
My wishes in the zombie world

David was your average office worker, He had a nine to five job that payed alright and it fit him pretty well it was boring and easy, David was kinda crazy though not in the serial murderer kinda way more in the " I'm crazy obsessed with this one thing " kinda way and, David was obsessed with zombies in every way, He was never able to keep friends because he would only talk about zombies, This would eventually get him killed

Bean_Man_1343 · Võ hiệp
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How David Passed

David was walking home as usual, Sleep walking he actually repeatedly tried to break this habit over the years however it just couldn't be done it seemed to be in his very DNA it was certainly useful after staying up all night watching zombie movies however he would be in a huge amount of danger if he missed even one sign of danger, One time he even almost fell off a bridge because he wasn't paying attention. He was practically to his apartment anyway so he let his guard down for a minute... and then he was hit by a truck there wasn't some huge commotion after in fact the truck driver rode off without notifying a hospital making it a hit and run accident for 30 minutes he was alone there dying. Until his coworker showed up

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Gerald POV

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Gerald was very annoyed by one of his coworkers they were quite honestly a loser they weren't even that much of a bother at work they were quite and finished their work pretty fast and tidily. He liked that about them, However that person was his next door neighbor and they in the past used to take the same route back home. Hell he was even fine with that however, He would only talk about one thing zombies it was a fun conversation at first after all who doesn't like zombies, However after a few weeks of only talking about zombies it got quite annoying, So he slowly stopped talking to him and started to take a longer route back to his apartment building, This actually worked very well and they actually stopped talking to him, Though he never actually hated them, And he never expected or wanted to stumble upon his neighbors nearly dead body on the way back home

" HOLY SHIT " he shouted with horror in his voice " are you okay " he asked urgently

David responded in a weak voice " do I look okay " " right stupid question " he said while pulling out his phone to call an ambulance

" hey " said David his voice getting progressively weaker " could you do me a favor if I die " " no because you're gonna live " Gerald said suddenly feeling guilty if only he had continued to walk with him David would be fine, Suddenly David interrupted his train of thought " do me a favor and don't blame yourself at all for my death " Gerald stood there stunned as an ambulance approached them and took David


David POV


David couldn't believe that he was dying actually he could believe he was dying what he couldn't believe was that he wasn't dying to zombies he was dying because of a hit and run as his consciousness slowly faded away and he suddenly realized he was in a totally white room