

DaoistfAKaF2 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


This story was of a boy. His name was Isaki. He was a high school boy. He was not good in anything. He was bullied by everyone. He was bullied by her friends, by his relatives etc. One day when he went to his school . He saw a girl. The name of girl was Rosey. She was very pretty girl. Isaki felt in love with Rosey on the first site. Isaki wants to talk to isaki, but he get panic and nervous. suddenly school bell starts ranging and everyone gone to their classroom. Then isaki also gone to his classroom, but when he enters his classroom some of his friends starts bullied isaki, but suddenly Rosey arrive their and save isaki, on that time isaki felt in love with rosey again. Then teacher arrives in class and everyone settles down. Then teacher introduced rosey as a new student. Then teacher tell rosey to sit with isaki.Everyone starts laughing but Isaki was very happy but after class some students again starts bullying iskai. One student starts punching isaki and lock isaki in the locker. Isaki starts crying in the locker. Iskai was very angry on his weakness. He starts hating himself.But then rosey arrive to the locker room and he hear someones crying sounds and when he open locker he found isaki in a very bad condition. Then rosey treated him and give him firstaid.Then the school end And everyone gone to their home. But no one knows what will happen on next day...

To be continue.....