
Chapter 56: No


When do you give up? ~When the one you loved the most fails you? ~When your own body fails you?

~When fate betrays you?

When is enough?

... The doctor walked into the room looking alarmed. "I need all the family members to sit down for this."

Alex and Aiden complied; The doctor took off his glasses and rubbed his temples.

"To be honest, this nothing like I have ever seen before. The damage to your internal organs is horrifying. There is a lot of blood accumulated in your abdominal cavity and many of your organs seem to have suffered severe lacerations in the past. For some still unknown reason, the internal bleeding has stopped on its own. But, the organs are extremely scared to the point that it is doubtful that they are able to function normally anymore. Moreover, your complete blood count does not good either. In fact, you are anemic right now."