
My Wolf and I

Aiden Smith is happy just the way his life is. He has a loving boyfriend, Cato, and is doing great in school. He is on the fast track to following his dreams at the young age of 20. Only two short years and he would be able to buy a bakery and start selling sweets. But things he thought were already in perfect place started falling when Jayvee Haddox came into the picture. Jayvee Haddox is the soon-to-be Alpha of the Green Moon Pack. He has yet to meet his mate even at the age of 20, almost three years late. He decided to wait to look for his mate until after he got an education. He is doing great in school and staying focused on his goal. That is until his nose catches the scent of a sweet baker. —- “You can wait all you like, I don't mind. Stay with that boyfriend of yours, really. But it won't change the fact that sooner or later, you are going to be begging me to take you.” Jayvee said smugly, his body holding me against the wall, the back of his hand touching my cheek lightly. The smell of his cologne was making my head fuzzy. I had to get away from him before I did something I would regret. I couldn’t hurt Cato. “What’s wrong? You seem a little shook,” He paused to bring his head next to mine, he spoke right into my ear making me shiver. “Little mate.” He bit my ear and all hope was thrown out the window.

BluePhoenixWrites · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
28 Chs

Chapter Four


Classes flew by for the first day in a long time, it felt like I was in a class one minute then gone the next. That was until it was time for my last class; Business Management.

I was about to walk into the room when he bumped into me, the most amazing smell, the cute small frame, the adorable nose, mesmerizing eyes, with just one look, without a word this man had me wrapped around his finger. My mate.

Goddess, he was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. He was everything I thought but better because he was standing in front of me – not waiting for me in my dreams.

"You are beautiful," I said, letting some of my thoughts spill.

"I have a boyfriend," He said pushing past me. When our skin touched I couldn't help but let out a soft groan. I couldn't wait to have him for myself.

'Don't pay any mind to that 'boyfriend' of his. He will be out of the picture soon enough' My wolf said to me, I nodded in agreement before stepping into the classroom. My mate sat in the seat closest to the door, giving him some space, I sat across the room.

I paid the teacher no mind as they spoke, keeping my eyes on my mate. "Jayvee Haddox you will be with Aiden Smith. Aiden, raise your hand, please" the teacher said, I was extremely pleased to see my mate's hand raised.

I got up from my seat and walked over to my mate, Aiden. "Looks like you're stuck with my gorgeous." I grinned at him.

"What do you want to sell? I would like to make a bakery seeing as it's my actual goal in life." His eyes let up mentioning his dream. It pleased me to know that his dream was easily obtainable.

"Let's do a bakery then, it'll be good practice for me since I'll be taking over the one my parents own when I finish school." His eyes raked over me, so I took the chance to look at him better.

"Alright so a bakery, before we go any further I'm gonna need you to stop flirting with me. I am happy with my boyfriend."

My face fell but I covered it quickly before saying "Okay, I'll stop for now but don't miss my flirting too much sugar" I winked at him; I didn't miss the shiver it sent through him.

"Trust me, I won't." He said, obviously lying.


It was later that night, and I couldn't keep my mate out of my mind. "Dad, do you ever not think about Mom?" I asked from the bar counter that looked into the kitchen, where my dad stood at the stove cooking dinner.

"You and your mother are always on my mind, why do you ask?" he paused like his brain was loading. "Did you meet your mate?" he asked/yelled.

There was a crash from down the hall then the pounding of footsteps could be heard.

"You met your mate?" My mother demanded as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, I met my mate, he is male, and he is everything I could ever want. But he is taken and human." Their faces fell at the last part.

"Don't worry son the bond will draw him to you" My mother said "That's what happened with your father and me"

"What do you mean? Dad is a wolf too – not human"

"Well, your father was nervous about being with an alpha, but after a while the bond made him change his mind."

"The bond is why you two are together?" I asked when they confirmed I continued, "I don't want Aiden to love me because the bond is telling him to, I want him to love me because he wants to."

"Son, as nice as that'd be, we aren't humans, we don't live the same way they do. This is just one of those differences. I'm sorry but there is no changing that."