
Dissecting a Hybrid.

"Are you telling me that... all this time... you kept this hidden and didn't show anyone?" Sapphire's voice was calm, but there was a latent tension in every word, as if at any moment she could explode and destroy Morgana with a single movement.

"Well... I didn't have time?" Morgana said with a crooked smile, feeling the imminent danger in every second. She knew that at any moment she could become the target of Sapphire's fury, and she didn't want to be on that path.

'I hate witches... oh, yes, I hate all witches,' Sapphire thought, the hatred spreading through her body, but she was trying to maintain control.

"How disgusting..." Viola, the maid, said with a grimace, covering her nose while trying to step away from the table. The smell emanating from the dead creature was nauseating, a mix of rot and something even more unbearable.