
Mysteries of The Past

Safrina, a selfless high schooler was forced to band together with Adams, her high school crush, to save humanity. Why? Oracle, the hidden alien, prophesied both Adams and her would save humanity 100 years from now. One would think it would be easy, right? The Earth would be the same as the three had left it but... the group's thoughts were terribly wrong. After waking up from their long nap, they find themselves in a world where Humans live inside a giant snowglobe but... without the snow. The rain? Acid... and there seem to be strange creatures that lurk within the fog, whispering about the past... Can this ragtag group save humanity? Or will Earth be destroyed?

Rin_Rose7 · Khoa huyễn
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12 Chs

Strange Events

Silence, nothing... The hall was empty, worn down by the overgrowth of trees and water leaking through the unstable building, what had happened here?

To Oracle's surprise, this thing which humans called "school" wasn't what they were expecting, though they weren't sure what they were expecting but this was much different from the studies that they had learned from the monk's temple. Earth's school seemed simplified, keeping them naive and closed off to the universe out there, and no wonder they were doomed to go extinct! Their leaders aren't properly teaching their youngs about the dangers out there and it made their brows furrow at the thought of what could happen when the others do invade this place, as their visions of the future weren't exactly always the clearest and the future always can changed, change paths, like a stream faced with two forked paths, it can choose to stay on the same path, or to split and take a new road, taking it to a different body of water, which is why, rivers and streams, as well as large bodies of oceans are never the same, they change.

Stuck into their own thoughts, the newcomer had not realized to change paths, not noticing the person in front of them coming towards Oracle, and it was in one quick movement that they found themselves dazed on the ground with a confused look in their glacial blue green eyes. The person who they had run into seemed concerned while others just stared and murmured, probably thinking that Oracle wasn't the brightest of the bunch when they were in a sense more advanced than them in intelligence (they weren't one to brag about it, as the thought brought major concerns to how other planets taught their young).

A sharp sigh slipped from their lips before slowly shaking out of their daze state and began to collect themselves, slowly working on picking up anything that had fallen during the crash, the other swift to swoop in and help the newcomer, and a soft thankful smile flashed at them. Finally, once the items have been collected Oracle would properly thank the other, getting a sinking nauseated feeling rooted into their stomach, almost a realization that… this person would be one of the many to witness the ailen's arrival, to see the beginning of the destruction, and knowing that there was no way to escape from such genocide, it was a sickening thought. They had been lucky but they know these people won't be as lucky. They quickly thanked them before making their way to their next class.


School had been relatively normal so far, nothing strange, just another typical day, of course, the newcomer who had stated their name to be Masa, well that was an odd off thing that had happened. The kid was nothing like Safrina has ever seen, a gorgeous slim yet masculine presenting person, with beautiful long white hair that almost seemed to glow and their gaze? They held a sort of mystery to them, they glowed like the clear waters of oceans, but also gave a chilling feeling like seeing the glaciers in Antarctica, they were… out of this world and for some reason Safrina felt drawn to them, but the same could been said about Adams, both had these sort of ways to make her want to drift to them, to get to know them, like they had a connection with another but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly it could be.

Shaking the feeling she had, the girl's attention was then brought to her friend, who seemed to look like they had something to tell her from the look on her face, to the swiftness that her legs carried her could only be telling to Safrina as to what Emily had to say, making her raise an eyebrow at the other. Emily stopped a few inches in front of her, before placing her hands onto Safrina's shoulder, a dead serious look in her eyes before she opened her lips to speak, "have you seen the news? People who've been missing for months are now reappearing, saying that the government is doing some crazy weird experiment and saying some weird doomsday spill" and the words did not register to Safrina for a minute "what?" she asked, her thoughts echoing what her friend had just unloaded onto her. Missing people turning up? Doomsday shpill? And here she thought today was just going to be another normal day but, why would the government be involved in missing people cases? That part didn't make any sense to her and she shook her head "they just went through something traumatic, I'm sure that they're mistaken" Safrina said, quickly, not giving Emily anytime to repeat herself and what she just dropped on her, she placed her hands onto her friend's, slowly lifting them off her shoulder before giving Emily a reassuring smile. Yeah, it's nothing to worry about, at least she hoped that it was just that and nothing more, even if something deep within her screamed that it was something otherwise.


None of this should have been happening at the moment. Oracle had heard about the news, but that had not been supposed to happen yet, no they should have had a little bit more time but, perhaps Oracle appearing a few days ahead of schedule had altered the time progressiveness a bit too quickly. This meant that Oracle had not that much time to establish or build trust between the chosen ones. Worse! Oracle had no true clue who the chosen ones were! They had a sort of idea of who the two were but, at this rate, with the quick changes with the time effect, who's to say that the same people who had been chosen were even still the same person as before?

These thoughts burned deeply within the alien's mind as they rapidly walked down the hallways, their glacial green eyes focusing on the ground below them, not even looking up once to make sure none was in front of them as they walked with such a rush. Their mind was going wild as thoughts flooded through, clouding Oracle's own judgment. Being so focused and lost in their own mind, Oracle slammed roughly into another student, flinching at the impact before stumbling backwards, pain shooting through their face as they looked towards the other who they had accidentally ran into.

Rubbing their nose they began to examine the features of who they had ran into, taking not long for Oracle to realize how familiar the other was. Confused, Oracle slipped to stand on their two feet, opening their pale lips to apologize before flinching slightly at the angry glare that was shot at them from the other. "Next time, watch where you're going, okay?" the other's voice was harsh, unwelcoming and a tone that Oracle understood, it reminded them too much of home and when they had been chosen as the next guide. "I-I'm so sorry, really" Oracle said, forcing themselves to shut those thoughts down.

They could not allow themselves to be reminded of their home, it was gone now and there was no way back, and Oracle could not allow themselves to remember how others had felt when they were picked. Shaking their head the kid bent down and began picking up anything that had fallen during the collision. "I'll be careful next time, I promise" they said softly before handing over the fallen items of the other, but they could tell deep down that this person wasn't going to easily let this down as they angrily snatched the items out of Oracle's hands and giving the alien an angry glance before storming off. A soft sigh slipped from their lips, were all people that live on this doomed planet like this or was it only a few, either way if this was how these creatures were like, then Oracle was going to have a tougher time finding the two, especially if… well, if what they were going to get was a face of angry looks, and possible hatred for… ruining the savior's lives. Lovely, Oracle would think to themselves before adjusting their own items and making their way to their next location.