen said.

"Yes we will" Zane and Kyle said then they left with the MQB and the wolves.

"Jen I will go now it's already night go to sleep okay?" Auntie said.

"Yes Auntie" Jen said shortly.

"Jen?" Auntie said.

"Yes Auntie?" Jen said confusedly.

"Are you okay?" Jen asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Auntie" Jen said then smile sadly.

"Don't worry Jen Atheena will be fine" Auntie said assuring her.

"I hope so Auntie" Jen said sadly before sighing.

"Don't worry. Good night Jen" Auntie said calmly.

"Good night too Auntie" Jen said.

Fast Forward: Morning

Jen POV: I woke up, I look at my Girlfriend who's still unconscious, I stood up and sit on the bed beside her "Good Morning Hubby" I said softly and touch her cheeks softly, "Are you still healing? Heal well Hubby don't rush yourself okay?" I said softly and peck her lips.

(Knock! Knock!)

"Good morning Jen" Auntie said while peeking on the door.

"Good morning too Auntie, Come in" Jen said while looking at her.

"Thank you" Auntie said before going inside while holding a trey of food.

"Here is your breakfast Jen I cooked pancake for you" Auntie said then she put the trey on the side table.

"Thank you Auntie" Jen said while smiling then she start eating.

"How is she?" Auntie said calmly while checking on Atheena.

"Still unconscious Auntie" Jen said sadly while eating.

"It's okay Jen don't worry she's just resting not a problem" Auntie assure Jen who's eating sadly.

(Atheena starts to cry)

"Auntie what's happening to her?" Jen said while panicking.

"I-I d-don't know" Auntie said while shaking and panicking.

"Ahh… Wifey…" Atheena said while crying.

"Shhh.. Hubby I'm here stop crying hmm?" Jen said then hug Atheena.

"Wifey.. It hurts.." Atheena said then hug Jen back while crying badly.

"My back hurts.." Atheena add while crying.

"Why are you awake Atheena? You should be resting and sleeping" Auntie said worriedly.

"Wifey.. Ouchie.. Huhuhu" Atheena said then hug Jen more tight while crying.

"Shh... I'm here Hubby stop crying" Jen said while tapping Atheena's arm then kiss her forehead.

"Wifey.." Atheena said then lay her head on Jen's chest while crying like a baby.

"Atheena don't move too much" Auntie said calmly.

"Shh.." Jen said while combing Atheena's hair using her hand.

(Atheena feel Jen's presence, Atheena fell asleep)

"Woah.." Auntie said in shock.

"Just like that? She fell asleep just like that?" Auntie said in disbelief.

"Auntie I'm so confuse" Jen said confusedly while tapping Atheena's arm.

"Neither do i. That was not supposed to happen" Auntie said in disbelief.

"What do you mean Auntie?" Jen said confusedly.

"When you heal a Vampire Werewolf Hybrid using witches blood he/she will be awake after 7 days but her, she already awaken for just one day! It's not normal!" Auntie said seriously.

"What will happen next?" Jen said in shock.

"To be honest I'm not sure" Auntie said then sigh.

"I never encounter a case like this, I think I need to search and learn about this" Auntie said while sighing.

"But one thing I sure about" Auntie said seriously.