
My Wistful Life Is Yours

Young, Rose Hollow has been moving family to family never finding the right place to stay as they only want the money that was left to her. Unable to trust anyone, Rose is left to stay at one home, but the owner of the home seems a little too odd and Rose wonders who this man really is. Owner of the mansion that Rose is staying in, Erik does his best to stay away from Rose as her blood is too enticing for him. Never having this kind of trouble with blood he wonders what makes her blood so special and why he's so drawn to it. As they say, curiosity killed the cat, Rose does her best to figure out who this man is and why he's allowed such a stranger like her to stay with him. No last name, never knew someone like him existed, and yet the one person she trusted the most suggested for her to stay at such a place. What will become of Rose? Will she find out Erik's true nature? Does Erik have enough strength to stay away from Rose? Will these two come together as one? Or will someone die for a foolish mistake? Read on to find out!! This is my first story written. I will do anything of this story for it to become worthy of your time! Thank you!

winterbear005 · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Tragic Past

*Warning a little malicious during the flashback*

As I looked into everything paper that was on the envelope, it makes me wonder why he's trying this hard with me? I only have till I'm 18 and I'll be out of here before he knows it.

Looking into the last stack of papers, in bold lettering I finally find out my schools name, Crimoisi Academy, and just reading the words academy already tells me that its most likely a prestigous school, meaning I'll be given a school uniform and they too will most likely have strict rules.

I honestly don't mind the idea of uniforms since it'll make my day easier when I woule have to attend school, but I hope the school isn't really strict since it'll be a pain to have them breathing down my neck.

A sudden knock breaks me away from inner thoughts, giving my voice enough volume to be heard, "Who is it?"

"It's Ms. Cross dear, I have your uniforms ready for you." I headed to the door so I can allow her in.

Entering the room, Ms. Cross places them on the bed, so I could put them away. "Thank you."

"Oh its nothing dear, I thought I'd wash them before you wear them and I also came to tell you that the master wishes to have dinner with you tonight as his way of properly introducing himself."

"Oh. Okay."

With nothing else to be said Ms. Cross leaves the room as she can prepare for dinner.

With nothing else in mind, I decide to just wander around the mansion, leaving my room, I look down the long hallway, wondering where I should start first.

(Erik's PoV)

Silence is all I live in, must of my life, I hardlt try to get attached to anyone as I find it useless... since they're only going to grow old and die, while I'm stuck at the age I turned.

Throughout my life I did my best to concern myself from the humans, but only one saved me as I saved him.

Mr. Clermont, he assumes he never saved me that night, but truth be told he really did.

12/22/xx, 11:26pm, on a cliff high above the ocean, the waves clashing against the cliff, as they roar with anger.

Its been quite sometime since I've killed a human being, and that man Benjamin Vaughn, has been the last human I've killed.

The man was 53 years old, had no family as he was only divorced three times, no kids, his parents have passed away for a long while now, and he was a dirty old man by sexually assaulting woman who he finds to his liking.

Well the reason why I killed him because, one of his victims happened to be my sister, who was still human unlike me.

My beautiful little sister took her life as she couldn't live with herself on what happened to her, other students heard and spread bad rumors about it, bullied day to day, but never once did she come to me for help.

Failing to help her, I decided to avenge her, finding out who the man was, I made sure to did a background check, then figure out his daily routine.

*Flash back*

I found out he's been going to this bar lately to find his next prey who happened to be another highschool girl with the same similarities of my deceased sister.

Following the man out of the bar, I wacked the back of his head, making him become unconscious, I picked up the man and threw him in the back of my car. Driving away from the city, I take him to a much more desolate area where no one can hear him scream.

Making it to my destination, I grab Mr. Vaughn by his arm, yanking him out, which wakes him up just a little.

"Wha- *hiccups* What's going on? Where am I? And.. who are you?"

I crouch to his eye level, trying to keep calm for the little time, "Who am I? Well Mr. Vaughn, I shall tell you, but first can you tell if you recognize this girl?"

I pulled out a photo of my sister, putting it close enough for him to see, "Oh... yes I definitely remember her. Her screams were music to my ears, a little feisty too until she gave up, and the look in her eyes were the best. The way her body felt was just beyond amaz-"

Not wanting to hear the rest of his story, I grabbed his entire right hand and made sure to break every finger, he screamed in pain as he felt every finger broken bone by bone.

Mr. Vaughn became sober enough to might understand the situation. He backs away little from, staggering to his feet as he tried to runaway from me.

A malicious smile formed on my face, knowing more than well he can't run or even hide from me. Saying in a loud clear voice, "Why are you running Mr. Vaughn? I didn't even get the chance to tell who I really am..."

I listen closely for his breathing, until not too far from a twig snaps, with my vampire speed, I sneak up behind him and grab him by the kneck, only to ross him against a nearby tree.

Still putting up a fight to get away from me, Mr. Vaughn scrambled on all fours, this time I stepped on his left leg only to snap it in half with my foot.

This scream was filled with even more agony, he then has the look of fear written all over his face.

"W-What are y-you?"

Crouching once more, I used my index finger to lift his head, so he can take a good look of me who will end his life, "First to properly introduce myself my name is Erik and thanks to you I get to kill you, you must be thinking why well I'll tell why.. it's because the girl whose photo I showed happens to be my little sister. You did such a vulgar thing to her, wiping away all of her innocence, which then gets her bullied at school.. she didn't ask for my help.. instead she chose to end her life! All because of a greedy old man like you touched her wit your filthy hands." This time I broke his left hand making sure not a single bone was left out.

I cried out in pain, but he begins to beg for mercy, begs me to spare his life.

This has made me laugh, almost too crazy, "You asked what I am, well Mr. Vaughn, I'm a vampire."

The terror in his eyes have done a 180, "Please... please I'm begging you."

"Well you should've thought of that the night you took your first victim."

Finished with toying him around. I grab him by his kneck again, liftimg him in the air, he struggled for air, but in a instant I killed him.

*End of flashback*

As I finally had killed him, what I felt wasn't satisfaction, but the actual time to grieve.

I wandered around the area until I reached a cliff area, knowing if I were to jump I still wouldn't die.

Not too far was a young version of Mr. Clermont around his early 20's, seemed very determined to jump that night. "You know of you're goinf to just jump then do it."

At first I didn't understand why I interacted with him, but if I could go back to that day I would had definitely interact with him again and again.

A frightened you man he was, continuously staring down at the cliff, "You stay out of this and stay away from or I will really jump."

"Alright I will, but to let you know I'm going to jump as well."

Startled from my choice of words, young Mr. Clermont stared at me, "W-Why?"

"Well its cause my sister die, but I was able to avenge her life."

Stepping closer to the cliff, young Mr. Clermont came closer to my side, "Hey! Wait!"

As I was a step closer, young Mr. Clermont grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back, "ARE YOU CRAZY! YOU SHOULDN'T KILL YOURSELF AS YOU SHOULD LIVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE AS THAT'S WHAT YOUR SISTER WANTED!!"

Such an imbecile he was, very contradicting, "Well sir, you should take your own words, as I'm sure you have a family of your own waiting for you."

Instead of jumping off, we listened to one another, and he wasn't anywhere near scared as he thought of it being cool.

So to this day I'm thankful that we met everyone though I found it as a burden to interact with human problems.

Here's the third chapter! Hope its to your liking and I really am trying my best with this story! I'll most definitely make it more interesting later on! That I promise!!

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