
Chapter 91: By Your Side


I woke up from the best sleep I have had in years and to the happiest sight, I could ever have wished for. I was still on Anna's couch. She was sleeping with me, her head on my chest. I tightened the embrace I had around her waist. Yesterday, we had stayed up almost all night just talking, not only about our lives but everything and anything. We had even watched fun videos and laughed like I hadn't laughed in a long time. I was always so busy. I hadn't even realized when we fell asleep.

I kissed the top of her head and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled happily before her eyebrows shot up and she jumped away from me. She turned around probably to wipe the trail of saliva from her mouth. When she looked back at me, she didn't meet my gaze and her cheeks were slightly tinted red. That was cute, but not as cute as her messy hair.

"Just a moment." She rushed to the bathroom.