
Chapter 71: The Other-Other Side


Six months later, July 8

I was alone sitting in the quiet white room waiting. What was I waiting for? I couldn't remember but I had been here for as long as I could remember. Time did not seem to pass, and not even my own voice be heard. I had tried to find a way out many times, but there were no doors, so I just waited.

One day was different though. There was a small voice. Who is that?

"Mom... Wake up," the sad voice repeated over and over. "Wake up. Please, forgive me."

His voice was so low, hoarse, and full of sorrow; I wanted to answer him, comfort him, but I could not leave this damned room. I shouted and screamed, but, as always, the white noise was not altered. So, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cold wall. I listened to his words. My instinct said that this person must be someone important to me, but I did not know why.