
Sheng Ting's New Album is Released Today

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Although her tummy hurt, she was at ease the very second she saw her period. It felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted from her mind. She was having her period!

Gu Mang was way too formidable! Other doctors could not cure her over the past six months but she managed to in just two days! Her medical skills…

Qin Yaozhi was confused but her eyes were filled with astonishment.

Early next morning.

Qin Yaozhi was brushing her teeth.

The servant came into Qin Yaozhi's room to take away her rubbish and was surprised to see tissues with blood stains on them in the washroom's bin.

After half a year of delayed periods the stains appeared slightly darker.

The servant was beyond excited. "Young lady, you're on your period?"

Qin Yaozhi was brushing her teeth so she acknowledged unclearly but her tone sounded relieved.