
Mysterious conundrums

Spent most of her life in the foster care.Ally never knew what a family feels like or how to get acquainted with people.She never felt love or caring all her life.Moving into her new home after her graduation,felt like changing from one phase to another in her life.She felt the one thing what is called caring.The neighbors took her in to their warm arms and embraced her with love. When you feel everything is going fine ,life takes the turn to throw something at your face.Will Ally could digest loosing people around her.And the mysterious deaths around her is not the only problems but the new family suddenly thrown at her .When she felt all alone again in this chaos ,a new light shows up. Will she able to save her loved ones or will loose herself in this muddle.

Nuth_Amarllis · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Blue Distraction

Ally stood there and stared at Ryan as he parked the car inside the garage .She has no idea what is happening around her. The moment she woke up in the middle of the night everything was going wrong. And since when Ryan took responsibility for her life. And why is that crazy Anime acting like a grown-up suddenly .and most importantly when had he become this rich to own a massive home like this. Is he some kind of rich kid hiding under a poor name? So many questions ran inside her mind that she didn't hear Kate calling for her. She looked in their direction when she heard her again. Ryan was holding Kate's hand and Kate was holding Daddy's hand who was apparently waiting for her.

She can't sort this out in the middle of the road, first they have to settle down as her back pain started after their adventurous trip. Ally followed them inside the house. The inside of the house was much more cozy than modern. From the cozy long sofas in front of the Tv facing west to the small kitsch in the north with a dining table in the front and a glass door facing the garden behind. There was a stair to the south probably leading to the first floor. Ally was looking at the house as Juddy was clinging on to her skirt wherever she went. She is not annoyed by the little girl's act instead she felt happy that the cute little girl chose to stay with her. Kate on the other hand was sticking her face to the glass door in the kitchen and gnawing at the beautiful garden in front of her. As Ally turned around from Kate to look at the living room. Ryan entered the house placing keys on the tray in front of the door and removing his jacket he fell on the sofa with a heavy sigh.

When Ally was about to go near Ryan to sort out things. She felt a thug on her skirt, when she looked down she saw a cute puppy face looking at her. Juddy was looking at her with those lovely green eyes which made Ally's heart melt. When Ally asked what happened, the girl looked at her stomach and rubbed. She understood the moment and looked at her watch. The realization hit her, it is almost evening and the kids didn't have their lunch yet. She looked around and she was in the middle of the kitchen but had no idea where it what.

"I'll use your kitchen for a few moments Ryan", she informed him as she opened the fridge.

"Yeah, I'm also starving so please feed me also", Ryan replied to her, which made her stop in her tracks. She doesn't know how to cook. She never operated a gas stove in her life. All she could make is a sandwich and fresh juice. That would be enough for lunch.

Within half an hour Ally laced the sandwiches and juice on the table which disappeared within a few moments as all of them were starving. After eating the kids played in the garden as Kate sat and watched the vegetables and flowers with Judy running around to catch a butterfly.

Ryan was about to go upstairs to get changed when Ally called for him.

"Can we talk?", Ally called for him from behind. Ryan stopped in his tracks.

"If it's about going to your apartment, then don't waste your energy", Ryan replied to her without turning back.

"Nope, it's not. we will stay here until we come out of this case", Ally says to Ryan's surprise because he thought he has to get into some argument to make Ally stay with him.

"But I have a question", Ryan turned around to look at Ally. Ryan was holding his jacket in one hand and running his other hand over his blue hair, clearly waiting for this conversation to end.

"Why are you doing this", Ally's question was only answered with only silence.

"These adorable kids deserve better", he came up with that comment, though his mind screamed of the fact that he is feeling guilty for not saving the guy from high school and he doesn't want to repeat the mistake.

"Okay, now you can run to wherever you go I won't hold up", Ally gestured to the stairs which Ryan was about to climb before she called him.

Ryan blinked a few moments before walking straight in front of Ally. Abnormally so close that Ally felt his breathing on her neck which triggered tingles all over her.

"Don't I stink without a shower from the past two days? Let me clean up first then we can chat for the whole day", Ryan whispered to Ally's ear which made her cheeks glow red for an odd reason.

"Ryan dashed on the stairs after looking at Ali's eyes leaving her like a statue in the middle of the living room.

Ryan closed the door behind him and was holding on to his heart. Ally's adorable flushed face is much more dangerous than her angry face. God he almost gave in to his desire looking at her. Fortunately, he ran away from her or god knew what he might have done which could obviously end up badly. Ryan let go of all of his thoughts and showered more than usual and came down dressed up in his shirt and pajama pants since he has no work outside today. When he entered the living room he was met with Ally who was sitting in front of a cop.

"We were waiting for you Mr. Anderson" The officer greeted him as he sat beside Ally making Ally dizzy with his freshly showered scent. As Ally tried to focus on what the man in front of her was saying instead of the scent hovering over her

"You said that you went to the crime spot as you heard a gunshot", Ally nodded at the officer to proceed.

"Actually the gunshot was from your house and this was the picture of your house window after we checked the whole house", The officer passes a picture to Ally.

She couldn't believe her own eyes. The same scene from her dream, the same blood splashing on her kitchen window. It was Ally's blood in her dream. But, When Ally's still Alive whose blood could that be.