
welcome party

"Mr. Thorn's office was large and imposing, with dark wood paneling and a huge mahogany desk. The walls were lined with bookshelves, filled with dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. A large, ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a soft light over the room. In front of the desk stood two high-backed leather chairs, and in one of those chairs sat Mr. Thorn himself, his fingers steepled in front of him.""Mr. Thorn continued, 'Your application to the Academy was somewhat unusual. You did not provide any information about your magical background or your parentage. I must admit, I am curious as to why this is the case. Can you please explain"Eva shifted in her chair, feeling uncomfortable under Mr. Thorn's intense gaze. She took a deep breath and said, 'My parents were... not magical. They were very ordinary, and I didn't want to put anything about them on the application.' ""Mr. Thorn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'I see. But how did you come to possess magical abilities, if your parents were not magical? "Infact that's a question I ask myself Evie said in confusion, "Mr. Thorn nodded and said, 'Very well, Miss Anderson. You are free to go. I hope you enjoy your time at the Academy.' He gestured to the door, and Eva got up and left the room. As she walked out into the corridor, she saw Nathan leaning against the wall, waiting for her. He smiled at her and said, 'So, how did it go?' "it was fine, so where am I supposed to be now, Eva asked

Check ur timetable, " what timetable," Eva asked with her brows furrowed, that timetable " Nathan said with a smile on his face " what.. when..when did this, Eva replied utterly speechless, "it's a spell ,

Oh yeah I'm still getting used to these ,

*In the class

"The teacher, a short, portly man with a bushy mustache and a cheerful demeanor, stood at the front of the class. He clapped his hands and said, 'Alright, class! It's time to get to know each other. Each of you will have one minute to stand up in front of the class and tell us a little bit about yourself. What's your name, where are you from, and what magical ability do you have? We'll start with the new studens, Eva would you do the honors.' "Eva stood up, feeling a little nervous as all eyes turned to her. 'My name is Eva,' she said, her voice shaking slightly. 'I'm from a small town in the countryside, and my magical ability is the ability to control time.' She sat down back, feeling relieved that her introduction was over. Then the teacher called on Ruby, one of the new students 'My name is Ruby, and I'm from a large city. My magical ability is to control the weather. I can make it rain, snow, or even create a storm.' The other students were in awe of her ability, and some of them looked a little nervous, as if they were imagining what it would be like to have Ruby as an enemy. 'That's very impressive,' the teacher said, nodding approvingly.student "As the teacher called on the next student, one of the boys, a tall, lanky boy with sandy-blond hair, stood up. 'My name is Liam,' he said, his voice deep and confident. 'I'm from a big city, and my magical ability is super-speed. I can run faster than the speed of sound.' As he sat down, there were a few impressed murmurs from the other students. They were clearly intrigued by his ability." "Next, the teacher called on Mason, a stocky boy with dark hair and a friendly smile. 'Hi, everyone! I'm Mason,' he said, his voice cheerful and upbeat. 'I'm from a small town, and my magical ability is telekinesis. I can move objects with my mind.' As he sat back down, the other students seemed amazed by his ability. The last boy, Sam, stood up next. He was thin and quiet, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes."Sam cleared his throat and said, 'My name is Sam, and I'm from a small village in the mountains. My magical ability is shape-shifting. I can turn into any animal I want.' As he sat down, there was a buzz of excitement among the students. They were clearly impressed by the diverse range of abilities among their classmates. 'Very impressive,' the teacher said, a smile on his face. 'Now that we've all introduced ourselves, it's time to start our first lesson.' " "After some classes the students dispersed to their rooms. Eva and Ruby were roommates, and they shared a room on the third floor. The room was small but cozy, with two single beds and a desk in the corner. As they unpacked their things, they chatted about their backgrounds and what they were looking forward to at the Academy. 'I can't wait to learn more about my powers,' Ruby said, excitement shining in her eyes. 'I want to be the best weather mage ever!' ""As Eva and Ruby were unpacking their things, there was a knock on the door. It was Sam, the boy with the ability to shape-shift. 'Hey, girls,' he said with a friendly smile. 'There's a welcome party going on downstairs in the common room. Everyone's invited! You should come!' " sure we'll be there , we have to change our clothes " Eva said, then Sam left, "Eva had chosen to wear a simple blue dress with a pair of brown boots. She had her long, dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she had a small, silver pendant around her neck. Ruby, on the other hand, had chosen to wear a flowing red skirt and a black top. Her dark hair was loose around her shoulders, and she had on a pair of dangling silver earrings. Together, the two girls looked like the perfect mix of casual and stylish." , then they headed down to the common room. The party was already in full swing, with students laughing and talking over the music that was playing. There was a buffet table with all sorts of food, and a punch bowl filled with a bubbly, colorful liquid. 'I think that's punch spiked with pixie dust,' Sam whispered to Eva and Ruby. 'It's supposed to make you feel happy and light on your feet. Want to try some?' " "Eva and Ruby looked at each other, and after a moment of hesitation, they both nodded. 'Sure, why not?' Eva said, a little nervously. Sam handed them each a cup of the punch, and they each took a sip. Instantly, they both felt a warm tingling sensation, and they both started to feel happy and a little giddy. They giggled as they looked at each other, then they went to join the other students at the party" "As Eva and Ruby were dancing and laughing, Eva suddenly bumped into someone. It was Nathan, the boy who had been their tour guide earlier. 'Oh, I'm so sorry!' Eva said, feeling a little embarrassed. But Nathan just smiled and said, 'No problem! I'm just glad to see you having a good time. That's what the punch is for, after all!' ""Nathan looked at Eva and said, 'You know, I never caught your name earlier. I'm Nathan, by the way.' 'I'm Eva,' she said, smiling. 'It's nice to officially meet you.' Nathan smiled back and said, 'Likewise. So, how are you liking the Academy so far?' "It's great with this party, it makes it more exciting, " you know you really look pretty when you are thrilled and excited, Nathan said, uhm thank you, u are not so bad your self," Eva say with a whisper, what did you say, " nothing, Eva blurted

hi , I really hope you enjoy this story and feel free to comment on whatever you don't like maybe I can make some changes, thank u if u have viewed this story " domo arigato gozaimasu

Tamilore_Ogunnowocreators' thoughts